Bishop Steiner, on 29 May 2014 - 05:01 PM, said:
Well, we can't deliver a fully functional UI2.0 or Launch Module. In two years have not been able to balance the game and have had one of the longest running, stagnant Metas in the industries. We can't even promise a solid and reliable Client/Server for our player base.
But look! You can buy little speakers for your mech to make noise while you are engaged with a legion of Poptarts in MW:TDM!!!! Operators standing by!
You should try playing a Blizzard game from launch and for a few years after. They are widely agreed to be a top level developer, yet they still have bugs in Warcraft from launch in 2004, so 10 years. They gave us plenty of shiny armour, pets, mounts, etc though. You want to talk about stagnant meta? This game, right here. 10 years of the same thing, group up people, kill virtual dragons and monsters.
Then there's StarCraft, considered to be the best competitive RTS in existence. Released in 1998 and they kept balancing and rebalancing it till the
final patch in 2009, 11 years of constant balancing and fixing. Even with Starcraft II, it's been out since 2010 and they are still balancing and patching bugs.
Heck, for Diablo the devs outright said they would NOT balance the game for PvP as it would be impossible.
All three of the mentioned games have had their share of client/server and UI issues too.
Bugs and balancing is a constant and ongoing thing. The game will never be perfect and some bugs are pesky and stick around forever. It's the nature of the beast. PGI is no Blizzard, they don't have Blizzard's resources, experience, or the wisdom that comes with. That being said, PGI reminds me of Blizzard's early days. Lots of stumbling, lots of learning, and trying to play keep up with the demand of the community. They are trying and on top of us, they've got their publisher breathing down their neck for more money.
It's best not to get too bent out of shape over things you can't control and let it go, just play the game for what it is. They'll get to fixing the issues, Soon™. I look at MWO as an alternate universe now. I give PGI credit for taking on the challenge of balancing Clans to IS, no one has done it before because of how hard it is. PGI isn't perfect, but they're giving it a go. Which is more than most developers can say. Oh, and thank god it's not another Mech Assault.... *cringes*