Soooo.... all the euro time zone folks lose their minds over PGI's chosen time to to the update.
Hmmm let's think about this. Euro folks ought to appreciate that making YOUR ENTIRE STAFF work 8 hours of overtime or more after their regular day is VERY expensive.
It also mean your people are tired, and more prone to mistakes. And less efficient in general.
OR PGI could do what they did, and place the update squarely in the middle of THEIR workday.
10 am to 2 pm, for update and internal testing. Server might come up slightly sooner, patch release before that hopefully.
So that gives them an hour before downtime to have a staff meeting for last minute details.
Three hours after scheduled server restart to deal with issues, of which there will surely be a few, hopefully nothing major.
And 4-6 hours after end of business, where I imagine quite a few PGI staff will still be at work, making sure all is good.
So tell me euro folks, if it was your job, would you want to come in at 2 or 3 am, and then work until 8 or 9 pm?
Would you want to pay for that much overtime if you were writing the cheques? What would you do when your staff said "screw you, I'm not working early/late, and my union contract/govewrnment labour laws say I don't have to, so you can't make me?"
Edited by CG Chicken Kn, 17 June 2014 - 11:08 AM.