Mister Blastman, on 20 June 2014 - 01:40 PM, said:
I want bigger and likewise want MWO to copy MW:LLs style of capture the point system of gameplay which will lead to a dynamic, ever-changing and shifting battlefield. This of course would mean thirty minute to hour long matches with respawns allowed during them.
If you never played MW:LL, you won't understand--so think Battlefield 1942. It is truly far more entertaining than the usual deathball to point b and engage in the same spot every time with the same number of 'mechs.
I'd love a limited respawn mode, where you can pack 4 of your mechs onto a drop ship and choose what to bring each respawn.
My general feeling is that Alpine, Tourmaline, and Mordor are the only really huge maps we have. HPG might be big, but doesn't actually feel as large as it is, because the box is natural focal point.
Alpine is very, very open. Too open for a lot of types of combat. It'd be perfectly fine, IF we could select mechs or loadouts after seeing the map.
Tourmaline is a good mix of open and tight and winding. It's a hot map though, which makes combat also slower paced. So you trudge to meet up (or spawn in line of sight of each other and once lance get's eaten alive), and then hack away between cover points at each other. My biggest beef with the map was the release month when we were forced to play 50% Tourmaline desert. I'm still a bit burnt out on it.
Mordor is again a fine map, IF you could tweak your mech for the map. But it sucks taking an LRM boat or hot mech on that map.
So, are big maps problematic? Yes. Is it the map's fault? Not really.
I'd love some maps 3x the size of Alpine. They would foster some seriously amazing asymmetric game modes.
But they would be bad news for a mode like conquest, unless lances spawned on cap sights and had one or two in the middle to fight over.
What I'd LOVE to see before large maps are added is a pre-match lobby/mission board instead of the "launch" button.
Open that tab and see a selection of possible missions with a timer on them... 4 minutes to drop on Mordor, with a conquest goal... I'd want a faster mech, than runs fairly cool, maybe ECM. 3 minutes to drop on Mordor with a skirmish goal, maybe a heavy mech with dual gauss. 5 minutes to drop on Frozen City with Assault as the goal... go pickup that 4 PPC warhawk or stalker and have some fun.
Oh an Alpine mission, maybe I'll dust off an LRM boat, or better yet not many light's queued... I'll take a spotter.
Big maps need some additional focus. Random drops don't work very well, but for the same reasons coordinated game play is very stifling on the current iteration of River city Assault.
Edited by Prezimonto, 20 June 2014 - 09:29 PM.