maXe72, on 02 July 2014 - 10:29 PM, said:
The ones complaining now about their group getting dropped against 4+ groups
are the ones that stomped the solo players yesterday with a smile in the face.
The current MM system simply approximate the game experience for solo and group players.
Because of the relatively small player base PGI has to compromise and we have to deal with or stop playing.
Your choice.
Here are some fun facts a solo only player who feels premades stomp pugs with impunity with puggies being the only victums of an evil premade conspiracy would not know.
Very frequently when I dropped in a 4 man group I saw an obvious enemy 4 man group.Rarely did I find our 4 man group unopposed by an enemy premade of at least 2-3 players.
Go ahead ask around there will be plenty of grouping players to confirm this.
Now here is the really really funny part (at least to me) Puggies bitching and blaming premades for their losses are aparently so self absorbed and myopic they are blissfully unaware of one well understood fact in the 4 man premade community.
The team with the dumber puggies loses! That's right folks the main contributing factor for landslide victories is a team with more window licking morons will perform poorly.
This means that in truth the cause of the loses the puggies complain about and blame premades for are the cause of puggies themselves.
Go ahead ask some 4 man group players.Ask how often their 4 man are the first casualties.
Ask those premades how often their premade are the last four fighting a losing battle because 6 windowlickers stomped off to die early in the match.
Ask how often it is when a landslide loss occurs that the premade lance's scores and kills are 75% of the team's totals.
The painful truth is nearly every loss experienced by a team can be traced to the performance of that team (and frequently and specificly that team's pug players performances) and not the fault of 1/3 of the other team that won.
What you do not know is players who group have been grinning and bearing it and dealing with inept pugs since the seperation of the queues began.We understand that 8 premade players vs 8 solos was not any fun so we deal with it.Now there is a potential for the forced exile of grouping players to meta humping tryhard land of group only queues will alienate more players.After all who do you think will be the back bone of community warfare? will it be solos and casuals or grouping players who found units?
And,by the way the complaint isn't one group being dropped against 4+ groups it's the 4+ groups being dropped against a single 12 man (or 10+2).
12 players on one VOIP vs 4 on one 4 more on another 2 on another 2 others on their own voip with no more than 4 players able to talk to eachother without "puggin" it.This is the very same reason that 4 grouped players are better than 4 solo players.The team with the more refined communications has an advantage.And that advantage is a random effect of the match maker software and not a mater of player skill.