I don't care where my threads "go". Its more valuable to PGI to understand the visceral response to their UI than it is for me to have my thread sit in some arbitrary section. Also the venting was cathartic. For awhile. Then I went in and the UI inflicted itself upon me again.
Emotional response? Companies crave emotional response from their products. That's called feedback. you might want to listen to it, instead of bury it. Lodr knows from this UI PGI needs it.
Especially given that it breaks just about every rule in the good UX book (and I know, I've been doing this professionally for more than 25 years).
You want specifics? Lets see.
- Never put buttons in a direct workflow on opposite sides of the screen.
- Do not have mouse only confirmations - ALL of them should have <enter> mapped on focus on panel load.
- Have EVERY button navigable by <tab> - ESPECIALLY on confirmation screens.
- NEVER have confirmation screens with one button - ala "OK". If you did it, you did it. Unless your code needs an event handler. In which case, write better event code.
- ALIGN your buttons! Having 3 confirmation dialogs pop up in a row is bad enough, don not compound it by having NONE of your buttons in the same location as the previous dialog. ESPECIALLY when they are not mapped on load to <enter> and are accessible only by mouse click
- Don't have your buttons only accessible by MOUSE CLICK.
Good enough?
I could go on and on and on. Like poor use of real estate. Obfuscation of information behind meaningless icons. Having icons that are not clickable (when the text below it is the only way to activate that control) and so on. Much of that PGI has heard from other UI2.0 feedback.
They deserve to hear it again. Especially because it sucks and makes using the UI unpleasant and unenjoyable. A thing to be worked and gotten around to get to the game matches.
There, I've done my bit. gnight
Ktown, uptown, downtown, gtown, whatever. If thats supposed to impart something to me, it doesn't. There's some of my feedback. Its on PGI to do something with it. If "ktown" means its buried then thats PGI's loss, not mine.
Edited by Hillslam, 14 July 2014 - 04:47 PM.