Sjorpha, on 04 March 2016 - 07:02 AM, said:
The basic idea is not bad
But from the looks of it I think it will be too difficult to win by objective before killing the other team, it looks too easy to stop and delay the capture. This could mean that you will essentially play it out as a skirmish match and then capture after killing the other team, which doesn't sound like fun.
The timer should be low enough that the normal outcome is winning by objective before a team is killed, otherwise there is no incentive to actually go for the objective.
Numbers need to be rebalanced, but it has potential. Also lots of potential to descend into brawlfest+wait till timer runs out.
I do like that there are secondary objectives--destroy the MFBs to reduce the counter. But it's just another way of "Deny other team X" where "X" is seconds on the clock. To deny "x" you can:
-Get in the green circle
-Shoot into the green circle
-Kill MFBs
So yeah, rebalance the numbers, and then let's see.