before the nerf the UAC/2 was probably the BEST supression weapon in the game without being OP and it was the BANE of any poptarts on the field in the hand of someone who could aim.
during the PTR i had multiple poptarts cussing me out or pissing and moaning about the Dakawolf
and frankly it WASNT op. you could have a target shut down right in front of you and put everything into their CT and they would still survive long enough to powerback up and probably take a few shots at you if not outright get away depending on the situation. Yea you could rack up alot of damage (i was hitting 800ish in a good postiion) but again it was meant to make an enemy think twice about showing their face and if they did it would help save your allies some damage by making them miss.
they need to revert at least ONE of the nerfs either
get rid of ghost heat
revert ROF
allow continuous fire while holding trigger. (for the UAC/2)
or heck allow us a way to easily fire 3 weapons in one salvo then 3 in another without having to either use a macro, set up 3 groups of 2 on chain fire (which heaven help you if you accidentally doubletap) or manually do so with 2 groups of 3 (which while you're trying to maneuver and keep situational awareness up is a pain in the rear.
not saying its not possible but its just too much hassel to be a support with a weapon that isnt OP.
especially considering you can realistically take 2 UAC20's and 2 UAC10's and double tap both groups about once or twice without shutting down. the range sucks but you can still do it and on the right map you would obliterate anything.
Edited by Ph30nix, 30 June 2014 - 03:26 AM.