Sorry for the resurrection of this thread, but I still think the current system is silly, is un-intuitive, and doesn't allow optimal game balance.
Fall damage should be calculated by mech's kinetic energy (KE) on impact rather than the system currently in use whereby damage is calculated by arbitrary weight classes, amount of time in the air, amount of armor on the mech (why is this even a thing??), etc. If a mech's KE is below a certain threshold, no damage is done (mech legs should be able to absorb some level of abuse thanks to flexible leg joints), and if its KE is higher than the threshold, then leg damage is calculated by a linear scale: the more KE, the more damage, regardless of weight class, time in the air, amount of armor on the legs, or whatever other system is in place.
It might be something like (with a different linear scaling value based upon PGI's intent to balance the game):
Linear damage scaling value = .00015
KE = (1/2) * mass * velocity squared
Damage to mech's legs = KE * linear scaling value
A Locust falls off of a hill in Terra Therma. When it hits the ground it is moving 70 m/s.
KE_LCT = .5 * 20 * 70 * 70 = 49,000
Damage_to_LCT_legs = 49,000 * .00015 = 7.35 damage to legs
A Dire Wolf falls off the same hill.
KE_DWF = .5 * 100 * 70 * 70 = 245,000
Damage_to_DWF_legs = .00015 * 245,000 = 36.75 damage to legs
It makes more sense than going by weight class, and it gives the lightest of the light mechs a little more desperately-needed love in a fair and balanced manner. It's silly that a LCT and a SDR (which is nearly twice as heavy as a LCT) both take roughly the same amount of damage from identical falls because they're both Light mechs.
Edited by Syncline, 04 December 2014 - 10:20 AM.