Greetings MechWarriors,
We are preparing for the next Public Test! Please refer to Russ' Command Chair post for more details!
More information regarding the Public Test system, as well as feedback threads and questionnaires for the test can be found here: http://mwomercs.com/...st-for-science/
Do It For Science! - Matchmaker, Equipment and Fall Damage Test
- Matchmaker
- Weight Class Rule of Threes, AKA 3/3/3/3 - 4x3
- Solo Public Queue (Solo)
- Solo Public Queue (2-4 person)
- Group Queue (2-4 person)
- Group Queue (5-10 person)
- Group Queue (12 person)
- Weight Class Rule of Threes, AKA 3/3/3/3 - 4x3
- Equipment
- Clan Targeting Computer
- Inner Sphere Command Console
- Clan Targeting Computer
- Scalar Falling Damage
Start: 4PM PDT / 7PM EDT / 11PM UTC
Duration: 4 hours.
All players registered before 23-Jun-2014 at 4:30AM PDT may join the test.
Important Notes
- The test time is set to optimize our chances of catching the North American Eastern peak and Pacific surge, in order to see the highest possible spike of players in the test launching into the matchmaker at once. This is not intended to be an extended test. Our sincere apologies to any of our keen international players who would have preferred a different time-slot.
- The Command Console is not currently available for purchase in this test version. To access this system, purchase the Atlas D-DC variant which comes with this piece of equipment. You may have to sell an owned Mech to make room for a MechBay, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and wish to remind all players that any changes made to your account in the test server stay in the test server without affecting your live account.
- Please join us by installing the Public Test client here.
- If you experience issues with the Public Test client, please try running the repair tool.