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#1 StonedDead


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Posted 21 December 2011 - 06:52 PM

Any Earthsige players out there still? This was the first mecha style game that I ever played. It has a lot of similarities to Mechwarrior. Basically an AI is the devil game with mech type vehicles. These 'Hercs or Herculan vehicles had weapon groupings, shields, and an unlimited supply of power for weapons as long as you had time to charge, as well as heat and internal component issues to deal with besides just armor loss. I really enjoyed the ability to set custom weapon chains up in combat, as well as the ability to link weapon systems of similar type. So, any of you old players out there give a shout out here, and if anyone knows how to get it set up on Win 7 x64 and not have severe joystick issues, let me know lol. Enjoy!

#2 feor


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Posted 21 December 2011 - 07:52 PM

Earthsiege 1 = awesome, but horribly flawed (seriously? I run into hills instead of over them?!)
Earthsiege 2 = awesome personified.
Starsiege = extremely cool story (even if they co-opted every Sierra game they could lay hands to for it) fun gameplay, but too many bugs to survive competing with MW3.

Cyberstorm = to me what megamek should evolve into sometime in the future.

I still remember when I mastered the ELF Horseshoe technique and made getting new stuff in ES2 child's play. (Down the left side, across the knees, back up the right side before it hit the ground. Destroy the HERC and salvage 80% of it's weapons in one swoop.) Or the one mission where if you don't get it complete in time three new sensor blips show up, and when you come over the hill it's a trio of Cerberus quad HERCs waiting for you. *eep*

Best bet for getting it to play on Win7 x64 is the same solution to playing MW2:Mercs. Find the Dos version of it, run it in dosbox (may have to rip it into a .bin/.cue image file for DosBox to be able to mount the CD) and set the joystick for some kind of 2 button generic stick.

#3 Aaron DeChavilier


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Posted 22 December 2011 - 06:31 AM

one more herc pilot to fight the tin cans; right here! I cut my giant robot teeth
on earthsiege 2 before getting into mechwarrior 2. Between the salvage system,
building your mechs, the RPG-esque base management and the very realistic
mission briefings: military brief, intelligence, and objectives windows ES2 was very
well put together and the graphics were better than mw2.

Sierra Help Pages - provides custom installers for ES1 and ES2; I can run ES2 at
either fullscreen or window on my x64 Win 7 Home - not sure about the joystick

Edited by Aaron DeChavilier, 11 June 2014 - 09:35 AM.

#4 Stahlseele


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Posted 22 December 2011 - 03:17 PM

Sometimes i look back at EarthSiege1/2/Starsiege and wish Starsiege had worked out like Mechwarrior did . .

#5 StonedDead


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Posted 22 December 2011 - 04:23 PM

@ Aaron Ty for the tip, I found the box for ES2, now if i can only find my disk!

I never did get into the Starsige game. I was put off after I read an article saying ES3 was canned. When I found out later they switched it to Starsige, and I saw someone play it, I wasn't too interested.

I used the ELF cannon to cut the feet right off of both legs to capture salvage. The four legged hercs were Pitt Bulls with a load out of 3 EMP or PBW in a rack on the top, very scary whenever there was more than one.

#6 Imafighter


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Posted 22 December 2011 - 09:37 PM

Never heard of it. Sounds like an interesting game, though.


Searched it up. Seems interesting enough, coming from Battletech.

Edited by Imafighter, 22 December 2011 - 09:45 PM.

#7 warpig07


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Posted 22 December 2011 - 10:02 PM

i remember Earthseige 2 taking on pitbulls in a razor intentionally aiming for legs so i could get a boatload of salvage ;)

#8 Aaron DeChavilier


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Posted 23 December 2011 - 11:34 AM

Earthsiege was the mech-game underdog in the 90's - made primarily by the team that made
the first Mechwarrior in 1989. I played when i was 12 and now 24; the game still holds up...mostly
. The controls are a pain (non-remappable) but everything else was just as fun now as it was
back then; one day I will remake it

#9 Stahlseele


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Posted 23 December 2011 - 01:58 PM

View PostAaron DeChavilier, on 23 December 2011 - 11:34 AM, said:

Earthsiege was the mech-game underdog in the 90's - made primarily by the team that made
the first Mechwarrior in 1989. I played when i was 12 and now 24; the game still holds up...mostly
. The controls are a pain (non-remappable) but everything else was just as fun now as it was
back then; one day I will remake it

If you do, tell me about it.
I want to play that!

#10 Aaron DeChavilier


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Posted 23 December 2011 - 02:22 PM

don't worry, when I do people will know
(earliest estimate is 2013)

Edited by Aaron DeChavilier, 11 June 2014 - 09:36 AM.

#11 llFeroxll


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Posted 29 June 2012 - 03:33 PM

When I think back to playing mech games.. with the exception of Mech Warrior 2... I really remember the earthsiege series. As a matter of fact for the past few weeks I was trying to remember the name of the series and I googled and it was just not until i remembered that sierra published the 2nd one that I got a proper google hit.

Earthsiege rules.. but so does mech warrior.. both valid and both awesome and there is ALWAYS a need for more mech games!.

#12 Ironstrom


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Posted 29 June 2012 - 03:53 PM

I played earthsiege 2 to some enjoyment it was probably one of my first games, I also briefly tried Starsiege but I never acquired the game i did use a joystick to play back then but I don't recall exactly which games supported it, most likely f-16 flight sim.



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Posted 29 June 2012 - 04:07 PM

First introduced to mech combat because of Earthsiege!!! I'll never forget it!

#14 Wo0m3rA


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Posted 29 June 2012 - 04:16 PM

Ouch talk about almost forgotten memories - Earthsiege was the first time me and some of my old gaming pals serial ported two of our IBM compatibles together just so we could play head 2 head.

These days with Cat45 cables etc we tend to forget that before then we had to use a maximum 3-foot length serial cable due to signal degradation.

LAN parties being what they are today started with 90s gamers lugging heavy CRT monitors, keyboards & mice, and PCs to and fro then trying to perform a short distance back to back hook up via serial ports on dining room tables.

WOW memories :D

Edited by Wo0m3rA, 29 June 2012 - 05:52 PM.

#15 Randall Flagg


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Posted 29 June 2012 - 04:16 PM

Earthsiege was good but Starsiege is the best game ever made in my opinion.



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Posted 29 June 2012 - 04:17 PM

OMG hell yeah!

I remember playing earthsiege 2 with my dad (i was very very small).
First mech combat game i ever laid eyes upon.
Been trying to remember what 'that mech game' was called and this jogged my memory :D

It was pure awesome.

#17 Atlas3060


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Posted 02 July 2012 - 09:17 AM

Yes I still remember and love that game.

#18 Lightdragon


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Posted 02 July 2012 - 04:57 PM

i liked star siege better

#19 plague


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Posted 02 July 2012 - 11:18 PM

I hated Starsiege's gameplay, but loved its story. Stuck around, tried helping on 2845. Didn't work, obviously. For reasons...

Starsiege's main problem was its developers were idiots, and at some point in development (not paraphrasing here) decided they wanted SS to be "Quake-like." That is, you die easily, respawn quickly, and so on. Hence why everyone decided Theta Smod Scap was almost mandatory - to fix the horrible game balance intrinsic in a game about giant walking tanks just because the developers didn't have the common sense to realize that people would, in a game about slow moving mechs, favor trying to protect themselves.

A shame, considering the money they put into it. It's especially disgusting that Tribes took off in its place, despite being the cheap spinoff. And its success was mainly attributed to being so heavily pirated at the time, mixed with the literal discovery of skiing. It's funny to remember that Tribes used to be a normal FPS, except you could jetpack to odd places. What it has turned into (a twitch game entirely about moving 300+kph and headshooting people in the sky for only 1/3rd of their health, setting up mini-bases at enemy generators and having to constantly jitter around to avoid cloaked enemeis) is a real shame. That whole universe' setting was wasted.

#20 Kodiak Knight


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Posted 03 July 2012 - 02:33 AM

Earth Siege II was my favourite!
I remember playing it co-op with my friend!

"There was no co-op!" you say?

Right you are, but we were sitting at the same computer, one steering the legs and the other firing the weapons ;)

It was mad fun!

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