Elric Tchernovkov, on 02 June 2014 - 07:57 PM, said:
If PGI was going to follow canon, there would be no ER large Lasers or Streaks currently. Same to be said for numerous weapons and equipment currently available to IS chassis.
ER Large Lasers were around starting @ 3037
Stream SRM-2 were around starting @ 3035
Name the others and I have no problems looking them up for you, as you do not seem to want to look at Sarna or grab one of the many sourcebooks out there.
Elric Tchernovkov, on 02 June 2014 - 07:57 PM, said:
That being said, why are there only going to be 4 available Clan tags? Will there be more eventually? Or will everyone who calls themselves a "Clanner" eventually have to adopt one of the 4 "main" Clan factions.
As Wolf, Jade Falcon, Ghost Bears, Smoke Jaguars were the ones that won the trials for Operation Revival
http://www.sarna.net...eration_Revival So it makes sense for them to be the first Clans in the timeline.
Elric Tchernovkov, on 02 June 2014 - 07:57 PM, said:
Seeing as this is a primarily a community driven game, why can there not be more factions? Especially since the way they have it now, everyone has to join Big Brother or be no better than a mercenary unit.
Speaking of which, what role will mercenary units play? As it stands now you can have a mercenary unit of unlimited size, but be unable to attack anything but border and periphery worlds? As a member of a Clan who is not in "The Big Four" I feel highly insulted and left out. Why not let a Clan who has the numbers take the spot of a clan who invaded by canon, but in MWO is a virtual unknown with little to no membership or active players?
This is not a numbers game per say. If they stray too much from the source they will kill off the rest of us that love BattleTech. It is a fine line they are walking and are doing a so-so job of it right now. The same could be said for the Inner Sphere units, there are no Periphery states.
Elric Tchernovkov, on 02 June 2014 - 07:57 PM, said:
I mean if Canon is such gospel why are there mechs in this game already that were not created until 3055? Look up the Raven if you do not know what I mean. PGI has proved many times that canon is just a crutch for them to lean on when they do not want to do something.
So, I challenge you PGI, truly make this a player run community. Grant faction tags based on player base and not some stupid "Canon Bible" you feel the need to fall back on when you do not have an answer. I mean honestly, who is in Clan Diamond Shark? Sorry guys I know there are a few of you.
And for that idioy who had the audacity to mention a Clan that has been reaved.... I will see you in game.
The Raven was put into production in 3024 by the Capellan Confederation. So what is wrong with it? Please before you start ranting and raving and posting walls of incoherent text, do your research and then take the time to post a well thought out and laid out post.