we asked for PPC splash (arcing to adjacent sections) a lot for tha last few months and we will get it for the Clan ERPPC (see command chair post).
But the IS PPC will still dominate the competitive and pug games if it stays FLD (front loaded damage. all 10 damage to one spot).
This thread shall be the place to discuss:
If we use Splash (arcing to adjacent sections) for IS PPC and IS ERPPC, how much splash and how much heat would make the weapons balanced without making it useless (compared to laser)?
We used the heat to balance out the old meta ERPPC/Gauss builds, but with the addition of Splash damage, we would have to consider the overall efficiency of the weapon with the new mechanic and old heat.
Compared to curent ERLL with 9damage/8.5heat or the LP with 10.4damage/8heat the PPC does 10/10 and the IS-ERPPC does 10damg/15 heat.
This was meant to compensate for FLD (front loaded damage, pinpoint) compared to Laser.
Laser spread more, so they are cooler and lighter.
If we add splash for PPCs, we need to reduce the heat, right?
Now there could be values like this for the 3 PPCs:
C-ERPPC 13 heat, 10 dmg +2.5 splash + 2.5 splash
IS-ERPPC 13 heat, 8 dmg +1 splash + 1 splash
IS-PPC 8 heat, 6 dmg +2 splash + 2 splash
The ERPPC for the IS would then be better focused (thats why it has longer range and no minimum range) and the splash part would be less.
With the FLD "fixed" the PPCs can do slightly less heat and the ERPPC for both sides could be used without the need to have 30+ DHS.
Please include these 5 question in your first reply for easier comparison of our opinions:
- Would you say that PPCs with splash (lets say 8+1+1) with curent heat (10) would be totally useless?
- Would you rather prefere 8+1+1dmg/10heat or 7+1.5+1.5dmg/9heat or 6+2+2dmg/8heat (or other splash/heat combination) for the PPC?
- Would you rather prefere 8+1+1dmg/10heat or 7+1.5+1.5dmg/9heat or 6+2+2dmg/8heat (or other splash/heat combination) for the IS-ERPPC?
- Would the ERLL or LP be better, equal, or still worse (for competitive builds) than the PPC in this case?
- Would you feel that the splash is a waste and the only the FLD part be what the weapon would be considered for competitive play?
Edited by Reno Blade, 12 June 2014 - 07:34 AM.