The following link will take you directly to the sign-up thread:
We revised the rules based on feedback and experiences from Season 1, so please make sure to read them thoroughly even if your team already competed in Season 1.
Also we'd like to express our gratitude towards all units and pilots who participated in Season 1 for the exciting games we saw and for having made Season 1 the great success it was, as well as your support of!
We are now looking forward to a hopefully very exciting Season 2!
Thanks all the units that have signed up so far already:
EU Region
* STS - Sanguine Tigers (EU)
* RRB - Robinson Rangers Brigade - L-Company, 4th Battalion (EU)
* SMC - Strata Merc Corp (FR)
* 12DG - 12th Donegal Guards (GER)
* BSC - Black Sun Corp (I)
* SJR EU - Steel Jaguar (EU)
* AS - Antares Scorpions (EU)
* RS - Red Shadows (ESP)
* 9th B&F - 9th Blood and Fire (GER)
* BWC - Black Widow Company (EU)
* RJF - Russian Jade Falcon (RU)
NA Region
* AL - Apocalypse Lancers (NA)
* HG - Head Hunters of Davion 4th Battalion "Highland Guard" (NA)
* AS - Antares Scorpions (NA)
* TMC - The Templars (NA)
* RRB - Robinson Rangers Brigade "The Harbingers" (NA)
* PL - Praetorian Legion (NA)
RU Region
Sign-ups will remain open until the 1st of July for now (we may decide to extend the deadline a bit in the end).
Thanks again from the MRBC team!
Edited by Ellen Ripley, 29 June 2014 - 08:24 AM.