Edited by GoManGo, 04 July 2014 - 10:42 AM.

Patch 1.3.302 Is Live!
Posted 04 July 2014 - 10:42 AM
Posted 04 July 2014 - 11:26 AM
GoManGo, on 04 July 2014 - 10:42 AM, said:
It would probably be a lot more effective if you took that to support. I have not crashed once in many months now. I also have little problem with LRM boats, though, so it may not be your game install/system that is the problem.
Posted 04 July 2014 - 06:19 PM
Corbenik, on 04 July 2014 - 09:57 AM, said:
You'll get a response, but unfortunately it will probably take a few weeks before the bug will be fixed (and you may not get a response when the bug fix is implemented). IGP's support has been very responsive, but they have to replicate your bug, find the fix, test it, and then get into the patch, so be patient ... these things take time.
Posted 05 July 2014 - 12:42 AM
I am ok with damage from actual jumps or falls. But i am not ok with damage from just running over rough terrain. Shall i stop walkign or running and only jump over the map to avoid damag? Thats the opposite of what was intended. Its clearly a bug and happening to way more people then just me. Read the forum. You will find many posts with those observations.
Regarding my attitude in matches...why do you try to insult me without knowing a damn thing about me or my playstile? I could discribe you why im a very teamoriented player, but i simply dont want to waste that time.
When you played solo before you should know, that meeting a bigger group always is a problem. Regardless what kind of groups your team has because the enemy can concentrate fire on you and you cant because you cant communicate with the rest of your team (except the singel guy you are dropping with). You dont have to separate from your team for this problem. If you dont understand this then its pointless to discuss this with you.
Yes, i could jump into larger groups. But i want to play this game with the only pal left playing it. We want to drop together and not with some strangers from the interwebs. I am from a generation where real life friends are just more importend then random guys in a videogame.
And i think it should be possible to play that way successful and not beening forced to play it in another way to not get frustrated with the outcome of matches.
At least it was possible when in payed A LOT of money for this game.
Posted 05 July 2014 - 07:46 AM
Der Hesse, on 05 July 2014 - 12:42 AM, said:
I am ok with damage from actual jumps or falls. But i am not ok with damage from just running over rough terrain. Shall i stop walkign or running and only jump over the map to avoid damag? Thats the opposite of what was intended. Its clearly a bug and happening to way more people then just me. Read the forum. You will find many posts with those observations.
Regarding my attitude in matches...why do you try to insult me without knowing a damn thing about me or my playstile? I could discribe you why im a very teamoriented player, but i simply dont want to waste that time.
When you played solo before you should know, that meeting a bigger group always is a problem. Regardless what kind of groups your team has because the enemy can concentrate fire on you and you cant because you cant communicate with the rest of your team (except the singel guy you are dropping with). You dont have to separate from your team for this problem. If you dont understand this then its pointless to discuss this with you.
Yes, i could jump into larger groups. But i want to play this game with the only pal left playing it. We want to drop together and not with some strangers from the interwebs. I am from a generation where real life friends are just more importend then random guys in a videogame.
And i think it should be possible to play that way successful and not beening forced to play it in another way to not get frustrated with the outcome of matches.
At least it was possible when in payed A LOT of money for this game.
I did read your post, multiple times to ensure I was reading it correctly. I also agree it is pointless to argue it anymore, because you are ignoring my points.
No one is forcing you and your friend to play as only a 2-man, and joining a larger group does not require your pal to leave the group. Maybe if you would open the group up to more than just your one pal, you would not just have one pal playing.
Notice that I did not get into any discussion about non-JJ mechs. My only comment was about JJ mechs, because the example you gave WAS a JJ mech - namely the Ember. If you want to argue about non-JJ mechs, how about you use a non-JJ mech as a test and example next time?
Posted 05 July 2014 - 07:54 AM

Posted 05 July 2014 - 01:46 PM
Der Hesse, on 05 July 2014 - 12:42 AM, said:
Cimarb, on 05 July 2014 - 07:46 AM, said:
I think you are both reading eachothers posts - but various phrases can be interpreted in various ways (I cannot tell you how many people assume I am being sarcastic with a simple "Have fun!")
No - I am not saying you are reading eachothers posts in a sarcastic manor - but there are ways of reading both sets of posts and reaching both of your (apparent) conclusions.

Posted 05 July 2014 - 07:36 PM
Posted 05 July 2014 - 08:10 PM
Jacobei, on 05 July 2014 - 07:36 PM, said:
Huh?... who are you talking to, lol?
Posted 06 July 2014 - 04:37 AM
Jacobei, on 05 July 2014 - 07:36 PM, said:
The war of Independence was the result of many complex, counter intuitive, reasons primary initiated by the desire of the original 13 colonies for self government and has it's roots in the Continental Congress meetings from 1774 to 1789. As Britain had sovereign authority over the 13 colonies, (and other areas of North America), at the time it was a war of insurrection. A little know fact is that is the Revolutionary War later became a world war with the entrance of Spain and French and this is why Britain was finally defeated as they could not defeat the French, Spanish and Americans at the same time. Also the French spent so much fighting the English that the American Revolutionary war was a direct cause of the French Revolution so that didn't work out too well for them.
Anyway, that's the way I was taught it

Edited by Markoxford, 06 July 2014 - 04:53 AM.
Posted 06 July 2014 - 05:27 AM
Whatever...long term short: in my opinion this patch was bad except for the part that i can now play solo without getting rolled too often by 4 men premades.
Posted 06 July 2014 - 06:50 AM
Jacobei, on 05 July 2014 - 07:36 PM, said:
"all just British"....huh....
Seems to me there were quite a few other people involved in the Revolution....people that were here LONG before the smelly people came over in their boats.
Like the forefathers always said..."Nake nula wauŋ welo."
And, for what it's worth, one man's terrorist is another man's patriot. Don't think for a minute what we did during our Revolution was anything BUT terrorism. Not that I'm complaining. It certainly got the job done.

Edited by Willard Phule, 06 July 2014 - 06:54 AM.
Posted 06 July 2014 - 10:37 AM
War of 1812 - Should be taught in America schools - its the birth of the white house.. but Its not LOL I WONDER WHY.
Posted 06 July 2014 - 04:14 PM
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