DATE: June 17th, 3049 MESSAGE TO: Precentor-Somerset ORDER: Delta RE: Deep Periphery communications issues. Finest Precentor, We have been having problems communicating in the Periphery due to some technical issue. We have full diagnostics running and have not yet found the cause. We would appreciate your assistance opening a working communications link to any point in the Periphery with which you can establish contact. If you are able to establish a link, please inform us as soon as possible so we may look in into the HPG network in the area. Priority is normal, probably more barbaric pirate nonsense, this is the Periphery after all. Please let it be known that at this time there is no need to alarm the First Circuit or needlessly alert the revered Primus. -------- END OF TRANSMISSION ---------- ATTACHMENT 372-004925-B0H7: DATE: JUNE 16th, 3049 MESSAGE TO: Unknown ORDER: Civilian RE: **YD*Y To *n**ne w*o c** as**s*..* we *re **d*r att*** fro* **kn*** *o**e*. ***k*n*s *nk**w*. --------- END OF TRANSMISSION ---------
Well it has been a rapid development cycle but we now have the Clan Invasion underway. While it wasn't as smooth as we had hoped, a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into getting these new 'Mechs into your hands and we already see the dynamics of gameplay changing on the battlefield. This venerable force returning to the Inner Sphere homeworlds is the biggest event to happen on the BattleTech timeline and we, at PGI, are glad to be able to bring the beginning of this experience to you.
[background=transparent;]It is now 3049 on the timeline and the remainder of this year is going to see a lot of new developments both in game and in lore. It is at key turning points like this that allow us to bring new systems on-line and address the needs of the network of features required for the upcoming Community Warfare push. We're pleased to let you know that the first module entering development is Unit Creation.[/font]
[background=transparent;]Units, being the MechWarrior Online equivalent of guilds, will be a new way for friends and like-minded players to get together in both a social and game affecting manner. Social interaction, member management, Unit ranks and specialized chat channels are some of the key features within this module. This in turn will be the gate for the bigger features of Community Warfare like faction combat, planetary control and partaking in the giant battle for the Inner Sphere.[/font]
[background=transparent;]This is a very exciting time for us as it is the first step in the even more exciting times coming in the near future. We raise our glasses to our community and supporters who have been here with us and we look forward to bringing you the content that we all want that will make MechWarrior Online the game we want it to be.[/font]