It is nice to see mostly positive tones in feedback, with some actual constructive criticism, despite the usual negativity that permeates so much of the forums around here. I think most, if not all, of these changes are in the right direction, even if more could still be done. On the other hand, there were a few things I was concerned about.
Flamers: This is mentioned a couple of times in the thread already, but where is their love? . . . Way back I put up a suggestion about them, and it included a suggestion for the Firestarter. I'm still overwhelmingly delighted we got the Firestarter, but a flamer overhaul was also mentioned at the same time (delightedly this came shortly after a moderator posted in my thread).
Any ETA on that overhaul, and what it is, would be greatly appreciated, please.
Think of the pyro's out there who are suffering! We need some love! If you need a reminder of what flamers need, just click the link in my signature.
Pulse Lasers: There is some concern in this thread (that I also share) that pulse lasers are moving too much in the direction of standard lasers. As it stands, you're just making our current pulse lasers fill the bill of the x-pulse lasers of canon technology, that close the gap between pulse lasers and standard lasers. They need to be more unique to be more viable. The shortening of beam duration was a significant move in the right direction.
These are in dire need of their own flavor to make them their own unique weapon system. There were several threads similar to this one,
HERE, that sought to give pulse lasers their own life. Has a conversion like this ever been considered and/or tested? It would make pulse lasers fit a niche that really doesn't exist in the game, which is a highly potent, DPS sustaining, brawling energy weapon.