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Warhorn And Module Details Released

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#201 Reptilizer


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 05:27 AM

View PostAppogee, on 11 June 2014 - 04:22 AM, said:

I will say it again (just because it is an important consideration).

Target Deprivation isn't stupid. The existing module which enables people to magically maintain target locks even after line of sight is broken is stupid.

If the implausible ''see behind cover" module didn't exist, then there'd not even be a need for the second implausible module.

When you see target retention as a movement prediction for a very few seconds (which should be easy with our quite sluggish multi-ton war machines) it makes quite a lot of sense.

What makes no sense for me is the poptart instantaneously vanishing from lock when going back down behind the ridge although you know exactly where it landed...

#202 Mechteric


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 05:30 AM

Target Deprivation is going to be like Seismic Sensor all over again.

Its going to be too useful to the point where everyone will practically be required to put it on all of their mechs. Then, a month later or so, it will get a nerf and people will complain.

PGI, don't do this to yourselves again. Pull this one back and think it through.

#203 Tiamat of the Sea


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 05:37 AM

Now that I've slept on it, I have a batch of questions and thoughts about these modules!

Speed Retention: ...actually, this one seems okay.

Shockabsorbance: This is a really weird decision. Why are you adding this at practically the same time as you are changing how fall damage works? Does nobody understand what is game design, even? You should not be changing multiple things that relate to a single game element at the same time. You should not have even considered adding a module just to reduce fall damage at the same time as you were looking at adjusting fall damage itself- this is poor planning at best.

Radar Deprivation: This is ridiculous. Unless you're going to make LRMs already in the air stop switching to dumbfire mode the instant lock is lost, you've just thrown another ball and chain on the ankles of anyone trying to use LRMs for indirect fire- and there are already a lot of players who essentially refuse to use LRMs at all because they find indirect firing LRMs unreasonably difficult to get results out of. This is especially true when you consider how this module will interact with poptarting 'mechs. What you've done here is reinforce the common metastatic tactic, at the same time as you're trying to reduce it's effectiveness and popularity. I have no idea how you could excuse this as a game design oversight- surely someone in the studio realized how useful this module would be to poptarters. This is borderline forcing anyone trying to counteract poptarters into using high-travelrate projectile weapons to counter them..... the exact weapons loadout that poptarters use. What even is this decision. This is like..... I don't even know what this is like. I can't actually think of a time when a game producer I'm aware of has done something like this. Incidentally, that is a good thing and it should stay that way.

(It should be noted that at the same time, I think the target lock retention module is irrationally strong as it currently stands, but that should be fixed by adjusting that module, not adding this module. If you are attempting to use this as a counter for that module, it should reduce all lock retention time by a significant percentage, not eliminate it entirely.)

AMS Overload: I'm not sure this will even matter? How fast does the AMS re-aim at a new missile, and is that affected by the AMS Overload module as well? If it's not, all this module will do is force the AMS to eat ammunition more quickly. I don't understand this module.

Enhanced NARC (I corrected your spelling): I presume 'speed' refers to the speed at which the NARC beacon flies? If this is a boost to the speed missiles fly at the NARC'd 'mech, you're making a significant mistake here (as the furor of the highest recent missile travel speed should tell you). I also have to assume that the 'tag duration' refers to how long the NARC beacon remains on the target, since this is a NARC module and not a TAG module. What the heck is an 'EMP duration', though? Are you referring to the duration for which the NARC stops ECM on the 'mech it's attached to? If so, why? Isn't the note that this module increases the NARC beacon duration enough on its own? This is described confusingly, please fix it.

Edited by Quickdraw Crobat, 11 June 2014 - 05:41 AM.

#204 Bigbacon


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 05:44 AM

will the other decay modules override the instant target loss?

maybe ECM counter or disrupt should be able to disrupt this? There needs to be a counter for these things.

i bet the fall damage module IS the fix for the fall damage.

Edited by Bigbacon, 11 June 2014 - 05:46 AM.

#205 Geek Verve


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 06:17 AM

View PostBront, on 10 June 2014 - 01:38 PM, said:

Are those modules unique and unable to be purchased any other way?

If so, it's the first pay to win thing I've seen in MWO, and it's a sad day.

As it is, AMS can manage up to 5 missles at a time. The module will allow them to manage 5.5 missiles at a time. The other modules aren't really all the much more beneficial. Considering the limited number of module slots available, I don't see me spend one on any of these except in only a few circumstances - and even then, it would only be to fill an empty slot.

View PostBull Frog, on 10 June 2014 - 01:44 PM, said:

Seriously ? Warhorns will broadcast those annoying sounds to everyone in hearing range ? It wasn't so bad when it was restricted to one fairly expensive Hero mech. Brace yourselves for warhorn spam :lol:

View PostCrotch RockIt, on 10 June 2014 - 01:48 PM, said:

I would like to request a MUTE button for the warhorns in the Audio Settings, please! I want to hear pew-pew, dakka-dakka, and wub-wub noises, not those godawful warhorns.

I agree. Not looking forward to them at all.

I've been on the fence about buying a clan pack (if I do, it will be the Masakari). Silly stuff like this is just one more thing that gives me pause and reason to consider that maybe another game that's just around the corner would be a better use of my funding. Christmas lights and hula girls are one thing. They're cosmetic and only really visible to those who buy them. Blasting silly sound bites all over the battlefield just cheapens the whole experience IMO.

Edited by Geek Verve, 11 June 2014 - 06:17 AM.

#206 Napoleon_Blownapart


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 06:18 AM

new mechs, new modules, no public test?i cant wait to use more AMS ammo in a tunnel trying to shoot down missles thru the mountain wall......how about an AMS toggle module or self only AMS module?maybe i dont want to protect the teammate trying to shoot through me at the enemy.

#207 Xune


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 06:22 AM

We Realy need to know if Advanced target decay is going to counter the instant lock loose Module, or if its indeed as overpowered and utterly without a thought introduced death stroke to Anything that needs lock.

#208 Felix Jongleur


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 06:31 AM

I backed I have 0 intention of using these horns they are obnoxious as hell. They look like crap, and they will obstruct my field of view.

All I ask is for an option to disable the sounds they make so I don't have to hear them when someone else scores a kill. The Heavy Metal already drives me insane with it's music.

#209 Mizore


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 06:33 AM

Yeah... first you finally do something against JumpSniping via increased fall damage and then you introduce a module that maybe makes JumpSniping viable again... :lol:

FAIL!!! (but really clever... that's a nice money sink for 6.000.000 C-Bills)

Edited by Mizore, 11 June 2014 - 06:34 AM.

#210 Tarek Saron


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 06:37 AM

View PostRegulus1990, on 10 June 2014 - 03:58 PM, said:

Isobaric and yardsale are the two I like. Rest are kinda meh in my opinion. Personally I would've loved something like this:

What he said. Also option to mute the bloody things is absolutely necessary. What a stupid gimmicky thing to put in a game of this style. This isn't TF2 or Wildstar, people.

#211 Mystere


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 06:59 AM

View PostFelix Jongleur, on 11 June 2014 - 06:31 AM, said:

All I ask is for an option to disable the sounds they make so I don't have to hear them when someone else scores a kill. The Heavy Metal already drives me insane with it's music.

My Heavy Metal is specced as an in-your-face brawler. As such, I "use" its kill music to announce that I have just killed one of your buddies and that you are next. :(

I really should bring it out more often.

View PostCrotch RockIt, on 10 June 2014 - 01:48 PM, said:

I would like to request a MUTE button for the warhorns in the Audio Settings, please! I want to hear pew-pew, dakka-dakka, and wub-wub noises, not those godawful warhorns.

Negative. I have every intention of "using" those warhorns as a "Come and get me before I kill another one of you surats!" taunt. :lol:

Edited by Mystere, 11 June 2014 - 07:00 AM.

#212 Innocent Killer


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 07:06 AM

Well i think a some of the Mods are cool. However the war horns leave lots to be desired. To me they seem like short notes ripped from Dubstep tracks. I like Dubstep but this crap sucks.

Maybe if this attempted again PGI should ask for some suggestions. Of course know one will agree on what might be cool or what might be lame.

Just my thoughts!

#213 damonwolf


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 07:14 AM

I demand a Warhorn MUTE button.

The Heavy Metal is annoying already, but I really will not stand for the battlefield sounding like a kindergarten class playing a musical number. Badly.

What a horrible way to #%$& everyone else that plays your game that isn't buying your money grab Clan Package. If this goes live with no mute button, then I quit. I will never spend another penny, or second playing your PoS money grab game. I can reasonably predict that my friends that I run with will quit as well.

Also, is the the Radar Deprivation Module designed specifically for the lil "NERF LRM" whiners? It's a bulls**t Module. Nullifying the Target Decay Module completely is bulls**t. I could accept the RD module reducing the TD Module time by 50% or some such. But, nullify completely? FO!

Edited by damonwolf, 11 June 2014 - 07:24 AM.

#214 Mystere


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 07:35 AM

View PostCarnageINC, on 10 June 2014 - 07:43 PM, said:

I really hope PGI implements a toggle to eliminate the warhorns. They sound horrible and in my opinion the clanners are not into dub step garbage horn tooting.

For those of you who haven't seen this video on OutreachHPG posted by AveDominusNox, take a look at the future....

What I would like to know is how people will be able to get a match with more than 24 players.


Edited by Mystere, 11 June 2014 - 07:36 AM.

#215 MountainCopper


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 07:43 AM

Ok. Once more from me:

I sure as hell do not need to be annoyed by war horns while playing this game. Something I am not allowed to disable, as far as I understood it.

The kill sound the Heavy Metal is playing is irritating enough. I mean, who thought it might be a fun idea to give players the ability to annoy other players with sound effects generated by social items?
AND to deny them an option to turn them off !?

Edited by GoldenFleece, 11 June 2014 - 07:48 AM.

#216 Desintegrator


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 07:45 AM

Wow - that are fantastic modules !
Everybody should buy the Masakari Edition very fast...

The Speed Retention is so fine !
Delete your "Air Strike Module" from your mech, which makes no sense anyway and equip the "Speed Retention". Then you dont have to move with 40 kph when you loose a leg in your Spider -> then you can move with a fantastic 50 kph !

That's a big improvement and you can really survive then by moving fast and no AC 20 will hit you when you lost a leg.

#217 Dragunz Pryde


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 07:47 AM

View PostCarnageINC, on 10 June 2014 - 07:43 PM, said:

I really hope PGI implements a toggle to eliminate the warhorns. They sound horrible and in my opinion the clanners are not into dub step garbage horn tooting.

For those of you who haven't seen this video on OutreachHPG posted by AveDominusNox, take a look at the future....

Are you kidding me with this video?!?!? :lol:

Come on people use some common sense here. First off i had to have heard like 20 horn sounds two minutes into this video....HOW many games have you played where there were 20 kills in 2 minutes??? Because i have been playing since early closed BETA and i cant think of any. Secondly, these are only going to be equipped on some of the mechs. Even so you will only hear this about 10-12 times a match over a roughly 10 minute stretch. Annoying, maybe, but hell i cant wait to do my part...lol.

As for the sounds themselves, here are my oppinions:

Gattling Horn - Meh...its OK, but to monotone.

Isobaric - LOVE IT :( I agree with the other posters it reminds me of War of the Worlds!

Kickers - I like it, sounds like a dubstep version of a war horn so i get it.

Lunch truck - Not a fan, not sure what they were going for here but ugh....

PleasureChamber (Yes i read that one wrong the first time to :rolleyes:) - Sounds like an air raid siren, not bad.

Recroom - Sounds like an electric guitar version of a war horn....not my favorite but not terrible.

Sonic Boom - I kinda dig it, but i can see that reverb getting annoying.

Surat - Love it, lol this one got me laughing.

Yard Sale - Love this one as well, also sounds kind of like war of the worlds a bit.

Envious Eardrum - I like classical music, but that doesn't make me like this, it just doesnt make me think war horn.

All in all, i like the majority of the sounds. But i can see some peoples points about the art direction, some of them look a bit out of place.

I also agree they need to make the war horn sounds for each clan, wolfs howl, falcon screech, bear growl, and puma roar. I could definitely see me ponying up some xtra MC for that Falcon Screech.. this would work quite well!!!

#218 damonwolf


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 07:50 AM

You know what your Warhorns are PGI? A form of griefing. And you should be ashamed of yourselves for bringing it into the game.
One of the reasons I liked playing this game was the absence of griefing. Now if I die on the battlefield, I'll have the added anger generated from some lil **** blowing his ******* Warhorn over my burning corpse in some perverted Mech audio arm flexing? F**K that!
You should all be ashamed of yourselves for what you're making your game into, and the type of players you're attempting to entice...all for $$$. Sadly, if you people would stop and think for a moment, you'd realize that pissing off your loyal customers and forcing them to quit by incompetent business decisions will lose you more $$ in the future than by quick money making schemes.

Since this is not April 1st, I'm hoping that you're just putting this out there to see how the community will react to such things and will hear us and make the appropriate and correct decisions regarding them.

Edited by damonwolf, 11 June 2014 - 07:57 AM.

#219 MountainCopper


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 07:51 AM

View PostBlue doqyn, on 10 June 2014 - 01:41 PM, said:

They already stated the modules will be released for all Clan pilots for Cbils. Its not pay to win. Its pay to get stuff before others. >_>

It's P2A.

Pay to Annoy

#220 Facetious


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 07:54 AM

These... I am disapoint. I can't believe they didn't put any quality control into the warhorns, to at least bring them into line with the Clans. You realize the Clans were like super serious right, and not real big on frivolity?

I just picture the PGI office right now, reading the comments about making Clan specific warhorns (bear roar, wolf howl, etc.) and the devs looking at each other and saying, "holy crap, why didn't we think of that? Well we can't change em now, we'll look stupid..."

But trust me, you won't. Just put up a poll like the clan logos. And next time, maybe you should remember this fiasco, and ask people beforehand.

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