Dymlos2003, on 03 June 2014 - 12:41 PM, said:
And "gasp" it could be today! But people are boring! All my builds are diverse and I don't care if I'm in high elo or low elo. I play cause I have fun with my builds.
Seriously though. It was mostly SRMs(Streaks as well) and Gauss Rifles. I know you like to think everything was better in CB but it really was the same just different flavor.
How many SRMs did you see being used in the finals of the MWO Team Tournament?
NONE. Because when you play to win, you realize they are crap!
Playing to win is NOT boring! I find winning far more interesting than losing and staring at a stupid screen watching other people play.
What IS boring is being forced to play a certain way (or certain few ways) to win. Now, to the Lords credit, they did brawl in at least one drop I watched--but the entire team was doing this. And it was CLOSE.
Try doing that in a PUG. It isn't going to happen. Most of the people in PUGs hide behind a hill in terror because they know these sharp pointy things called PPCs + ACs tear their life away in focused damage seconds.
Fixing (restoring) SRMs back to how they were would bolster the courage of those who are accustomed to being sitting targets.
You don't just go around telling people--well, play this way and you'll be okay. You gotta forge the right tools.
And good luck convincing those of us that like to win to take something else when there clearly are good reasons to take what we do when we want it to count.
That's like trying to argue to a dude at Wimbledon--"Hah! I'm going to take a wooden racket and gimp myself on purpose. You have to take one, too!"
"No, dude. The rules say I can take what I want!"
So the anger right now is clearly aimed at PGI. Not the players. At PGI for not doing the things needed to make things fun again.
Otherwise, just expect the player to want to do whatever it takes to win. And they should. Or were you raised believing everyone gets a trophy?
Dymlos2003, on 03 June 2014 - 12:44 PM, said:
Brawling was a big thing cause SRMs were crazy damage. No one used ACs until Ultras came out. I remember when I was telling people that ACs were actually good like today with SRMs but everyone said they were dead weight and replaced them with either Gauss or nothing at all.
I used Ultra 5 autocannons to sickening result all the way through closed beta into April of 2013, and then I switched to the CTF 3D.