So ghost heat isn't effective at controlling alpha's where a combination of weapons are used.
Gauss + PPC is a big example of this, and the Dire Wolf has taken it beyond the realms of what makes sense. 50 points pinpoint is mental, but ghost heat is hopeless to control this without breaking more sensible builds.
So my idea sits around changing how ghost heat is created.
The idea said:
Every weapon would be assigned a Power Draw value, and every engine would be assigned a Power Pool and a Recharge Rate, rising with the size of the engine. This system would add a new dynamic to the game alongside heat, instead of creating a roadblock to alpha builds, it would just facilitate the penalties we currently get from ghost heat.
A power meter would be added beside the heat meter, and sit at 100% by default.
Whenever you fire a weapon, the power draw is deducted from your power pool, and then the power pool recharges very quickly afterwards, although the rate could be used to slow DPS appropriately.
You would not be blocked from firing more than the available power however, but if you did so the reactor would spike and create excessive heat.
It's in lore that reactors provide unlimited power, however any spike of draw in a power system creates increased waste. So this is actually explainable instead of non-sensicle.
The ratings would even be based directly off the max "appropriate" alpha, and weapons assigned a value matching their damage, except for non-pinpoint systems. So it would be easy to understand.
I would expect that most Engine ratings would sit around 25-35 points in power pool, so not a huge swing.
100-245 = 20
250-295 = 25
300-345 = 30
350+ = 35
Examples said:
Then when a Victor-DS goes Gauss+PPC and alpha's it would be 5 points over power, and create 5 points of additional heat. However the IS 350 could have a rating of 35, which would force DS pilots to make the decision between a little extra heat or a more highly optimised build.
An Atlas DDC with AC20 2ML 2SRM6 would be running a Standard 350 so would have a power pool of 30, but SRM 6's would be assigned a power draw of 6 instead of their damage. So on alpha an extra 12 points of heat would be created, encouraging the Atlas to split up its fire slightly. SRM's are actually dangerous now, but they're not pinpoint so don't deserve a rating based on damage.
Clans of course run fixed engines, and so power pool's could be tailored to the mech chassis. The Dire Wolf runs an XL300, so sticking with IS numbers (30 power pool, 15 per gauss 10 per PPC), a Gauss/PPC build would have to split its fire up, or incur 20 points of extra heat per shot. Again alpha'ing is not in-viable, however it would be discouraged.
A scale could be used similar to Ghost heat, where a higher overdraw causes a higher penalty, so at 20 points of overdraw, the Dire Wolf could create 30-40 points of heat. This could be used to prevent 6PPC Stalkers coming back in to play, control boom-jagers, and the like.
I think that this gives a pretty flexible way of controlling alpha's without breaking current or future builds, and would actually be a fun system to manage much like heat is.
Pilots would have to consider a balance of a big engine versus weapons, and the numbers I've used are attempting to allow current optimised builds to work, while pushing them up to their highest optimised engine size. 330-350 are popular in the Dragon Slayer currently.
Edited by Veranova, 22 June 2014 - 04:46 AM.