Paul Inouye, on 08 July 2014 - 11:36 AM, said:
One common misconception that I've seen concerning these changes is that this was supposed to "fix" the "pop-tart meta". That is not the case. Just to be clear, we are not trying to remove pop-tarting from MWO. It is a valid, tactical means of play.
Paul, just because it is a tactic that you and your staff favor, does not make it valid--let alone possible.
What you seem to be missing is the fact that there were, in fact, only a few 'mechs that were actually designed to "pop-tart." Pop-tart'ing wasn't a feasible tactic on Mechwarrior Tabletop, not just because of the heat output, but because of the unstable flight 'mechs experiences while in the air. Even jumping more then thirty to fifty feet meant severe consequences for the 'mech, which means the 'mech would experience a range of issues from falling over on the landing, to having legs or feet destroyed.
The way you have the game set up now (yes even after this supposed 'rework' to jump-jets) is that you're making the 'mechs work as if they have:
1) Improved Jump Jets.
2) Are capable of maintaining perfect targeting accuracy in mid-air on the DOWN swing of a jump.
3) Reinforced legs and feet.
If players want to be able to jump-snipe, then they need to do it with 'mechs that were designed to do it. Because I can tell you right now, the Highlander, and Victor were NOT designed to jump-snipe with the efficiency of a Hollander or a Hollander II.
A blog actually put the whole jump-sniping situation in MWO rather accurately:
"Jump Sniping - a tactic seen in Mechwarrior which would never have a feasible use in the tabletop scene. Jumping is difficult for a Mech pilot in Battletech and requires piloting rolls to maintain the 'mechs balance when it lands. Failure to do this can mean you fall over and damage your 'mech. MWO however allows you to freely jump and aim without penalty resulting in hilarious images of Highlanders bopping up and down behind a hill. In real life it would be like adding thrusters to a tank and having the driver hover the tank over a hill, the gunner aiming and firing and then lowering back down again. That's a lot of work for a crew so imagine what it would be like for someone piloting a massive walking combat machine to do accurately.
Basically it's a tactic that is so far removed from Battletech it may as well be Gundam."
(source: )
Simple solutions to the current "pop-tarting meta" is as follows:
1) Add crosshair shake to the "down swing" of a 'mech in mid-air. If a pilot tries to shoot while jumping, the accuracy of the shots should only be effective at "close" ranges. Which would be at about 120m - 200m ranges.
2) If you can't make 'mechs fall over, add greater damage penalties, add the "reinforced legs" quirk to certain 'mechs (such as the Summoner or the Highlander, since both of those 'mechs actually do have reinforced legs), and lessen the damage for 'mechs with reinforced legs.
3) MAKE THE JUMPJETS PRODUCE THEIR ALLOTTED HEAT! The current jump-jet/heat dynamics you have make no sense UNLESS a 'mech is equipped with Improved Jump Jets. This system would make more sense if you were explaining the mechanics behind Improved Jump Jets, but, at the moment, there are no Improved Jump Jets in the game. So treat the jump jets like [scrap]ing jump jets!
Edited by ReXspec, 09 July 2014 - 12:17 PM.