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The Complete Idiot's Guide To: The Meta

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#81 JimEvolved


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 01:05 PM

View PostDeitz, on 05 June 2014 - 11:15 AM, said:

Not enough coordinated LRM boating... LoL. LRM's are the perfect counter to the pop tart meta. No one wants to use LRM's because everyone gives them stuff for using it and cry's. Want to counter jump snipping? Get a dedicated LRM boat and learn how to use it. FYI, you will still have to learn how to play it....

Since most of the teams in the tournament ran jump-snipe builds, why didn't teams of equivalent skill run LRM-heavy teams? If what you're saying is true that LRMs are the "perfect counter" to the pop tart meta, it stands to reason that (a) very competitive min/max squads would know this and ( b ) knowing they were going to run into mostly jump-snipe teams in the tournament, run LRM-heavy teams.

So which LRM-heavy team beat jump-snipers in the tournament? I watched most of the matches. I didn't see it. Maybe you could link to the broadcast of those matches.

What I did see was the final match that pitting two teams against each other running the same meta . . . because (a) the meta exists, it isn't only player skill, *which the teams that went far in the tournament knew and used*, and ( b ) right now it is undeniably dominated by DS and 3D PPC/AC5 jump-snipers.

Edited by JimEvolved, 05 June 2014 - 01:11 PM.

#82 Deitz


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 01:54 PM


You should probably do your research before you say anything. Ask any competitive player what the counter is to PPC sniping and most will agree, LRM's are the answer. Most competitive teams are very comfortable with the way things are working currently, and change isn't always the easiest thing. I would start by asking them first.

#83 The Basilisk


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 02:50 PM

Stillradioactive did a very good job in explaining what meta is to a certain kind of gamer or lets say gaming philosophy that sadly took a foodhold in this game.

The term *Metagaming* means as Stillradioactive stated rightfully gaming beyond a certain border.
Normaly it is gaming or planing beyond the border of what an ingame figure or character should know, or beyond what an ingame character should be able to grasp.
In MWO as in most PC Implementations of BATTLETECH it is gaming beyond what should be possible with a certain mech or a certain combination of weapons or equipment pieces.


Metagaming in MWO is simply gaming beyond what a certain mechdesign or piece of equipment should be able to do.

A certain base philosophy of the Battletech Universe at this point of the storys timeline is the lostech phenomenon.
In short IS - Battlemechs especialy those of Mercs are at least many decades and sometimes hundreds of years old. Equipment should be scarce or not available at all.
A customization like it is done in MWO not to speak of minmaxing is completely against the spirit of the game at this point of the timeline and should be outright impossible.

The player complaining about metagaming that was deprecatingly titled Mr. Pugglesworth by Stillradioactive was simply and understandably remarking that a certain strategy that shouldn't be working or at least shouldn't be worth the efford is functioning pretty well.

#84 Nikkoru


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 02:51 PM

View PostDeitz, on 05 June 2014 - 11:45 AM, said:

you'll still have to learn how to use it. Every heard of "Advance Target Decay?" Do you know what a "TAG" does, or how to use it?

if you can't learn the basics and keep your missile boat out of trouble? I can't help you. Best of luck to you. Keep crying and whining to PGI... that tactic seems to be working, and the only one working for you.

because anyone who disagrees with you MUST be uneducated or inexperienced, right?

Please, spare us all your passive agressive nonesense.

You say you are not trying to bust my chops, but then assert that I must be bad and not know the game just because I disagree with you.

Whatever, you are just a troll.

Edited by Nikkoru, 05 June 2014 - 03:06 PM.

#85 Podex


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 04:05 PM

I don't run my meta CDA sniper as a meta build. I don't sit back and hide from the fight. I weaken them as they approach, making it easier for heavier mechs to take them down later in the match. Once the melee happens, I run in and distract, frequently saving someone's butt from annihilation, all the while covering them with my ECM so they can get out, recompose, and get back into the fray. If I see another ECM wrecking havoc, I'll run in and counter so people can lock. All in all, it works well for me, but it is by far the most demanding role that I've run in this game, and the most rewarding.

The point is that while people may have meta builds, some have found more team-assisting ways to use them. Nerfing is not always the answer, countering is.

#86 _Comrade_


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 04:40 PM

Meta is the reason why some Magic the gathering cards cost 20-35 dollars :)

#87 Phlinger


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 04:49 PM

Umm... much much more than 20-35$, much more

Posted Image

I used to play the tournament circuit when these were standard. THAT was an expensive meta. But hey, when I was done with that, they also bought me a new car.

This also belongs in there...

Posted Image

Edited by Ronyn, 05 June 2014 - 04:52 PM.

#88 IraqiWalker


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 07:37 PM

View PostNikkoru, on 05 June 2014 - 02:51 PM, said:

because anyone who disagrees with you MUST be uneducated or inexperienced, right?

Please, spare us all your passive agressive nonesense.

You say you are not trying to bust my chops, but then assert that I must be bad and not know the game just because I disagree with you.

Whatever, you are just a troll.

Ignoring his attitude, his statement is correct, a good way to suppress jump snipers is LRM boats. If you know what you're doing, you can dumb fire your missiles to make sure they never pop out without getting wrecked. As for adding a TAG in there, plus Artemis, Plus Target decay, that just guarantees that if they pop out, they get hit very hard.

View PostGrimwill, on 05 June 2014 - 04:40 PM, said:

Meta is the reason why some Magic the gathering cards cost 20-35 dollars :rolleyes:

The Black Lotus goes for about 1200$ actually, (yup, that's right, those zeros are no mistake)

Each one of the power nine goes for over 600 dollars, if not over 1000.

Edited by IraqiWalker, 05 June 2014 - 07:37 PM.

#89 JimEvolved


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 08:47 PM

View PostDeitz, on 05 June 2014 - 01:54 PM, said:


You should probably do your research before you say anything. Ask any competitive player what the counter is to PPC sniping and most will agree, LRM's are the answer. Most competitive teams are very comfortable with the way things are working currently, and change isn't always the easiest thing. I would start by asking them first.

Can I ask . . . do you understand Teh Intarwebs? I mean, you posted links and I assume you know those can be clicked by people who can see what is contained on those pages? Yes? Series of tubes and all that. Transmitting information. From one place to another.

The "3rd place match" right at the top of http://www.mercenarystar.net/:

Posted Image


So . . . championship match, DSs, 3Ds, SHD, both sides:

Posted Image

3rd place match, DSs, 3Ds, SHD, both sides.

Yah, wow, those competitive teams sure figured out all you need to do to beat poptarting is stack LRMs! Because when it really mattered, that's what they did right? Look at all that variation! Look at all those LRMs! Yes, verily, truly and thusly, the current meta is truly balanced as evidenced by the very distinct and different counter tactics used by the top teams. We have the photographic evidence to prove it right here.


Edited by JimEvolved, 05 June 2014 - 08:51 PM.

#90 Void Angel


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 08:51 PM

View PostUrsh, on 05 June 2014 - 02:41 AM, said:

I don't understand what that has to do with this thread. We can all pull out screenshots of our 700+ damage 4+ kills matches in non-meta mechs. Ever since I renounced Christianity and pledged my soul to the dark lord, I've felt much more at peace with the world.

Haha! Once you give up hope, you feel a lot better!

#91 Void Angel


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 09:43 PM

View PostJimEvolved, on 05 June 2014 - 08:47 PM, said:

Yah, wow, those competitive teams sure figured out all you need to do to beat poptarting is stack LRMs! Because when it really mattered, that's what they did right? Look at all that variation! Look at all those LRMs! Yes, verily, truly and thusly, the current meta is truly balanced as evidenced by the very distinct and different counter tactics used by the top teams. We have the photographic evidence to prove it right here.


I generally hate to make sweeping statements, but anyone who believes that all you need to beat poptarts is LRMs has a critical deficiency in their understanding of jump sniping, LRM use, or more.

Not only does a jump sniper simply need to find defilade from the incoming missiles and pop over it periodically to fight, LRMs spread while most meta weapons do not (that's what often makes them meta weapons.) This means that LRMs have a higher time to kill than meta weapons - they rely on being able to consistently pound on enemies out of cover, not punch them out with directed fire. That's part of why a PPC, for example (2.50dps; 2.50hps) has a significantly higher heat per second than an ALRM15 (3.88dps; 1.18hps) for roughly the same tonnage. The LRM system's dps is 155% that of the PPC, but it's heat per second is only 47% of the punch-damage weapon system. Yet the PPC is still the dominant weapon on the battlefield, because of its ability to deal its damage to a single component within a very short engagement window, compared to the LRM's propensity to scatter (even the ALRM5) and extreme reliance on sustained target lock and visual or over-the-horizon contact with the enemy.

Edited by Void Angel, 05 June 2014 - 09:44 PM.

#92 Void Angel


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Posted 05 June 2014 - 09:50 PM

PS: We don't have to ask the competitive teams what's best - 12-mans have no Elo. I've run into the top teams with my old 12-man, with typically (but not universally) painful outcomes. I've known 12-mans to use everything from Shadowhawk rush teams to hybrid snipers, to LRM-based teams. But while they're always experimenting, when the chips are down and there's prizes and real prestige on the line - when the going gets tough, the tough pilot jump snipers.

#93 KrataLightblade


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Posted 06 June 2014 - 01:10 AM


As it typical for this forum I'm seeing a great deal of arguement going on from completely different perspectives that are wholly incapable of seeing things from the other guy's point of view. I'm going to make a few sweeping statements not directed at specific people but rather at archetypes. Take that as you will.

To the guy who says "learn to play or get out of my game": You're being... let's be polite and use the word "rude". Please stop. The very concept of "meta builds" means that some things are better than other things and that players who recognize what those things are and use them will do better than players who either do not recognize them or choose not to use them. Player skill is a part of this, yes. It requires skill with gunnery to accurately and correctly target a specific part of an enemy mech, and it requires precise timing and teamwork to do so as part of a squad all doing the same thing to the same guy.

That said, it is a tactic that seems to be disproportionately successful and judging from the tabletop as the source material it is not the intended use of jump jets and not the intended way to dominate a battlefield. The fact that it does so is a quirk of mechanics in this game that deviates significantly from the source material. It also renders a large amount of the available materials for play something close to meaningless in highly competetive high level play. When a roster of almost thirty mechs sees over half of them declared "useless", that strikes me as an issue that needs to be corrected; not just a meta, but a by definition FLAWED meta that should be brought back into line to make more builds passably useful.

To the guy who says "OMG POP TARTS WIN EVERY MATCH": Bullcrap, please stop saying that. There IS an extent to which it is valid to say you really should learn how to play the game better. If a tactic frustrates you, seek counters to it. Jump sniping, pop tarting, whatever, it is a powerful tactic, disproportionately so I personally feel, but it is not an unbeatable one. And if you're regularly dropping into matches full of this particular meta, the game seems to feel you're a pretty decent player, since you're dropping into a more competitive ELO bracket. Whether ELO is working properly or not, you are being considered a better player and dropping into a bracket where you have to learn a new set of skills. These skills do not come overnight.

To carry the Magic: the Gathering analogy, anyone can win a few matches with a basic green beatdown or red burn deck. Anyone can blast down their opponent with big critters or massive damage spells, or with basic combos that your opponents don't see coming. This sort of thing can boggle the mind of a new player, but an experienced player will see it coming and attempt to beat you to the punch or delay your victory so they can force their own victory, depending on their playstyle. An experienced player recognizes board positions, sees how much mana you have, sees how many cards you have, sees what you're playing, makes some guesses as to what options you might be holding onto, and then acts to counter those options with his own, and you act to counter his. Magic the Gathering is a dance. So is Mechwarrior Online. Jump sniping is not Black Lotus -- Channel -- Fireball GG. It is a high tier strategy that is difficult to counter if you allow yourself to be frustrated by it.

I am as guilty as anyone of getting frustrated when I get kicked into a higher bracket and suddenly start getting stomped by better players than I'm used to dealing with. I roll with a group of two to three friends and we play regularly together, to the point where we have begun to develop a teamwork that synergizes well with each other. And yet, every so often, we have a night where we just get utterly stomped, over and over again, by people who have mastered higher tier strategies than the ones we're used to. We *****, we growl, we complain... and then we go back to playing, or quit for the night. Either way. We don't LIKE the current meta, we choose not to play by its rules, we get punished for it sometimes, but we choose to play the way we want, and we're getting better at forcing engagements on our terms rather than theirs.

I repeat: I do not like the current meta. I do not like the idea that a small subset of builds dominate the game above a certain level of play. I do not like that the particular style of play that dominates the game at those levels is a style that can very easily render me dead within the first few seconds of any engagement with the enemy. Playing the game is fun, being dead and watching other people play is less fun. Losing matches is less fun than winning, but win or lose I want a match that was hard fought and had tactical variety, not a match of standing across a valley popping over a hill sniping at each other like glorified Howitzers. I play Mechwarrior to see giant robots fight, after all, and I want to see LOTS of ways for giant robots to fight.

That said I do not believe the current meta is broken. I would like to see it changed, yes. But it is not so broken that the game cannot be enjoyed. Everyone has their own ideas for how to "fix" it. I have mine too. But at the end of the day, I am still enjoying Mechwarrior. And I don't have to pay a dime to play it.

(Oh, I've put money into it, but I never HAD TO is my point)

My personal preference for the game is to see a greater variety of brawling, sniping, artillery, and harassment in every match. To see a larger number of strategies compete, and to see COMBINED ARMS WARFARE dominate the field, not a single style of "snipers and spotters" that is vastly more difficult to counter for the average player than it is to pull off for other players at the same skill level.

But I keep playing the game. Maybe, just maybe, it's time we all considered that we're getting really, really worked up over a game we're... still playing and enjoying regardless.

I don't like the meta either. But I don't expect you to play by my rules... and more than you should expect me to play by yours. Pop tarts, keep pop tarting. I'll keep trying to beat you anyway. And if I keep losing, it'll just knock me down into a lower bracket again where I will probably have more fun anyway, right?

#94 TheStrider


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Posted 06 June 2014 - 05:12 AM

Love the MTG references, it's surreal having both my favorite hobbies collide in a discussion. :rolleyes:

Never was a tourney player, but I lived through that era.

#95 Deitz


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Posted 06 June 2014 - 05:26 AM

I have made several comments on this subject. Some may consider my commentary to be passive aggressive or just plain rude. Please allow me to clarify some of my previous statements.

I started playing this game in open beta. I remember the days of PPC Stalkers, Splat cats, Streak cats, and other specialized builds. Yes, I started out just like everyone else. I got my cockpit kicked in quite often before learning how counter these specialized build. Did I get completely ***** by a PPC stalker? OMG, if I had a penny for every time I got killed by or killed because of a PPC Stalker, PGI would be a lot richer. I LOVED IT! I loved the challenge of going up against specialized builds. I liked seeing if I was better at counter them, than they were at piloting that particular build. Yes I was new once and made several mistakes when taking a corner, and running into a splat cat. I laughed it off and dropped again. I rarely made the same mistake twice, and learned to look for those builds. I even piloted a few of them so I could learn that builds advantage, and disadvantages so I’d know how to counter them on the battlefield. I loved the hell out of that, and miss it a great deal.

Like most players I’ve always wondered how or why PGI has made the changes they’ve made. I started looking at the forums and found a lot of complaints, and started to recognize where the changes are coming from. Changes are affected by the complaints received. PGI just doesn’t make changes because it’s the right thing to do, or it’s something they’re watching closely. Someone had to tell them it’s happing before they take any action, and if enough players start to complain about one subject too often, PGI will do something about it. Like any gaming company PGI wants as many players as possible, and will do anything necessary to acquire that player count. If it was my company, I’d do the same thing. The problem here isn’t PGI. I see the problem as players that don’t understand the game enough, or don’t put the effort into learning or developing a skill set to counter certain builds.

Like myself, my clan as put a lot of money into this game, and have enjoyed it a great deal. I’ve spent so much money on this game that I might have been able to buy a PS4, XBOX ONE, or a new gaming computer already. And that means nothing to the hordes of complaints trickling down to PGI’s developer team. They just keep nerfing the game until it’s something that everyone can play easily. I don’t want an easy game. I want it to be challenging. I want it to be difficult. I miss the days of specialized builds. The meta is the closest thing we have to a particular build that is overwhelmingly challenging, and I want to see it on the battlefield. They just changed Artillery and Air Strikes. Why did they do that? Complaints, over whelming complaints. Personally I loved the Artillery and Air Strikes! Do you think the competitive clans were the ones complaining? From what I’ve seen, I don’t think so? However I can pull up and show you links to the countless numbers a new player complaining in droves about the head shot they just received and the game is broken. Have I been of victim of the Air Strike head shot? Yes I have, and it’s just one more factor you have to watch out for on the battlefield.

My point is this. Mechwarrior Online is a difficult game to play. It has so many different levels of complexity it isn’t even funny. If you’re just starting out, please go find a clan to join. Learn to work as a team. Any good clan will teach you how to counter certain builds, and may develop some more along the way, and at least you’ll be informed. I don’t think this game should be easy, please stop the complaints. Enjoy the game for what it is, and not what you think it should be. If you don’t like dedicating a lot of time to one game solely, then this game may not be for you.

Edited by Deitz, 06 June 2014 - 05:27 AM.

#96 Voivode


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Posted 06 June 2014 - 06:49 AM

As a meta jump sniping isn't as facemeltingly dumb as some of the past metas. It is, however, an indication of some broken mechanics within the game.

It's my belief that balancing should be a risk vs reward affair. The risk for jump jets (cost in tonnage/crit space) is insignificant compared to the reward (superior mobility / firing weapons from air). This is an indication that jump jets need to be adjusted. Mind you, not WILDLY adjusted, but adjusted nonetheless.

The same is true of pinpoint damage weapons. I don't think FLD needs to be eliminated, but perhaps it would be best to consider it when balancing weapons. Since doing full weapon damage to a single component is high reward (the name of the game is to blow out specific sections, after all) perhaps the risk needs to be increased in something like a longer cooldown time.

I think that's worth considering. The tournament adequately proved that jump sniping is a low risk/high reward affair. It isn't necessary to eliminate it, but adjustments to the risk/reward dynamics (I favor JJ cooldown increases on a graduated scale that affect lights the least and assaults the most) are certainly in order.

Edited by Voivode, 06 June 2014 - 07:10 AM.

#97 Deitz


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Posted 06 June 2014 - 08:09 AM

View PostVoivode, on 06 June 2014 - 06:49 AM, said:

(I favor JJ cooldown increases on a graduated scale that affect lights the least and assaults the most) are certainly in order.

They just did that 2 months ago. You use to be able to jump jet in a Highlander with just one Jump jet. Now you need 3 to clear any real distance. How did that affect Jump Sniping? One it made the Dragon Slayer king of Jump sniping, and slowed down the highlander. What it also did was limit the amount of ammo you should carry, so now every single one of those shots has to count. They didn't fix anything if you think about. All they real did was make the sniper work hard and make the most of what they had to work with. The next change will have little or no affect. They'll just move on to something else, and we'll be sitting here having the same argument about that build, or the new meta, until we have a completely even and balanced game where any one can easily join, and everyone can do the same things as the other guy on OP4. At that point, like so many others I have talked with, we will leave the game, and go play something else more skilled based.

Mechwarrior is hard and that's what makes it worth playing. If everyone could do it I guess we'd all lose interest. I will say this; PGI needs to be really careful here. I understand the business end, and why they do what they do. Mechwarrior isn't like WOW. There is a hard core following, and I've already seen people leave the game due to nerf's and buffs. You may want to cater to the die hards, and fanatics a little more. A game like Mechwarrior Online has a really good chance of out lasting some other games like WOW, or League of Legends. It's the next Diablo for sure, and always has been. Not too many video game franchises has lasted as long as Mechwarrior. Take care of us and we'll stick around, do us ugly and we stop spending money.

#98 Nikkoru


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Posted 06 June 2014 - 09:23 AM

View PostDeitz, on 06 June 2014 - 05:26 AM, said:

If you’re just starting out, please go find a clan to join.

If we may ask, which clan are you a part of, so the rest of us can avoid people like you?

I mean, I'm not trying to bust your chops or anything, but you are clearly a terrible person in real life because you disagree with me.

(see what I did there? I posted like you do.)

Edited by Nikkoru, 06 June 2014 - 09:45 AM.

#99 Voivode


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Posted 06 June 2014 - 09:40 AM

View PostDeitz, on 06 June 2014 - 08:09 AM, said:

They just did that 2 months ago.

No. No they didn't Deitz.

They made JJ require larger numbers to achieve full effect.

What I'm talking about is a straight increase in JJ refresh time, though that is technically tied to the number of jets.

Reduce the extreme reward of pop tart sniping by creating longer breaks between possible shots. If the recycle of the PPCs and the refresh of the JJs take roughly the same time, it allows the full potential of a pinpoint weapon to be utilized from the air. Make jump jets refresh at a slower rate (one that doesn't coincide so well with PPC recycle) and you allow pop tarting to be done, but lower the reward for it.

I know plenty of people who've left this game because the weapon balance is poor. People who are die hard Mechwarrior / Battletech fans.

Taking the attitude that changes to the weapons in the name of seeking better balance are "diluting" the game is detrimental to very long survival you're talking about. The single player centric titles of past didn't need to change things as much. This is a multi-player only game. Such a game, that possesses tremendous customizability but such poor balance that only a narrow field of possibilities matter, that game isn't likely to last long.

Edited by Voivode, 06 June 2014 - 09:50 AM.

#100 LiGhtningFF13


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Posted 06 June 2014 - 09:59 AM

Well guys I currently never go out without ECM, if not Rockets are burning the skies above me. PGI the masters of balancing!

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