Bilbo, on 03 June 2014 - 04:41 PM, said:
But they spread to adjacent torsos. In the past, we could have them all hammer one spot.
R Razor, on 03 June 2014 - 04:41 PM, said:
I'm not angry at all, I am just mature enough to realize that just because I think something is better because it is more fun for me it doesn't mean that it is better for the health and vitality of the game.
I detest ezmode LURM pilots and the meta crutch crowd that is incapable of winning in anything that doesn't utilize pin point FLD.....but that doesn't mean it isn't FUN for them to play. Is it the best for the game? Judging by the amount of other folks railing against it I'd hazard a guess that it isn't.........but if I thought like you then I'd probably think it was the ultimate expression of MWO because after all, it is FUN to one shot or two shot 3 or 4 mechs a long as you're the one doing it of course.
I never once have advocated one-shotting 'mechs. I'd honestly wish they would last longer. To do that requires a nerf. So, to avoid nerfing, you must buff to bring other things in line for the time being.