While playing this game i have noticed for Ultra ac5 have a chance to jam. This is a problem as this bases the weapon on luck. Perhaps making ultra Ac5 reload after shooting a couple of times maybe 5 times and then reload. As of now if you're lucky you can burst anyone down very easily with a triple Uac5 build, if you're lucky that is. I think this weapon type should be less based on luck.

Ultra Ac5 Reworks
Started by Variant1, May 18 2014 06:49 AM
8 replies to this topic
Posted 18 May 2014 - 06:49 AM
Posted 18 May 2014 - 07:02 PM
The main issue I have with them is that they don't jam for *long enough*.
Jamming for ~ 4 sec, most pilots don't even notice that they've jammed. In TT they were permanently broken.
Jam needs to be around the 10 second mark to make that jam noticeable.
Jamming for ~ 4 sec, most pilots don't even notice that they've jammed. In TT they were permanently broken.
Jam needs to be around the 10 second mark to make that jam noticeable.
Posted 18 May 2014 - 07:13 PM
Voted for every option because I can.
Honestly I think the jamming needs to stay, and I agree with Fiona that it needs to last longer, however it shouldn't be completely random. It's infuriating when it jams on the first shot. The jam rates need to be more progressive, ie the longer you hold down that trigger the higher the chance of the UAC jamming.
Honestly I think the jamming needs to stay, and I agree with Fiona that it needs to last longer, however it shouldn't be completely random. It's infuriating when it jams on the first shot. The jam rates need to be more progressive, ie the longer you hold down that trigger the higher the chance of the UAC jamming.
Posted 18 May 2014 - 07:29 PM
Longer jam (because the UACs of the Clans are gonna be devastating), but the jam should be more related to excessive use and not random chance.
Far too often I'll fire once...except fail to fire because I somehow managed to jam before I could even fire. Of course the jams are short little 3 second deals (if you let go of its trigger; if you keep spamming the trigger it lasts longer).
Set two groups. Have one chain fired, and one full fire.
Roll your finger back and forth.
Doing this your jam chances are significantly less. Never hold the mouse button, it makes you more likely to jam.
Far too often I'll fire once...except fail to fire because I somehow managed to jam before I could even fire. Of course the jams are short little 3 second deals (if you let go of its trigger; if you keep spamming the trigger it lasts longer).
Variant1, on 18 May 2014 - 06:49 AM, said:
As of now if you're lucky you can burst anyone down very easily with a triple Uac5 build, if you're lucky that is.
Set two groups. Have one chain fired, and one full fire.
Roll your finger back and forth.
Doing this your jam chances are significantly less. Never hold the mouse button, it makes you more likely to jam.
Posted 19 May 2014 - 09:23 AM
I think they should reduce the chance to jam, or make it based on usage. The randomness of it is very frustrating. It seems as though sometimes you are being smiled upon, other times, the UAC powers that be absolutely hate you. It is too random for my tastes. (I still run them on some builds, most notably my CTF-IM with 3xUAC5, and primarily on that mech because there seems to be less complete downtime...)
Posted 19 May 2014 - 10:20 AM
CyborgDragon, on 18 May 2014 - 07:13 PM, said:
Voted for every option because I can.
Honestly I think the jamming needs to stay, and I agree with Fiona that it needs to last longer, however it shouldn't be completely random. It's infuriating when it jams on the first shot. The jam rates need to be more progressive, ie the longer you hold down that trigger the higher the chance of the UAC jamming.
Honestly I think the jamming needs to stay, and I agree with Fiona that it needs to last longer, however it shouldn't be completely random. It's infuriating when it jams on the first shot. The jam rates need to be more progressive, ie the longer you hold down that trigger the higher the chance of the UAC jamming.
That is a very good idea, longer you shoot the higher chance to jam. That way it gives less insane dmg dealt over time
Posted 25 May 2014 - 06:27 PM
maybe instead of jamming, the UAC randomly starts shooting less and less frequently up to the point where it's rate of fire is half of that of a regular AC5
currently the AC5 has a cooldown of 1.66sec, so make the UAC have a cooldown of 0.83sec (half of the AC5), and with the current jamming odds (or less/greater) instead of jamming you add 0.2sec to the cooldown each 'jam' until the UAC cooldown is at 3.32sec (double the AC5 cooldown). once you stop firing, you regain 0.3 of a second of cooldown time every second elapsed until it's back to normal - it should take about 10sec to restore the UAC cooldown rate from 3.32sec back to 0.83sec (as long as you don't fire it during those 10sec)
keeps the randomness of the UAC w/o taking away the ability to fire
currently the AC5 has a cooldown of 1.66sec, so make the UAC have a cooldown of 0.83sec (half of the AC5), and with the current jamming odds (or less/greater) instead of jamming you add 0.2sec to the cooldown each 'jam' until the UAC cooldown is at 3.32sec (double the AC5 cooldown). once you stop firing, you regain 0.3 of a second of cooldown time every second elapsed until it's back to normal - it should take about 10sec to restore the UAC cooldown rate from 3.32sec back to 0.83sec (as long as you don't fire it during those 10sec)
keeps the randomness of the UAC w/o taking away the ability to fire
Posted 15 September 2014 - 07:47 AM
The Ultra AC 5 needs to be improved, not reduced in capacity. It has already gotten itself nerfed. The jamming period is fine. Leave it alone. Anymore counter work to reduce items capacity and nothing will work right. I say return to the original rule set, and stick with them.
Posted 15 September 2014 - 08:25 AM
Mine jam constantly - I stopped using them and have switched all my CUACs out for standards. It's pretty aggravating when I go to shoot, and it jams on the second round right out of the gate and leaves me hanging. The worst part, is that when I run multiples, I get multiple jams simultaneously. The weapon is too unreliable to warrant trust. Besides, for Clans, it doesn't deal double damage like for the IS, so the only major boon is the extra slot you get to keep. Frankly, I'd rather lose that slot and have weapons that will fire non-stop than gain the extra slot and have weapons that jam at the worst possible moments.
As for IS, I stopped using UACs a long time ago for the same reasons. They just jam too much. Give me standards or LBX any day.
As for IS, I stopped using UACs a long time ago for the same reasons. They just jam too much. Give me standards or LBX any day.
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