Tried my older install on MW:LL, still 0.7.1.
- Would not work as no connection to any servers.
Read the latest about the new servers and how to setup the IP's.
- But the game tells me I have 'modified' files?
- Re-downloaded the latest install, and will start over.
(I don't remember installing any 'modified' files, would the steadied reticle be the issue? Sucks to have to download all those maps again, and set up the controls.)
After a quick talk with Kh0rn on Ts, and some simple additions to the server list,
- MW:LL is fully functional now. (again)
Thanks again for the fast guide, and allowing me to watch some match's in spectator mode.
- Why are we not seeing the level of detail (in MWO) and some unbelievable maps as MW:LL has shown?
- How can one Mod get the scale so right and MWO not be able to do the same in the same engine?
(just comments, no response is required.)
Just glad there are more routes into the BattleTech Timeline and gameplay now. Keep up the push to bring MW:LL deeper into the publics view.
Edited by 9erRed, 29 March 2015 - 03:57 PM.