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Mrbc League: Season 2 Sign-Ups Closing Tonight!

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#1 Ellen Ripley


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Posted 08 July 2014 - 01:14 AM

Tonight at 23:59:59 EST the sign-ups for the 2nd Season of The MRBC League are going to be closed.

The response we've seen until now has already far surpassed our hopes and expectations. At the moment 40 Teams have committed to Season 2!
If you want in, this is the last call!

The following link will take you directly to the sign-up thread:
Season 2 Sign-up Thread

Our timetable for Season 2 is as follows:

* Sign-ups end on 08.July.2014 at 23:59:59 EST

* 09.July - 13.July: organisational phase (creating fixtures etc.)

* First scheduling week: 14.July - 20.July - During which teams are expected to schedule their week one match.

* First match week: 21.July - 27.July

The signed up teams are:

EU Region (22 teams)

* STS - Sanguine Tigers (EU)
* RRB - Robinson Rangers Brigade - L-Company, 4th Battalion (EU)
* SMC - Strata Merc Corp (FR)
* 12thDG - 12th Donegal Guards (GER)
* BSC - Black Sun Corp (I)
* SJR - Steel Jaguar (EU)
* AS - Antares Scorpions (EU)
* RS - Red Shadows (ESP)
* 9th B&F - 9th Blood and Fire (GER)
* BWC - Black Widow Company (EU)
* RJF - Russian Jade Falcon (RU)
* 331st - 331 Dreams (GER)
* BSMC - Black Spikes Merc Corp (RU + EU)
* BSMC - Black Spikes Merc Corp - Team 2 (RU)
* SMC - Strata Merc Corp - Team 2 "Siberian Thunder" (FR)
* ELH - Eridani Light Horse (EU)
* 1stTR - 1st Tikonov Rangers (RU)
* TLMC - The Librarians Merc Corp (RU)
* 1stGIFR - 1st Grunwald Iron Fist Regiment (PL)
* RL - Ronin Legion (EU)
* 1stTR - 1st Tikonov Rangers - Team 2 (RU)
* WDMC - White Death Mercenary Company (FI)

NA Region (18 teams)

* AL - Apocalypse Lancers (NA)
* HHoD - Head Hunters of Davion 5th Battalion "Highland Guard" (NA)
* AS - Antares Scorpions (NA)
* TMC - The Templars (NA)
* RRB - Robinson Rangers Brigade - Team 2 "The Harbingers" (NA)
* PL - Praetorian Legion (NA)
* BT - BlackThornes - Team 1 (NA)
* HHoD - Head Hunters of Davion 6th Battalion - "California Conquerors" (NA)
* GK - The Golden Keshik (NA)
* SSF - Seraphim Storm Front (NA)
* DHB - Death Hands Brigade 4th Battalion (NA)
* RRB - Robinson Rangers Brigade - Team 1 "RRB Irregulars" (NA)
* BT - BlackThornes - Team 2 (NA)
* HBA - Hell's Black Aces (NA)
* CI - Comstar Irregulars (NA)
* SwK - Swords of Kentares (NA)
* AW - Aces Wild (NA)
* HoL - House of Lords (NA)

RU Region

* would need 4 teams at least

A big thanks again to all the teams who have committed to the league so far, and we hope you all have a great season in the MRBC League!

Edited by Ellen Ripley, 08 July 2014 - 07:50 PM.

#2 Ellen Ripley


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Posted 08 July 2014 - 08:03 PM

6 a.m. here and 0 a.m. EST - sign-ups are now closed.

We've reached an incredible 40 Teams !

Thanks to all of you and may you have an awesome season!

Edited by Ellen Ripley, 08 July 2014 - 08:07 PM.

#3 Legend_


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Posted 08 July 2014 - 11:18 PM

40 teams registered, that's a huge showing!

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