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Lrm/ssrm Targeting Delay Trickery?!

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#1 Cyborne Elemental


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 05:17 AM

Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but when you're locking on with LRM's or SSRM's, there seems to be a 1/2 second delay from when you are "LOCKED" and hear the tone when you're ready to fire, and when you actually have a lock that sends those missles on target with tracking.

Seems to be more an issue with LRMS because you can fire at anytime without a lock.

With LRM's though, I see the lock, hear the lock, and send those missles out, but there is a delay and lots of times those missles launch without any tracking, even though I fired after I heard the tone and the reticule has finished the animation.

#2 GTV Zeratul


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 06:42 AM

Are you sure you didn't forget to open the bay doors? "period" by default. Don't know if/wich Clan Mech's have bay doors but for the IS ones it's the Cent, Catapult and Stalker.

#3 Bemm


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 09:34 AM

I'm having the same problem. Shooting clearly after the lock has been achieved the missiles go where they want.. I have plenty of nice videos about this... I have also seen missiles stop tracking midflight without losing the lock. I think it was said to be fixed already but i don't see it..

Edited by Bemm, 22 June 2014 - 09:40 AM.

#4 SleekHusky


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Posted 23 June 2014 - 05:22 AM

I see this a lot when using my Stalker.

Sometimes I see the lock instantly fire (bay doors opened) and the missiles hit the ground where the crosshairs are aimed as if I dumb-fired them.

#5 Bigbacon


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Posted 23 June 2014 - 05:37 AM

i've noticed that with SSRMs even before the patch but I always attributed it to lag.

#6 Platinum Spider


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Posted 23 June 2014 - 07:25 AM

Yes I've seen this happen with my Timberwolf a lot lately. I reach lock with full red circle and fire only to watch all my missiles go straight into the ground a few feet ahead.



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Posted 23 June 2014 - 04:32 PM

View PostGTV Zeratul, on 22 June 2014 - 06:42 AM, said:

Are you sure you didn't forget to open the bay doors? "period" by default. Don't know if/wich Clan Mech's have bay doors but for the IS ones it's the Cent, Catapult and Stalker.

No he is absolutely correct, in his description and observation. Unless you wait a second, your first volley of LRM's WILL dumbfire even after obtaining LOCK-ON AND having DIRECT LOS!

Prior to clans, I could fire INSTANTLY upon obtaining lock. NOT the case anymore.

Fix this please because I am sick of wasting LRM's!

#8 Nikkoru


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Posted 24 June 2014 - 01:40 PM

I have noticed this as well. It's a big problem.

#9 Vela Ventare


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Posted 25 June 2014 - 11:04 AM

I am definitely still encountering False-Positive missle locks, getting the entire visual and auditory indicators, and then my missles still going out unguided. it is a serious problem.

Edited by Vela Terentius, 25 June 2014 - 11:04 AM.

#10 Nik Reaper


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Posted 25 June 2014 - 11:16 AM

Same, now I wait a sec or two even after lock to not waste missles.

#11 Panzerbjorn


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Posted 25 June 2014 - 03:34 PM

View PostGTV Zeratul, on 22 June 2014 - 06:42 AM, said:

Are you sure you didn't forget to open the bay doors? "period" by default. Don't know if/wich Clan Mech's have bay doors but for the IS ones it's the Cent, Catapult and Stalker.

The period key (.) is to cycle your cockpit lighting levels (pressing it once after starting a mission will turn them off, then cycle through 4 levels of light). To open any bay doors on your mech you use the slash key (/).

View PostBigbacon, on 23 June 2014 - 05:37 AM, said:

i've noticed that with SSRMs even before the patch but I always attributed it to lag.

Streaks lock-out firing until they have a solid lock, so that's unusual in my mind. Streaks should track 100% of the time - if they don't something's seriously wrong and should be reported to PGI as a bug. Seeing my hit record with Streaks, though, you're probably right. Because I don't think my enemy was able to duck into cover 44% of the time I fired Streaks. =/

#12 Panzerbjorn


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 01:16 AM

Tonight I decided to give this issue a test with a few runs on Clan LRM boats. Specifically I took out a couple Timber Wolf builds and a couple Dire Wolf builds using LRM and Artemis LRM loadouts to see what was going on.

I can definitely confirm that LRM locks are a genuine issue. I paid careful attention to LoS locks and volleys to make sure I could see clearly where targets were compared to where my LRMs were landing. About 50% of the time when firing my LRMs (both with and without Artemis) within 1-2 seconds of getting the initial LOCKED ON indication, there was zero tracking on the missiles and they behaved as if I had reticle-fired them at a fixed point on the ground. Even in flight while holding the lock through the entire flight, the missiles never gained tracking and corrected course. Subsequent volleys DID track and follow as expected, however. I tried this with targets that were NARC'd by a teammate and other that were not NARC'd and the result seemed to be about the same.

#13 Bigbacon


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 09:31 AM

View PostPanzerbjorn, on 25 June 2014 - 03:34 PM, said:

The period key (.) is to cycle your cockpit lighting levels (pressing it once after starting a mission will turn them off, then cycle through 4 levels of light). To open any bay doors on your mech you use the slash key (/).

Streaks lock-out firing until they have a solid lock, so that's unusual in my mind. Streaks should track 100% of the time - if they don't something's seriously wrong and should be reported to PGI as a bug. Seeing my hit record with Streaks, though, you're probably right. Because I don't think my enemy was able to duck into cover 44% of the time I fired Streaks. =/

i guess I maybe misread what they originally were talking about. I was thinking it was "I get a clear lock on, push fire button and there is a delay from hte time I push fire button to the time the missiles fly out" which is what I see a lot with SSRMs but again I also play alot with 300 pings. I see and hear a clear lock indicator, press fire and wait like a 1/2 seconds before anything actually happens. mech doesn't have missiles doors.

Edited by Bigbacon, 26 June 2014 - 09:31 AM.

#14 OznerpaG


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 09:58 AM

i'v played over 1000 games with LRM mechs since new years and the difference since the Clans came in are like a slap in the face

i'm seeing:
  • slower lock times
  • i sometimes can't lock on to ECM mechs when i'm TAGging them in plain view
  • i sometimes lose my HUD LRM recticle when i have an enemy mech in plain view in front of me, even when i'm TAGging
  • and firing my LRMs into the ground in front of me even though i have a firm lock on the enemy

#15 DarthPayne


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 08:25 AM

I can confirm the problem. It's not a bay-door problem since I'm boating Lurms on an AWS-8R. About 1 in 6 shots doesn't look on even though the indicator shows a lock. Happens since last patch.

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