OriginalTibs, on 11 July 2014 - 09:38 AM, said:
A macro to automatically wait the required time for a gauss to spin up before releasing isn't what I think of as a hack. A hack is spoofing your location to the server such that you aren't where you appear to other players.
We aren't talking about a Macro to make shooting a Gauss easier. We are talking about how the jump mechanic can cause a moment of "invincibility" and how some players "in the know" are exploiting this issue to their advantage. It isn't a hack. It's a bug that people are abusing. It'd be like knowing there is a (fictional) bug that lets you be able to place a free Gauss onto your mech and let you be able to load into a match with it. If your mech can't take a Guass and you use this theoretical bug to place one on with 0 tonnage and not taking any slots, you'd be exploiting the system and using a known bug to your advantage.
Now, doing it once to "test it out" isn't a big deal. You test it. Find out it's true. Report the bug and never use it again. That isn't exploiting it. If you use it all the time, it'd be an exploit.
On the other hand, if it's a bug that is known, but there is nothing you can do about it and have to play with it, you aren't abusing the bug (you aren't exploiting) as you can't avoid it.
(Such as for example, I think there might be a bug with CERLLs where they will occasionally deal their full damage to the first component they hit, even if they only brushed you with the laser. I've noticed in my matches, though I can't confirm it, that occasionally I'll get brushed with a CERLL and suddenly, for the slight brushing, have no armor left on the component it brushed against first and no other splash damage anywhere else. I've noticed this particularly when in a fast mech. If this is a true bug (I can't prove it right now, but I suspect), then there is nothing that a clan mech can do about it. I wouldn't ask them to stop placing CERLLs on all their mechs, as that would be kinda crazy. Thus, if true, it isn't an exploit as there is nothing one can do about it.)
(I also am suspecting that Target Deprivation Module is also messing up NARC, causing NARC to either fall off the mech very quickly (it stops working), or turns it off randomly. I've confirmed that a mech that was hit with NARC shortly after (with no ECM and with me maintaining line of sight) will suddenly lose the NARC beacon effects even though they literally just got hit with it and was showing it's effects a few moments before. Then, randomly, the NARC pod will turn back on some time later. No ECM interfering still. If this is also true, then it wouldn't be an exploit, as there is nothing one can do to prevent or control the effect.)