I use a variety of different acrylics. Everything from Citadel/reaper/Privateer, to my favorite which is Vallejo model colors. Someone posted a picture of them above. You can find them at any Hobby Lobby store in their model section in case you do not have a local gaming store that would carry miniature paints. Vallejo also makes a very very fine line of game color paints. Like the model colors but geared more toward miniatures (more thinner).
Now what I will say now is very controversial in miniature paining depending on which forums/websites you frequent. A lot of times I will use acrylic craft paints. These you can buy at any craft store...I.E. Michaels, Jo-ann Fabrics, etc... Also at places like walmart. Compared to 3-5 bucks a bottle for a small miniature geared paint dropper you can pick up a 2 ounce bottle of acrylic craft paint for a buck and some change. Yes some are not as highly or finely pigmented as "some" of the miniature geared brands mentioned here, but 99% of the time I find them just as comparable. Stay away from the cheaper store brands and you should be okay. I have found the best of the craft paints to be Delta Ceramcoats.
There are many different techniques out there to creating beautiful painted miniatures. There is no wrong or right technique. Just some are better at achieving a specific result than others, and also you just have to find which works for you. The reason I endorse the cheaper craft paints is for me working in multiple thin layers is the best technique I have found. I basically prime my mini, then add the base coat(s) plural there in case I want to do both light/and dark bases on a miniature. Then I will usually do a couple of prewashes to determine the highlights and shadows, and do a mixture of wet blending/dry-brushing/glazes to build up the different colors.
Anyway I am currently working on a clay golem that I have done in all craft paint. I will post a pic of it here when finished. Again the miniature geared paints are excellent. Trust me I have my fair share of them much to my wallets dismay. Once you have some techniques down do not over look the better brands of craft acrylics. As they can be just as good and you have a ton of different shades/hues to choose from with those. Also if you get good kolinsky sable brushes take care of them! get you some brush soap, and dip them in hair conditioner after heavy use. Try and use distilled water for rinsing brushes in use, and also if you are using any metallic type paints. rinse the brushes in a separate container then your normal paints would be rinsed in to keep metallic flakes from crossing over to places on your mini where they are not wanted. It Is a good idea to keep separate brushes for doing metallic for the same reason.
Again this is just all my own opinion from my own experience and techniques I use.
Also good websites wit tutorials are... Cool Mini or not (cmon), dakka dakka, reaper, privateer press. There are more out there those are just the ones off the top of my head at the moment.
My laptop keyboard here at work is experiencing a weird lag so I apologize up front for any typos in this post.
Edited by PieRat, 28 May 2014 - 07:38 AM.