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Dezgra Players.

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#1 Mezlo Steele


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Posted 01 June 2014 - 08:40 PM

I have done much to recruit players to Omega Galaxy Clan Coyote,now I have the help of many more within my Galaxy. It is a testament to the loyalty of those that I have recruited,that they want to be part of of the Galaxy that Facistmonkey and I created. Now I can understand that sometimes players decide that they do not want to be apart of a unit for good reasons of their own. Tonight though I found out a Warrior in my own Star left us with out any notice and when I found him and spoke to him he actually gave me a reason. Grimwill joined the Jade Falcons because he wanted to be in a invading Clan,he did not tell them he was in another Clan when he filled out their application which in my view make him Dezgra and will be treated as such. Is this now something that the non invading Clans have to look forward to,their Warriors sneaking off to join the invading Clans? Every House in the Inner Sphere has a Faction Tag,we now were told only the invading Clans will get Faction tags on June third. First the four invading Clans got their own sub forums,which from what I understand made it harder for the home world Clans to recruit. Now I am not a founder and only because I did not find out about becoming founder to late. That is not to say I have not spent hundreds of dollars on this game,I have along with many other loyal gamers of PGI. I do not understand why it is so hard to offer Faction Tags to all the Clans, I know I am not the only one to feel this way. I have currently over one hundred and fifty players in my Galaxy who feel this way also. As I am sure that many others who do not belong to the four invading Clans,also feel the same. I hope that PGI who in every game that I play and recruit more players for Community Warfare and have been laughed at and mocked because many do not feel my optimism that PGI will have Community Warfare ready by the fall,will do the right thing and have Faction Tags for all the Clans.

#2 Corwin Vickers


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Posted 01 June 2014 - 08:58 PM

You are applying a role-playing term to out of game actions.

#3 Lucky Moniker


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Posted 01 June 2014 - 09:18 PM

I completely understand your frustration at this, but to play the devil's advocate here, what about all the periphery states?
that being said, having a warrior just jump ship and say nothing to any officer is low. I personally would not want to deal with shady characters like that, that leave their gaming clan simply to be "in an invading clan".

#4 _Comrade_


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Posted 01 June 2014 - 09:35 PM

Well since this about me i guess i should comment

First of all, i am sorry to Clan Coyote for leaving Omega galaxy on short notice. If it is Dezgra i will leave that up for the clans to decide and whatever the outcome is i will challenge it in a trial of refusal. If Jade Falcons are offended by this then they can take me as a bondsmen and will not have be eligible for promotion or bloodname i am fine with that, or i will leave the galaxy and be a lone wolf clansmen of Jade Falcon. It's your choices and i am fine with whatever decisions you make. If people don't want me in their galaxy then im not going to complain, i always felt that i was a little unwanted in clan coyote. But to say that clan coyote has not violating clan law and is not dezgra themselves is ridiculous, especially when a renegade galaxy commander wants to invade the inner sphere despite his clan never having won a bid to partake in operation revival. Technically i could call all Clan Coyote Omega galaxy Dezgra for a number of infractions, including challenging House Davion....(should i bring up that post?). But i am not going to do that cause i agree that sucks that not all 100 something factions aren't being included in MWO

Second of all, when i filled out the application last Sunday morning, i had no idea events would move so fast as to where i was given clan tags. My intention was to play with JF for awhile and if i liked them then i would of join them, if not then whatever. Their are no bylaws in Clan Coyote's forum that states the terms of reassigning or leaving the galaxy...so i don't know if i violated anything.

Third of all, what good am i to the the clans effort to retake Terra when i am in a homeworld clan??? Or a clan that is not even in the game, that is like wanting to play a minor league team in a major league baseball game,

fourth of all, we knew nothing of clans and their structure a month ago, not even two weeks ago. Now we know more, should i not be able to recant my previous decisions? Sorry Mezlo but that is the risk you took when you created a clan coyote galaxy. Their was always the possibility that your clan may not have been in the game, and to someone like myself who wants to play in CW...that's not good to be apart of a clan that isn't partaking in CW.

Don't take the fact that since i decided to change clans i no longer like you. I still would like you play with you guys. But if i am dezgra then that doesn't phase me much either

Finally, i don't think its a good idea to make personal grudges public :D

Edited by Grimwill, 01 June 2014 - 09:51 PM.

#5 CyclonerM

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Posted 02 June 2014 - 04:04 AM

Probably not, indeed.

Anyway, i thought this had been discussed and it had been said that a non-invading Clan unit could offer a "contract" to an invading Clan by Clan Law and fight on their side. This, and the fact that all the Khans were present at the Kurultai during the invasion (probably with an escort) give the Home Clans a way to justify their partecipation in the invasion. I thought there were more than an offer already for the Coyotes..

#6 Raigner


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 06:08 AM

From a design perspective you got to consider what CW offers to each faction, its more then a tag and a name on a planet. Each faction has its own ranking structure, loyalty points store, mech and equipment manufacturing facilitys, discounts on faction produced mechs, faction specific uniforms, skins, paint jobs. and other items granted for loyalty fighting for a specific group, all that has to be designed and coded and tested. That is a lot of work for 20 something clans as opposed to 4. If they add the coyotes, then they have to allow the blood spirits, then you got the problem of the clan player base becoming heavily diluted and unfocused, And then why bother making a **** ton of clan steel viper stuff if it may never get used?

The odds of all the clan faction getting representation is extremely low from a design perspective, even though we would all want all the clans to be in the game. One of the most positive outcome is they open up all the clan faction tags so that coyote can exist as a group, but you will have to choose one of the 4 invading clans to back. similar to the clan equivalent of a merc company. if such a scenario comes to be i sincerely hope that you choose to support Clan Smoke Jaguar. good luck trothkin, hope it all works out for you.

#7 Lukoi Banacek


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 08:02 AM

1) PM's

2) Pixels.

#8 Mezlo Steele


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 08:20 AM

I am not entirely sure where Grimwill came up with this bit of information:

But to say that clan coyote has not violating clan law and is not dezgra themselves is ridiculous, especially when a renegade galaxy commander wants to invade the inner sphere despite his clan never having won a bid to partake in operation revival.

It is noted in our own forums at the very end of our Clan history that we were going to be the eyes and ears for our Khan in the inner sphere and thus we became the Khans honor guard there. Yes that is not canon it is role play.

Then there is this:

Technically i could call all Clan Coyote Omega galaxy Dezgra for a number of infractions, including challenging House Davion....(should i bring up that post?)

What everyone saw in this was my Challenge to Iron,what everyone did not see was our PM's to each other about how it was role play fun.

As far as this part:

Second of all, when i filled out the application last Sunday morning, i had no idea events would move so fast as to where i was given clan tags. My intention was to play with JF for awhile and if i liked them then i would of join them, if not then whatever. Their are no bylaws in Clan Coyote's forum that states the terms of reassigning or leaving the galaxy...so i don't know if i violated anything.

So you never thought to let the Jade Falcons know that you were already in a clan,honestly that is just wrong,whether there are by laws about it or not. To use your baseball analogy,that is like trying to play for two major league teams at the same time.

Finally this part :

Third of all, what good am i to the the clans effort to retake Terra when i am in a homeworld clan??? Or a clan that is not even in the game, that is like wanting to play a minor league team in a major league baseball game,

fourth of all, we knew nothing of clans and their structure a month ago, not even two weeks ago. Now we know more, should i not be able to recant my previous decisions? Sorry Mezlo but that is the risk you took when you created a clan coyote galaxy. Their was always the possibility that your clan may not have been in the game, and to someone like myself who wants to play in CW...that's not good to be apart of a clan that isn't partaking in CW.

Just on pure numbers alone I do not think the invading clans have enough members to really invade the inner sphere,now I could be wrong about this. Though if I am not,that means they will need assistance from the Clans that you say are not in the game to help accomplish a true invasion. I would also like to point out that Clan Wolf Delta Galaxy offered us a place to help them and I am sure Clan Wolf Alpha Galaxy would also. Also thank you for the offer in this post from Clan Smoke Jaguar,so to count us out of the game as you say is totally incorrect.

Also to think that this whole post was purely about you is assuming to much,you were just a catalyst to something all the Home world Clans might have to deal with. I think it only fair that if people start leaving their clans for the shallow reason of "I want to be in a invading Clan" Well that just shows the type of person that person would be. As far as a personal grudge there is none and calling you Dezgra is a Role play term but it is a Clan term none the less there for I think it is appropriate.

#9 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 08:44 AM

View PostMezlo Steele, on 01 June 2014 - 08:40 PM, said:

I have done much to recruit players to Omega Galaxy Clan Coyote,now I have the help of many more within my Galaxy. It is a testament to the loyalty of those that I have recruited,that they want to be part of of the Galaxy that Facistmonkey and I created. Now I can understand that sometimes players decide that they do not want to be apart of a unit for good reasons of their own. Tonight though I found out a Warrior in my own Star left us with out any notice and when I found him and spoke to him he actually gave me a reason. Grimwill joined the Jade Falcons because he wanted to be in a invading Clan,he did not tell them he was in another Clan when he filled out their application which in my view make him Dezgra and will be treated as such. Is this now something that the non invading Clans have to look forward to,their Warriors sneaking off to join the invading Clans? Every House in the Inner Sphere has a Faction Tag,we now were told only the invading Clans will get Faction tags on June third. First the four invading Clans got their own sub forums,which from what I understand made it harder for the home world Clans to recruit. Now I am not a founder and only because I did not find out about becoming founder to late. That is not to say I have not spent hundreds of dollars on this game,I have along with many other loyal gamers of PGI. I do not understand why it is so hard to offer Faction Tags to all the Clans, I know I am not the only one to feel this way. I have currently over one hundred and fifty players in my Galaxy who feel this way also. As I am sure that many others who do not belong to the four invading Clans,also feel the same. I hope that PGI who in every game that I play and recruit more players for Community Warfare and have been laughed at and mocked because many do not feel my optimism that PGI will have Community Warfare ready by the fall,will do the right thing and have Faction Tags for all the Clans.

1. Use paragraphs instead of mashing everything together. I know you probably typed this is anger, but still, it will be easier on the eyes.

2. At the end of the day it is Grimwill's personal decision to leave & I cannot fault him for it. He has the right to join another unit if for whatever reason, he no longer wants to stay in the old one. He could & should have done it in a much better way than not tell you guys anything. That was shady I agree. How non invading Clans handle the upcoming rollback will be up to them but there are options to leaving the Clan, as shown in another thread.

3. I understand your frustration Mezlo. I mean MW4 had ALL the logos for all the IS Houses, Clans & Periphery States, so why not MWO?

#10 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 09:02 AM

Honestly, this seems like an internal issue that had no reason whatsoever to make it a public issue.

At the end of the day, each and every one of us is a person, and MWO is just a game. Whatever their reasons for playing or not playing, who they chose to play with is entirely up to them. Mistakes may or may not have been made, but at the end of the day a person did what they felt they needed to do to get the most enjoyment out of the game as they could without actually harming anyone else.

How is that dezgra behavior?

You are a big Clan, quiaff? You can no doubt suffer the sporadic loss of individuals. It happens to all of us, and is par the course. All we can do is learn why people leave and do what we can to try and avoid letting the root causes happen again. And you know what? Some things you cannot fix. Why worry about it?

Edited by Pariah Devalis, 02 June 2014 - 09:04 AM.

#11 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 09:07 AM

View PostGrimwill, on 01 June 2014 - 09:35 PM, said:

Well since this about me i guess i should comment

First of all, i am sorry to Clan Coyote for leaving Omega galaxy on short notice. If it is Dezgra i will leave that up for the clans to decide and whatever the outcome is i will challenge it in a trial of refusal. If Jade Falcons are offended by this then they can take me as a bondsmen and will not have be eligible for promotion or bloodname i am fine with that, or i will leave the galaxy and be a lone wolf clansmen of Jade Falcon. It's your choices and i am fine with whatever decisions you make. If people don't want me in their galaxy then im not going to complain, i always felt that i was a little unwanted in clan coyote. But to say that clan coyote has not violating clan law and is not dezgra themselves is ridiculous, especially when a renegade galaxy commander wants to invade the inner sphere despite his clan never having won a bid to partake in operation revival. Technically i could call all Clan Coyote Omega galaxy Dezgra for a number of infractions, including challenging House Davion....(should i bring up that post?). But i am not going to do that cause i agree that sucks that not all 100 something factions aren't being included in MWO

Second of all, when i filled out the application last Sunday morning, i had no idea events would move so fast as to where i was given clan tags. My intention was to play with JF for awhile and if i liked them then i would of join them, if not then whatever. Their are no bylaws in Clan Coyote's forum that states the terms of reassigning or leaving the galaxy...so i don't know if i violated anything.

Third of all, what good am i to the the clans effort to retake Terra when i am in a homeworld clan??? Or a clan that is not even in the game, that is like wanting to play a minor league team in a major league baseball game,

fourth of all, we knew nothing of clans and their structure a month ago, not even two weeks ago. Now we know more, should i not be able to recant my previous decisions? Sorry Mezlo but that is the risk you took when you created a clan coyote galaxy. Their was always the possibility that your clan may not have been in the game, and to someone like myself who wants to play in CW...that's not good to be apart of a clan that isn't partaking in CW.

Don't take the fact that since i decided to change clans i no longer like you. I still would like you play with you guys. But if i am dezgra then that doesn't phase me much either

Finally, i don't think its a good idea to make personal grudges public :P

Wow. Really?

First off, you did NOT leave. You did not even state your Intent to leave. :unsure: As far as Mezlo was concerned, you were still a Coyote. You also did not tell the Falcons you were with the Coyotes. <_< As far as your status goes, that is up to the Coyotes but if you are considered dezgra, you are not entitled to a Trial of any kind.

Second, how are the Coyotes violating Clan law? The Hell's Horses did not win a bid but made a contract with Wolf to get their warriors a spot in the invasion. There was no violation there. I do not see how the Coyotes have acted in a dezgra manner.(should I bring up that post?) what are you, 12? If you are going to address a concern, address it, do not bring up something halfway then try to put yourself above the fray (well i could bring this up but I won't), that is childish nonsense.If you had issues with the policies of the Coyotes, you should have asked a question when you were a Coyote.

Third, no matter how you try to explain it, you acted shady. You did not tell the Coyotes you wanted out & you did not tell the Falcons you were in the Coyotes. That was a ***** move. You tried to double Clan & you got caught. There are no terms in the bylaws blah blah blah, I didn't know I was violating, so why did neither side know what was going on? BULLSHIT

Lastly while your concern is legitimate, you could have asked if there were any options available to the Coyotes (and there ARE btw) regarding the invasion.

#think beforyoutype

Edited by Jaroth Corbett, 02 June 2014 - 11:43 AM.

#12 ChapeL


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 09:29 AM

To all parties involves, there seems to be grounds for civill discussion on this issue but ... why is it happening here ?

#13 Raigner


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 09:33 AM

While I do not agree with Jaroth's wording, he is correct on every point Grimmwill. Your actions are unbecoming of a clan warrior, and clan Coyote can level whatever punishment for you that they wish to lay down in this community, as can the Falcons should they choose too. In the future do you fellow clan mates a favor and tell them that you are interested in joining another clan before you actually submit an application. Be honest to your trothkin, and be honest to yourself.

#14 _Comrade_


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 10:05 AM

Yea i

View PostCyclonerM, on 02 June 2014 - 04:04 AM, said:

Probably not, indeed.

Anyway, i thought this had been discussed and it had been said that a non-invading Clan unit could offer a "contract" to an invading Clan by Clan Law and fight on their side. This, and the fact that all the Khans were present at the Kurultai during the invasion (probably with an escort) give the Home Clans a way to justify their partecipation in the invasion. I thought there were more than an offer already for the Coyotes..

As for as i know i have heard nothing about Clan Coyote contracting to any other clan. Which means that we are not going to be apart of the invasion at all and instead will be content to fight Clan Snow Raven in 3050 as stated in Sarna.net. The clans were with Ilkhan Leo Showers but the only clan that bend the rules sightly and took apart in a fight was nova cats. All other clans didn't really do anything. From what i seen in maps of the CW there is no Kerensky star cluster...their are no pentagon worlds on the map. This and Russ Bollocks twit lead me to believe that the homewolrds won't even exist in MWO, Just based on the amount of coding it would take alone i can say with confidence that their will be no homeworld clans. I think it would be beneficial to the galaxy to sign a contract and perhaps join clan wolf in what is pretty much the easiest route to terra through a faction (FRR) that doesn't have a lot of members. I think that's a decision i would of made if i was a galaxy commander, i know this is what the clan blood spirit galaxy is doing and it's a wise move on there part.

But the general consciences seems to be that i am dezgra and as stated before if people agree that i am dezgra then i am dezgra, so i will be lone wolfing it as a clan jade falcon member. I kind of want to be the peter baelish of MWO, clever and smart....but if am instead the dumb Sandor Clegane who says "f the clans" and walks off, i can live with that decision too

Edited by Grimwill, 02 June 2014 - 10:15 AM.

#15 Tannhauser Gate


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 10:17 AM

While I understand the OP’s dilemma, I think posting it here is unnecessary drama. He should be able to handle this minor loyalty issue in his own clan with the support of his members.

Outside of rp, if the clan’s terms of membership state that you must notify leadership of you intention to join a second clan, and then you don’t, then youve broken trust with them and you deserve to be booted out. Even if there is no explicit rule, it would be common courtesy to let your current clan’s leadership know you are joining another clan or leaving or whatever. Ive run clans and similar groups before and I typically remove the person and carry on. Sometimes rp would take place around it, which is fine as long as its in context, but it should not be inflated into drama and certainly not posted on a forum like this.

If youre involving rp in it, leadership needs to handle it out-of-rp and then use it for appropriate rp. If leadership’s own rules get hung up in the drama of rp then something is wrong.

Just boot him, and move on. Don’t let this minor loyalty issue undermine the clan.

Edited by LakeDaemon, 02 June 2014 - 10:18 AM.

#16 Lucian Nostra


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 10:37 AM

inb4 lock for name and shame.

It is a valid concern about players leaving to join the invading clans, there is nothing you can do except to foster a sense of family amongst your unit to keep the players through the clan launch.

But to call them out in a thread like this.. sigh

#17 pbiggz


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 10:40 AM

As a member and officer in a company that has had its fair share of troubles, I can assure you that if you are having problems with particular members, you DO NOT make those problems public. You deal with it in private like adults.

#18 Vanguard319


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 10:42 AM

View PostMezlo Steele, on 01 June 2014 - 08:40 PM, said:

I have done much to recruit players to Omega Galaxy Clan Coyote,now I have the help of many more within my Galaxy. It is a testament to the loyalty of those that I have recruited,that they want to be part of of the Galaxy that Facistmonkey and I created. Now I can understand that sometimes players decide that they do not want to be apart of a unit for good reasons of their own. Tonight though I found out a Warrior in my own Star left us with out any notice and when I found him and spoke to him he actually gave me a reason. Grimwill joined the Jade Falcons because he wanted to be in a invading Clan,he did not tell them he was in another Clan when he filled out their application which in my view make him Dezgra and will be treated as such. Is this now something that the non invading Clans have to look forward to,their Warriors sneaking off to join the invading Clans? Every House in the Inner Sphere has a Faction Tag,we now were told only the invading Clans will get Faction tags on June third. First the four invading Clans got their own sub forums,which from what I understand made it harder for the home world Clans to recruit. Now I am not a founder and only because I did not find out about becoming founder to late. That is not to say I have not spent hundreds of dollars on this game,I have along with many other loyal gamers of PGI. I do not understand why it is so hard to offer Faction Tags to all the Clans, I know I am not the only one to feel this way. I have currently over one hundred and fifty players in my Galaxy who feel this way also. As I am sure that many others who do not belong to the four invading Clans,also feel the same. I hope that PGI who in every game that I play and recruit more players for Community Warfare and have been laughed at and mocked because many do not feel my optimism that PGI will have Community Warfare ready by the fall,will do the right thing and have Faction Tags for all the Clans.

Two words:

Harvest Trials.

Note: I'm not condoning abandoning groups at the drop of a hat, but this sounds more like an internal issue. If someone wants to join a particular faction, do you have any real say in their decision? Sure, he should have given notice, but it is his choice.

Edited by Vanguard319, 02 June 2014 - 10:48 AM.

#19 Jaroth Corbett


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 11:02 AM

View PostLakeDaemon, on 02 June 2014 - 10:17 AM, said:

While I understand the OP’s dilemma, I think posting it here is unnecessary drama. He should be able to handle this minor loyalty issue in his own clan with the support of his members.

It is more than that though isn't it? He is talking about the larger issue of having the Clan bleed members just because they do not have a slot in the invasion.

Edited by Jaroth Corbett, 02 June 2014 - 11:02 AM.

#20 xWiredx


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Posted 02 June 2014 - 11:07 AM

Hi guys,

I just figured I'd mention that this is a video game, and the OP is the type of thing I would expect from a 14 year-old girl on Livejournal.

Why does this thread exist, and why isn't the actual issue being discussed internally instead of making a useless thread about it?

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