FupDup, on 02 July 2014 - 09:54 AM, said:
- 1 ton
- 200m range
- 8 damage
- 4 heat
- 1 ton
- 450m range
- 7 damage
- 5 heat
Seriously, Paul, the weapon was reasonably balanced before. A pair of them gave a noticeably higher punch than 1 CERML, but you had the run the risk of getting into very short range to reap that higher damage (fights don't magically start at 180m, folks). But now, only a dumbass would ever use a CERSL after the patch.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but your evidence seems to support the fact that CERSL are actually on par with where tey should be. Your hyperbolic rage seems misplaced as we break it down.
1 ton 1 ton = Even
200m 450m = ML has a longer range (as would be expected)
8 Damage 7 damage = SL does more damage
4 heat 5 heat = ML has more heat
I put forth that the CERML is NOT in fact better in every way than 2 CERSL what is actually the case is that CERML trade a small loss of damage and and increase of heat for more range. Seems perfectly reasonable to me.
Now would you care to explain why my math and your math using the same numbers come to different conclusions?