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Large Laser Or Ppc

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#1 Gryphon187


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Posted 13 June 2014 - 04:45 PM


According to the statistics, I hit with a large laser 46% of the time. I cause an average of 3 points per hit.

I hit with the PPC about 20% of the time causing 9 points per hit.

I am trying to decide which one to go with. Personally, I like the PPC just because it makes a big explosion when it hits something. I think that's cool looking.

So I am asking peoples' opinion about which weapon that they would use. One that you hit something with more often for less damage? Or a weapon that you hit with less often but causes more damage when you do hit?

#2 Vanguard319


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Posted 13 June 2014 - 04:54 PM

I'd say Large lasers, especially if you are using the ER version, I'd also suggest training with both weapons to improve your aim.

#3 Pezzer


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Posted 13 June 2014 - 05:11 PM

I prefer lasers. More reliable damage output combined with lower tonnage/heat/slots. PPCs are great for pinpoint dmg tho

#4 IraqiWalker


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Posted 13 June 2014 - 05:15 PM

It's a mechanical difference. See, you can miss with the LL, and still put the beam back on target to get some of the damage back. However, for PPCs if you miss that's it, but if you hit, it's all the damage. LLs would be more recommended, until you get better at aiming, and/or better ping. PPCs are a great sniper weapon, and they should be used that way, one shot at a time, relocate/hide while you cool off, then pop back out and pop 10 points of damage into someone.

#5 Podex


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Posted 13 June 2014 - 05:26 PM

If you are hitting with those percentages, go with the LLas. It will force you to improve your aim, plus you'll get some damage out of it.

Personally I use ERPPC so I can fire and hide. I'm uncomfortable shining a 1 sec beacon out of my nose.

#6 Ken Burkhart


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Posted 13 June 2014 - 05:26 PM

I use both, depending on what I feel like. If you are playing where you can choose the map and/or know what roles you are playing(as in not PUGGING) it can make a big difference.

If you current goal is to earn C-bill via kill assist, I recommend ER Larges, as you can hit from pretty far, and you get assists even if you barely scratch a mech. However, in "better" ELO levels and in general, pinpoint damage is better, because you can get kills by shooting exactly where you want. A single Center Torso takes many less hits than any combiniation of torsi (and likely arms too if you can't aim and/or move too much, and the enemy knows how to torso twist). This is how a Jenner with 6 Med Lasers can one(or two)-shot a stalker in the back, unless the stalker has lots of armor in the back. Of course, that assumes the stalker is standing still so all 30 of that alpha hit the same spot. The moment it starts moving, it is much harder to hit a single spot, which is why the pinpoint damage is almost always better.

There is always of course a tradeoff, which includes the amounts of heat, range, and the fact of pinpoint vs not.

#7 Nothing Whatsoever


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Posted 13 June 2014 - 06:41 PM

What is the mech you are using?

Depending on the section of the mech (Arm or Torso and freedom of movement of the Arm, for example) that you are using the weapons from, can impact performance in trying to decide between choosing between an ER/Large Laser and/or an ER/PPC, especially if you are still practicing with them in live matches.

Since with Lasers you need to hold on target for the full burn to do as much damage as possible, and that you will need to practice with leading with the PPC depending on the enemy's speed and direction, the mech's geometry can add an additional learning curve (such as the cockpit view to the physical spot of the weapon on the mech).

#8 Macksheen


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Posted 13 June 2014 - 06:45 PM

If you have the weight to even consider PPCs, go with Large Pulse Lasers. They are my new favorites. They are kinda of in that middle ground since their beam is so fast - a bit of play given the beam has a few pulses and not just the one from the PPC, but not so slow as the LL.

PPCs are handy in that they hit ONE SPOT.

#9 Tesunie


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Posted 13 June 2014 - 07:06 PM

This debate (I didn't read all the posts) is more about how you wish to deal your damage. The LL will splash it's damage from section to section easier, where as the PPC will hit one location and damage only that one location when it hits. PPCs are an all or nothing weapon, were as the LL you can make up some damage with every shot you make just by sweeping them over a target.

There is no real right or wrong here. However, with the numbers provided, I shall preform a little number crunching.

View PostGryphon187, on 13 June 2014 - 04:45 PM, said:

According to the statistics, I hit with a large laser 46% of the time. I cause an average of 3 points per hit.

I hit with the PPC about 20% of the time causing 9 points per hit.

According to information provided:
LL: 46% hit rate. Each hit causes 3 points of damage. Each time you shoot your LL, you are likely to cause an average of 1.38 damage per shot. This includes missed shots as well as hits.
PPC: 20% hit rate with each hit causing 9 points of damage. Each time you shoot your PPC, you are likely to cause an average of 1.80 damage. This includes missed shots as well as hits.

Overall (unless I did my math wrong, or your numbers are wrong), you are actually better off (by 0.42 damage more) using the PPC as of your current skill and accuracy levels. This is statistically, but I can't see factors such as how often you have already been using the weapons, how well you use the weapons, and how often you shoot each weapon in a given match. Thus, with your (hate to say, and no insult meant) low gunnery skill*, the LL actually would probably be a better choice overall, as it's easier to deal some damage to a target, rather than none per shot.

* Keep playing the game. As you get better within the game itself through personal experience, your skills will improve. You should see your accuracy stats improve over time. I seem to see an average accuracy of PPCs (or other similar weapons) to be around 50-60% ranges. I'd expect you to follow the same average over time. Practice makes perfect in this case.

I recommend people to always experiment and use as many different weapon systems as possible. So don't be afraid to mix things up now and again. If you have several mechs, maybe have some with PPCs, and others with LLs. See which one you enjoy playing with more and go with it. This is a game. It's goal is to have fun. So, thus, play what you enjoy playing. (Heck, I sometimes run around with this Locust, but don't laugh. It seems to be strangely effective!)

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