This Game Is Complete Proof Of Why F2P Gaming Is Terrible.
Posted 01 July 2014 - 08:05 PM
Posted 01 July 2014 - 08:49 PM
Posted 01 July 2014 - 09:00 PM
Remedy 6, on 01 July 2014 - 08:05 PM, said:
Type G? Never heard of it and i've been playing wot since closed beta however the normal type 59 sells for 30 bucks when its available.
Edited by Tripzter, 01 July 2014 - 09:03 PM.
Posted 01 July 2014 - 09:04 PM
FupDup, on 01 July 2014 - 01:34 PM, said:
If you want to bash CoD that's completely fine, but you should try to bash it for offenses that it actually committed. Right now you seem to have just jumped on a bandwagon because it's "cool" to hate certain games.
yes, i think it´s cool to bash CoD

Posted 01 July 2014 - 09:30 PM
Tripzter, on 01 July 2014 - 07:47 PM, said:
Premium consumables are no better than fully leveled c-bill consumables.
Clan mechs will be available for MC and then C-bills in the following months. And please don't imply we can fit clan-tech into IS mechs and avoid the clan mech customization restrictions. Clan-tech and IS-tech don't mix.
Repair and Rearm costs... ... seriously? That's been out of the game for well over an year, why are you even bringing it up? They removed it in large part precisely because it was hurting newbies and people not running premium the most. The rest is just hyperbolic speculation.
Posted 01 July 2014 - 09:53 PM
151st Light Horse Regiment, on 01 July 2014 - 01:18 PM, said:
Give us money for extra stuff or you'll get ganked all the time and your fun game goes all ******"
This is why F2P gaming is only just above the CoD respawns on the list of 'shittest gaming ideas ever'.
Ganked? This isn't LoL?
Posted 01 July 2014 - 09:58 PM
Bishop Steiner, on 01 July 2014 - 09:37 PM, said:
Oh thank you for explaining. Yeah thats sick but dont forget theres also collectable gold mech here as well so i dont see the difference.
Scratx, on 01 July 2014 - 09:30 PM, said:
Premium consumables are no better than fully leveled c-bill consumables.
Clan mechs will be available for MC and then C-bills in the following months. And please don't imply we can fit clan-tech into IS mechs and avoid the clan mech customization restrictions. Clan-tech and IS-tech don't mix.
Repair and Rearm costs... ... seriously? That's been out of the game for well over an year, why are you even bringing it up? They removed it in large part precisely because it was hurting newbies and people not running premium the most. The rest is just hyperbolic speculation.
-You cannot play with them from game 1 unless you spend some money. Thats why i mentioned that as step 1.
-Clan mechs will be available for credits however it doesn't change the current situation. I never said you can mix them at all. I said that comparing IS weapons to C-weapons.
-At last, yes rearm and repair costs.. This game has been out for a year and lets remember what has happened.. the earnings have been nerfed by half which is the same thing... Less earnings per game.
Posted 01 July 2014 - 10:47 PM
Scratx, on 01 July 2014 - 09:30 PM, said:
Premium consumables are no better than fully leveled c-bill consumables.
Clan mechs will be available for MC and then C-bills in the following months. And please don't imply we can fit clan-tech into IS mechs and avoid the clan mech customization restrictions. Clan-tech and IS-tech don't mix.
Repair and Rearm costs... ... seriously? That's been out of the game for well over an year, why are you even bringing it up? They removed it in large part precisely because it was hurting newbies and people not running premium the most. The rest is just hyperbolic speculation.
Actually IIRC, R&R was removed because it became pointless. Once everyone was in positive numbers after every game, it became a convoluted "tax" and didn't have a place in this game anymore.
And when it was still possible to lose money if your expensive XL mech got blown up, people complained (what a surprise) that premium accounts were p2w, because they could run the XL engines more often - because, apparently, standard engines were strictly worse than XL and not using the "better" engine made your mech weaker.
@ Triptzer - actually, you can. As long as you have the gxp, you can go straight to upgrading your c-bill consumables. Or you can skip them entirely - I've used maybe 4 arty strikes so far.
Posted 01 July 2014 - 11:07 PM
Clan mechs aren't op. They are kinda weak. A freind of mine was playing his Dire Wolf every match and was barely making an average of 300 damage. People always focus fire on the Dire Wolf and he was always first to die. Then he jumped in his Atlas once and did 1200 damage. So no, they are not OP.
And you will be able to buy them for Cbills eventually, the schedule was posted before clan mechs dropped.
And they are probably going to nerf clan mechs.
And you don't have to give PGI any money ever.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 12:18 AM
Tripzter, on 01 July 2014 - 07:47 PM, said:
You can buy everything in Neverwinter using in-game money. XP boosters, premium bags, faster mounts, mats for crafting - sure you can buy it with real money, but everything you can buy with real money you can also buy with in game money. IMO Neverwinter has the single best f2p model out of any f2p game ever, with the exception of its sister game, Star Trek Online, which uses an identical f2p model.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 12:38 AM
GTAV is dirt cheap in comparison. I've been playing online for over a year and the game is still being developed - yesterday we've got the 15th patch along with a free DLC. All for a measly $60.
That's because MWO is a niche product played by thousands of players, whereas GTA is the most popular video game in the world played by millions. Unfortunately, MWO will never reach such publicity therefore it will remain very expensive and F2P.
And since I see that clan mechs outnumber IS chassis in the matches I play, it turns out that PGI's pricing model was correct after all.
Edited by Kmieciu, 02 July 2014 - 12:41 AM.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 03:13 AM
Posted 02 July 2014 - 03:23 AM
Since one of the biggest problems of many many (if not all) F2P games is, that the developer will focus too much time on creating game content for money, pushing and advertizing it so that people buy as much as possible, while in a P2P-game the developer could spend all their time on making the game better, fixing even minor bugs, adding detail and even unneccessary "nice to have" features.
Edited by Jherek C, 02 July 2014 - 03:24 AM.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 03:31 AM
151st Light Horse Regiment, on 01 July 2014 - 01:18 PM, said:
Give us money for extra stuff or you'll get ganked all the time and your fun game goes all ******"
This is why F2P gaming is only just above the CoD respawns on the list of 'shittest gaming ideas ever'.
F2P and the clans have nothing in-common. The clan invasion is part of the IP, so far its something PGI has done right by.
Clan invasion is not part of the F2P model. after 30 days you will be able to by your own clan mech....
As far as re-spawns go... they are a very old game mechanic that COD didn't invent and have been a staple of FPS for a very long time.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 04:32 AM
Then came subscription games at $10-15/month
Then came DLC for content that should have been in original game
Then F2P came and good ones just charged you for vanity items
Then PGI came and feel you have to pay $240 per year for mechs AND $10/month premium, AND pay for vanity, AND pay to create a unit (for CW)
PGI, the "All of the Above" monetization model
(PS, not they are the only evil ones...now many "F2P" are charging up to $500 just to enter their alpha testing and "get enough points to buy all the content for one civ aka Warhammer40k".)
Posted 02 July 2014 - 04:39 AM
Tripzter, on 01 July 2014 - 07:47 PM, said:
World of Tanks, Neverwinter, Rift, Tera, War Thunder, MWO...the list goes on.
Instead of focusing on providing a better product and earning the money, they all have gone through changes to extract more money from their dedicated players if they want to stay on top.
World of tanks... gold ammo spam requires premium account and even a premium tank in some cases otherwise you end up being broke (ingame credits), also direct purchases of credits.
Neverwinter and Tera.. XP boosters, premium bags, faster mounts, mats for crafting.
Rift... XP boosters, premium bags, faster rare mounts, mats for crafting, extra build options,
War Thunder.. Premium account required if you want to play high rank battles without going broke.
MWO.. Premium consumables, C-weapons vs standard weapons. etc. The next step for MWO is increasing the repair and ammo costs to the extreme where the only way you can make a profit is by running a premium account or worse, adding premium weapons that can only be bought with money.
Rift? Really? Most of their money items are cosmetic. The few that are not do not give you a significant boost over other things. Mounts are probably the one place where what you buy with real money is better and that is simply a 130% boost in speed compared to the 110% boost. You get to the quest area 4-8 seconds sooner than those that didn't buy one. XP boosts are unneeded since the fast quests give you ridiculous amounts of XP already and capping is easy.
Chemie, on 02 July 2014 - 04:32 AM, said:
Then came subscription games at $10-15/month
Then came DLC for content that should have been in original game
Then F2P came and good ones just charged you for vanity items
Then PGI came and feel you have to pay $240 per year for mechs AND $10/month premium, AND pay for vanity, AND pay to create a unit (for CW)
PGI, the "All of the Above" monetization model
(PS, not they are the only evil ones...now many "F2P" are charging up to $500 just to enter their alpha testing and "get enough points to buy all the content for one civ aka Warhammer40k".)
What? People like to get paid for the work they do? Get out the pitchforks and torches.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 04:47 AM
151st Light Horse Regiment, on 01 July 2014 - 01:18 PM, said:
Give us money for extra stuff or you'll get ganked all the time and your fun game goes all ******"
This is why F2P gaming is only just above the CoD respawns on the list of 'shittest gaming ideas ever'.
Dude, you can buy the Clans as the come out for Cbills.
I really do not like hero mechs nor do i need them to win.
My 30 dollars doesn't really help me get any better at this game. If i wanted to i could put 150 in the game by tommarrow and it would not change a damn thing.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 04:48 AM
151st Light Horse Regiment, on 01 July 2014 - 01:18 PM, said:
Give us money for extra stuff or you'll get ganked all the time and your fun game goes all ******"
This is why F2P gaming is only just above the CoD respawns on the list of 'shittest gaming ideas ever'.
Actually MWO has a decent structure with their F2P strategy. Their issue is prices, CBILL grind and currently the Timberwolf is OP. That was to be expected though since Clan mechs are suppose to be more powerful.
We simply need better maps and better game modes.
Posted 02 July 2014 - 06:16 AM
151st Light Horse Regiment, on 01 July 2014 - 01:18 PM, said:
Give us money for extra stuff or you'll get ganked all the time and your fun game goes all ******"
This is why F2P gaming is only just above the CoD respawns on the list of 'shittest gaming ideas ever'.
p.s. opinion is not proof. Ill bet you watch a lot of commentary disguised as "news" and think their opinions are actual news. Hints why you think your opinion is proof.
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