Deathlike, on 26 June 2014 - 10:48 PM, said:
It doesn't matter IMO. A slow light is a dead light. Just saw a Jenner tonight that ran some garbage slow engine (probably running a STD engine). It got executed by me in a much faster Jenner.
The idea does not interest me whatsoever, given that sidecoring a target wtih an XL engine is instant death. The tradeoff exists. Now only if such a tradeoff was applied to XL engine (like a penalty for losing a side torso).
Your suggestion does not interest me at all.
When I created this idea, I didn't mean for everybody to examine how it would impact their fave mechs, so I guess I should have expected this. However, a very slight nerf to torso twist isn't going to hurt a light that much. I expected most people to just accept the penalty for lights, given how useful it is to "gotta go fast". The problem is keeping heavies/mediums alive in an environment that thrives on being tanky, fast, and carrying tons of firepower. If you don't build a mech that can complement or do that, you're gonna have a bad time. So if it's harder to aim these weapons, it means they might at least consider using a standard in their heavy/assault, which means your fast light might be able to breathe a little easier, maybe downgrade the engine a couple pegs to move some more equipment. Just saying.
Aresye, on 26 June 2014 - 10:59 PM, said:
Well there's different types of brawling, and most of it doesn't involve being in a standard engine going insanely slow in order to have enough firepower to brawl in the first place.
Any respectable brawler knows that speed and maneuverability = life, but the tonnage required to go fast enough on a standard engine means you have little to no firepower to brawl with.
If you're just equipping fast XLs and lots of guns, sorry to say but that ain't brawling. Brawling is a huge ball of death. What you're describing is a opportunistic type of fighting where manueverability and huge firepower thrives... like poptarts and shizz, which this is meant to address. Any Assault going 48-55 kph using a STD will still have lots of firepower for guns. You just might not like those weapons, because most of them will be under 7 tons, haha. Reitrix, on 26 June 2014 - 11:39 PM, said:
Heh. And doing so would let the Clan Lights compete with IS Lights in terms of speed, since many stock Lights are around the 90 - 110 mark.
I actually wouldn't mind seeing std-engine equipped lights, but I figured somebody who cry me a river if I suggested it. Baby steps haha.