RLBell, on 09 July 2014 - 07:35 PM, said:
You do know that there is a Jagermech variant where the 96 points only increases the armor to fifty points above what ravens run with (stock armor + 40 points), and you can hit jagermechs.
There's Ravens with stock armor superior to certain 80 ton mechs. Point? Ravens carry some of the strongest armor of light mechs. They also happen to outdo at least 4 of the seven currently available Shadowhawks.
Meanwhile Ravens absolutely suck at just about everything, and the one that doesn't, already has ferro armor so it will be forever stuck at 162 + 108 = 270.
Meanwhile that lowest Jager gets 288 as a max and thus has incredible weight savings for a standard engine of 300, 3 AC/5s and LOTS of ammo when you're running around with endo steel. It'll live longer than any current Jagermech under direct fire, even with less armor, because you're not cramming so damn much weight into said armor.
But, the lowest Jager doesn't come stock with Ferro.
192 points is 6.0 tons standard (96 points is 3 tons standard) so the max is 9.0 tons. Well then switch to Ferro. 6.0 tons ferro is 216, and 9.0 tons of ferro armor is 324. A Jagermech can get away with this easily due to its lack of a need for heatsinks.
So while a Raven 4X will easily outclass it in armor... (by 1 ton in armor, that's 32 standard or 36 ferro), do you honestly think a Raven 4X could match its firepower? And the Raven 4x is a very isolated tidbit of competition. Many mechs outclass a Jagermech in armor in canon lore, after all it's an anti-air and fire support battlemech, not a bullet stopper. It's a second to third line support mech in a company (3 lances), firing from afar. Not a twin AC/20 monster like it is now; in fact after these changes the K2 would again be the 65-tonner mech of choice for twin AC/20, restoring reasons in having Catapults.
It boils down to choices. The Jagermech S is chosen for firepower, range, and hill humping. It isn't meant to be chosen for its armor.
Ironically the Jagermech DD gets almost the same armor, because it had 6.5 tons in ferro armor (234 stock ferro, 208 stock standard; identical to a Raven 2x). At 9.5 tons as the new max it's (342 ferro) (304 standard).
But if you want decent armor protection in a Jagermech, you go to the JM6-A; the runt that no one likes... and that there is a Jagermech that can tank some shots with 8 tons of armor stock. That's 256 standard, 288 ferro.
See what I did there?
I made every variant useful. Even the unwanted and disliked.
It also gives you reasons to run lighter mechs. Sure, the 55 tonners are good, but a Hunchback is superior to all but 1 Shadowhawk in regards to armor, so it becomes a tossup... Jumpjets and ammo-based backup weapons, or much better armor with energy based backup weapons? Kintaro versus Griffin, believe it or not the least armored Kintaro has identical armor to the most armored Griffin. So between two similar mechs, prefer armor or jumpjets? Between most Locusts and a Jenner D, it's really a choice of speed (Locust) over firepower and jumpjets (Jenner).
Every mech has a use. That's the goal. Tabletop does great with it in stock loadouts. MWO's been awful.
So if you take this idea and slap it on every mech (as it's stock + 3 tons to all mechs), it will preserve all stock armor ratios to keep the characteristics of every mech. In turn, every mech will have its own unique armor traits. Combined with hardpoints as we have, engine limits, etc., you'll get kind of an enhanced feeling of tabletop. That's the idea, instead of lots of similar 'clones' of the same mech with different skins.
(Besides, honestly there's a 30 ton mech with equal armor, there's a 100 ton mech with less armor than a Jager... it just keeps going and going; but if that 100 ton battlemech ever got into MWO, you'd want it to have so little armor because the damn thing would one shot Atlases.)
(edit: Had an armor tonnage wrong. Added Jagermech A's armor tonnage and armor values with armor concept).
Another thing commonly mentioned is how the Cataphract 3D is the best one.
At 11 tons of armor (CTF 3D's stock armor btw) at 352 standard or 396 ferro. The Cataphract 2X (70 ton mech), the most unloved Cataphract ever created.. is stock 416, identical to the most armored Dragon and the most armored 65 ton Thunderbolt. It's only half a ton short of the most armored Stalker (85 ton). At 13 tons of armor, that means it'll always be 2 tons of armor better than a 3D, and the 2X is just a shrimpy middle ground with maxes between 512 standard and 576 ferro with this idea. The Cataphract 4X has 14 tons according to Sarna. It's not even possible to put 14 tons of armor onto the 4X in MWO. It is not possible.
With this concept it would be.
Edited by Koniving, 14 July 2014 - 11:14 AM.