Lily from animove, on 01 April 2015 - 05:30 AM, said:
honestly its only more puloverising when using 10 SPL's anything else below, the SCR can do the same or better. The reaosn why many novas appear more pulverising is that SCR is so meta many people use it and so the chance of a lesser skilled pilot screwing it up in a SCR is possible. While the last remainign NVA Pilots mostly know what they do. Becaue newbies and sane pilots already dropped that mech.
If you like the Nova, never step in a SCR EVER. it will make you sad once you go back into a Nova knowing how bad this mech in comparison is.
as you said, if you see a nova you can literally tell its a damn good pilot

also i never step up to a timberwolf to leave my quickdraw. i just have the 3 timbers because.... icon. but i prefer the quickie-5k.
same literally goes for the victor. i love that thing altho i have banshee's and atlai (am not really interested in dire's or warhawks even though they been the first things i read of... the 4 er ppc warhawk from jeremiah rose of the black thorns.....)
but then, there were the battlemaster and warhammer

i would guess i can play the nova pretty much like the victor, just more in the backstabber role. the victor aint small enuff but works completely fine.
they arent mechs for alot of damage done but taking out mechs ASAP by firing through their centers or XL sides.
the best battles with the victor are these where i can take out mechs before they harm me much.
precise aim to one spot. no spread damage. that will kill you too fast sitting in a victor and i guess the same goes for the nova.