NeoAres, on 23 June 2014 - 06:39 PM, said:
For the Targeting Computer, I think it's a decent translation of the BT version's abilities, with one exception: the TC should not have an effect on a weapon ranges--it makes no sense from a physics perspective, nor a BT perspective, and it only serves to make already-long range clan weaponry excessively long range.
I do not agree on that. Neither does an effective range boost make sense (no ballistic weapon will fire further when aimed better, that's a matter of the propellant charge and projectile aerodynamics), nor does more critting (not connected with better aim at all, as long as you can not specificly aim for a crit).
My suggestions:
I do like your TC ability proposal #1 (weapon lead indicator), as I was also proposing it already. However, this lead indicator would be troublesome in implementation on mechs with a large number of different weapons - there would be many indicators, which would not only obstruct the view, but also would create the need to somehow "mark" them for the player sufficiently to allow him to see, which indicator is corresponding to which weapon. Instead of the TC, I'd take this for SSRMs only (= getting closer back to BT description of SSRMs), trading in the current "somehow-somewhere-homing" capability.
My favored implementation of a TC would be to first uniformly introduce COF on ballistics+PPC (like on MG already), which would alleviate the often complained pinpoint-damage-problem, remove the second "standard"-zoomlevel, and have the TCs gradually reducing COF and allowing better zooming (second zoom level). For Lasers, I'd add something similar to COF by removing auto-convergence and replacing it by converging on selected target range only. The time until reaching full convergence after targeting would then be reduced by TCs.
This way, spending tonnage and slots on TCs is also benefit for more experienced players, while still not making aiming without impossible.
Now, on to my personal CC. Trying to mimic the BT description/effect, a CC shall not improve targeting like TC or share target information/enable indirect fire without locking (C3-functionality), but allow to do more tactical operations per time. Therefore, a CC could grant the following boni:
1) Enhanced survivability against headshots: Having a second cockpit would equal double internal structure level of the cockpit. Since the internal structure levels in MWO have increased, the factor 2 might have to be reduced somewhat to counterbalance.
2) Higher sensor efficiency: Faster mech detection time (range is BAP feature), longer missile lock retaining time after loss of LOS. Maybe slightly reduced ECM effect and additional second zoom level (low). No weapon precision bonus, no locking time reduction.
3) Second target locking: by functional key, a target can be "stored", and a second one targeted by "R"-key. The pilot now may switch between the stored and active targets by hotkey. When switching to a stored target, previously attained missile locks apply instantly. If the stored target leaves sensor range or is getting masked by ECM, the target is lost.
4) Tactical marking: When the pilot is leader of a lance or a team, he may designate a target to be target of preference by a hotkey, which will communicate that to all lance/team mechs, resulting in a visual indication on HUD target marking.
5) See-through tactical map display on HUD: by hotkey, tactical map can be displayedas HUD overlay. This allows better tactical overview and reduces the time needed for issuing lance/team commands.
The amount of each effect would be needed to be fine-tuned to not disturb balance.