Posted 14 July 2014 - 12:12 AM
Almost certainly never. It takes PGI a looooong time to balance normal mech variants, let alone hero mechs. Some of the oldest mechs in this game are still the most useless - although the cynic would argue that this is just power creep, and not an unintentional mistake.
I would be happy to see many of the changes proposed here, but not ECM on a hero mech. I do agree we need more ECM mechs though.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 01:44 AM
Mystere, on 13 July 2014 - 07:24 PM, said:
Of course, this was all before the ERPPC changes and the introduction of ghost heat. As such, PGI can give the PB some heat and/or PPC related benefits to make it excel in that role again.
I used to charge them from the front, alpha once then torso twist and just keep going straight, this would then be immediately followed by everyone else charging the mechs that have just unloaded their weapons and are turning to track the giant distraction. Most of the time I'd survive too, and get a kill or two with the remaining half of my weapons.

Works extremely well against closely grouped mechs, and you can drop an arty strike on them for even more chaos.
Do not try this against competitive teams, it might work, but you're more or less guaranteed to die either way.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 02:02 AM
Posted 14 July 2014 - 02:10 AM
Some suggestions:
-- Death's Knell: get him ECM
-- Ember dito
-- Oxide dito
-- Huginn....its a raven theres nothig to do about this ;-)
-- Arrow: add additional Energy Hardpoint to his arms
-- GridIron: get him an 10% Armor bonus and other tweaks since his names suggest a tanking mech.
-- Yen - LO - Wang: needs more maneuverability
-- Loup de Guerre: just dont know maybe a 2nd AMS and more missle Hardpoits to stak more LRM5
-- Golden Boy: more Hardpoints for making a SSRM boat
-- IV4: IDK
-- Flame and Fang: Add jumpjets and more Hardpoints while stripping underarm actuators
-- Jester add AC Hardpoits to his arms
-- Firebrand: Add jumpjets and more laser hardpoints to his arms
-- Ilya: Jumpjets and an additional energy Hardpoit in his left arm and an additional AC hardpoint in his left torso.
-- Protector: IDK
-- Baby: like op said
-- Dragonslayer needs to be denerfed again. Atm its just a next to useless mech. You can't realy use the jets and even with highrating reactor its too cumbersome while beeing too big and having not enough armor.
-- Misery: second AC slot in other torso or even move both ac slots into arms for dual AC20 or dual gauss --> would be the ideal anti dire or anti timbi
-- Heavy metal: needs to be more nimble same like Victor
-- La Maliche: Double every hardpoint
-- Boars Head: dito
Thats it. At least the heros would be somewhat on par with the Clan invasion mechs.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 02:51 AM
The Basilisk, on 14 July 2014 - 02:10 AM, said:
Or we could just drag the poor game out behind the barn and put a bullet in it, instead of suffering the prolonged agony you are suggesting we use to kill it.
*edit* for the record I don't want MWO to die.
Edited by Circles End, 16 July 2014 - 12:46 AM.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 03:22 AM
Circles End, on 14 July 2014 - 02:51 AM, said:
That would be something I would like to watch.....no wait let me do the deed myself

No realy.
I think Clans wouldn't be a problem at all if PGI stood to their schedule: FIRST CW and then Clans.
Now we will have 3 months ( or to be more exact we will have till Timberwolf and Stormcrow come out for C-bills ) of pay to win and whine and bickering if the Clan Mechs are OP or not and the one faction will compare Kitfoxes and Pumas with Jenners and Embers and the other faction will compare Timberwolves with Dragons and Quickdraws.
No matter what sooner or later IS - Mechs will simply be outdated.
And thats a Problem for the game. ( Yea I know there was a DEVVlog6 and I don't care anymore what they promise until I see it !!! )
Prereleasing Clanmechs for money without CW was a FUBAR decision.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 03:28 AM
There is new mechs to be made and sold, no time to correct old mistskes.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 03:34 AM
I got all the other variants, and do great games with all of them (after some time of getting used to the chassis and tweaking the setups),so one day i looked at the PB and said to myself "yeah ok... the chassis itself is already hardmode... the weaponslots on that thing suck.... these negative quirks are bad... the engine cap might be nice, but if i cram a XL400 in this, i don't have much tonnage for weapons left, so eff this... but there MUST be a way to make that thing work and show the guys that this thing can be devastating". So i bought some MC and got the PB... and i failed epicly.
Whatever i did, whatever loadout i tried, whatever strategy i used, there was no way to constantly do good games in the PB.
With a mech with hitboxes this big, speed is the key to survive, so anything below a 350-engine is a death sentence, the energy-slot in the head is as good as useless, the amount of tubes doesn't allow it to be a LRM-carrier, a big engine in combination with the decel-quirk makes that thing move like a fully loaded freight train (dont even THINK of something like an emergency stop in situations you are used to stop, just keep running and turn around), the hitboxes in combination with the needed speed and therefor the xl-engine makes it a bad close-up-brawler. Seriously (and i hate that i have to say that), there is no good thing about the PB... except that it's an Awesome and therefor looks awesome

I know only one pilot who manages to get good games regularly, and that's with a loadout mixed from LRMs, ignoring the tube-count, and some lasers. But even his games and their values feel more like he is piloting a medium or light heavy.
Really, something has to be done about that Ugly Baby... give it a balistic slot in one arm, more missile-tubes, more energy slots, the ability to carry ECM, remove ghostheat or anything... and first of all, remove that damn negative quirk!
At the moment, in terms of helping my team and having fun, i would rather take ANY other mech (except the locust maybe) before i drop in the Sad Baby...
Posted 14 July 2014 - 03:49 AM
The Basilisk, on 14 July 2014 - 02:10 AM, said:
Some suggestions:
-- Death's Knell: get him ECM
-- Ember dito
-- Oxide dito
-- Huginn....its a raven theres nothig to do about this ;-)
-- Arrow: add additional Energy Hardpoint to his arms
-- GridIron: get him an 10% Armor bonus and other tweaks since his names suggest a tanking mech.
-- Yen - LO - Wang: needs more maneuverability
-- Loup de Guerre: just dont know maybe a 2nd AMS and more missle Hardpoits to stak more LRM5
-- Golden Boy: more Hardpoints for making a SSRM boat
-- IV4: IDK
-- Flame and Fang: Add jumpjets and more Hardpoints while stripping underarm actuators
-- Jester add AC Hardpoits to his arms
-- Firebrand: Add jumpjets and more laser hardpoints to his arms
-- Ilya: Jumpjets and an additional energy Hardpoit in his left arm and an additional AC hardpoint in his left torso.
-- Protector: IDK
-- Baby: like op said
-- Dragonslayer needs to be denerfed again. Atm its just a next to useless mech. You can't realy use the jets and even with highrating reactor its too cumbersome while beeing too big and having not enough armor.
-- Misery: second AC slot in other torso or even move both ac slots into arms for dual AC20 or dual gauss --> would be the ideal anti dire or anti timbi
-- Heavy metal: needs to be more nimble same like Victor
-- La Maliche: Double every hardpoint
-- Boars Head: dito
Thats it. At least the heros would be somewhat on par with the Clan invasion mechs.
Well, I disagree with every single suggestion in that post, except giving the Death's Knell ECM.

Basically, all those things either contribute to further power creep by making all hero mechs OP or have very little impact at all.
Edited by Alistair Winter, 14 July 2014 - 03:50 AM.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 04:30 AM
Agreed, it is an iconic mech and should be much better in MWO. My reading of Battletech lore indicates that whilst not manuverable, is an excellent, dependable weapon system and a solid defensive mech that could take plenty of punishment. This is certainly not what we see in MWO. In spite of this, I've recently purchased the Pretty
I haven't elited out this mech as yet and fully expect to be dissapointed at some stage. I've switched to a standard 300 engine and cleaned up the horrible colour scheme it came with. (kind of looks like the mech vomitted upon itself, which might be fairly appropriate in respect to earlier comments) Armament is 2 x PPC's, MPLas, 2 x SRM4, 1 x SRM6 and AMS, with full armour. Decidedly mixed results so far, though improved after I changed the default armour ratios. Yes the mech stops like a freight train and handles like a headless chicken. I use foot flight pedals for acceleration and mouse button for reversing, so maybe its not too much of a problem for me. I guess I could describe this in my native Australian vernacular, as what I should expect from mech with its head up its arse!
At any rate, I have some questions for those of you with more experience with the Awesome.
1. Are all these problems associated just with the hero version or does it apply to all the Awesome chassis?
2. To what extent has recent SRM fixes improved the combat effectiveness of these builds?
3. I recall seeing a post about some hit box changes to the Awesome. Did this change or improve anything at all?
4. Will a standard engine help in deceleration? I gather it assists in survivability and am in no hurry to rush first into combat.
5. Does the deceleration problem disappear with all the unlocks, or is it just less pronounced?
6. What are the best armour ratios (front and back) that work best, particulary the centre torso?
I also think that it'd be a longtime before your concerns are addressed by the developer. Maybe with the onset of community warfare, the general Marik or Freeworlds community will voice their concerns about their premier assault mech being nerfed. Personally, I tend to revel in the fact that I'm piloting possibly the worst mech in the game. No doubt there's probably a special place in mech pilot hell for people like me who spend time in the Pretty Baby cockpit. So why not create a unit or group that solely consists of Awesomes and in enter it into the forthcoming CW. Call it something obvious like the "Purgatory Punishment Company" to highlight to the developers, the apparent short commings of this mech. Also "PPC' signifys the weapon of choice for the Awesome series of mechs.
Looking forward to your comments.
Edited by Draughluin, 14 July 2014 - 04:50 AM.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 04:45 AM
Draughluin, on 14 July 2014 - 04:30 AM, said:
1. Are all these problems associated just with the hero version or does it apply to all the Awesome chassis?
2. To what extent has recent SRM fixes improved the combat effectiveness of these builds?
3. I recall seeing a post about some hit box changes to the Awesome. Did this change or improve anything at all?
4. Will a standard engine help in deceleration? I gather it assists in survivability and am in no hurry to rush first into combat.
5. Does the deceleration problem disappear with all the unlocks, or is it just less pronounced?
6. What are the best armour ratios (front and back) that work best, particulary the centre torso?
1. The Awesomes generally handle alright, so the lack of agility isn't really a concern for the other mechs. The 9M in particular is fairly agile.
2. At this stage in the game, with so many snipers and LRM boats, you need speed or survivability to be a good SRM boat, and the Awesome has neither. The 8R may pack a nice punch as an SRM boat, but you'll rarely live long enough to deliver more than a couple of salvos, I think.
3. Yeah, you don't die from CT damage as often. But it's still a relatively slow barn door, so you're still taking a lot of damage to the side torsos.
4. STD vs XL doesn't make any difference, the important thing is the size of the engines. And while a huge engine will let you go at higher speeds, thus increasing the time it takes to slow down, small engines also take more time to reverse. So anytime you're looking over a hill or around a corner, a small engine means it takes you longer to pop back into cover when you're under fire. And AWS do draw a lot of fire, as they are considered easy targets.
5. Haven't played the Pretty Baby, but it's not an issue for other Awesomes.
6. Depends on your role. The 8R and 8T are long range support mechs, so they don't need too much rear armour. If you get shot from the rear in your 8R with 4xLRM10 or 4xLRM15, then you're probably screwed anyway. The AWS-8Q and AWS-9M are a bit different, but somewhere around 15 should be alright. I don't think there's a right answer, because it depends on your playstyle.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 05:37 AM
There are some good suggestions in this thread like adding one (or two) energy hardpoints and unlocking the missile tubes. Removing the deccel nerf should be the first fix though and since it's supposed to be so agile why not giving a turning speed buff instead?
Posted 14 July 2014 - 06:27 AM
The Pretty Baby then needs one more hardpoint, and can use an adjustment on it's missile tube counts.
If an arm energy hardpoint is out of the question, then I'd hope to consider a CT hardpoint at least. Either an Energy to allow a 3LL build or a 6 tube Missile one for an SRM6 or LRM 5. Then the arm missile tubes, bring those up to either 6 or 10 tubes with the torso missile slot going to 20 tubes.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 06:57 AM
Praetor Knight, on 14 July 2014 - 06:27 AM, said:
The Pretty Baby then needs one more hardpoint, and can use an adjustment on it's missile tube counts.
If an arm energy hardpoint is out of the question, then I'd hope to consider a CT hardpoint at least. Either an Energy to allow a 3LL build or a 6 tube Missile one for an SRM6 or LRM 5. Then the arm missile tubes, bring those up to either 6 or 10 tubes with the torso missile slot going to 20 tubes.
The arm energy hardpoint would be best but if it wouldn't be there I'd stack the second in the LT with the other that's already there. Going with the CT would limit it to a 2 slot weapon so there'd be no chance of going with a PPC. Of course, that could be the reason for your suggestion.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 07:31 AM
The chassis is a damn walking heatsink. Seriously, it's a refrigeration unit with armor and energy weapons. It is the *PERFECT* platform for PPCs, in both game and lore -- unfortunately current situations prevent that. Combine GH, still very slab-sided hitboxes and the current pinpoint damage situation and we've got mechs that are better used as a decoration than to fight in.
Perhaps one day I will get to use them again.. with explicit tripple PPC loadouts from factory not equating to an instant overheat condition.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 07:37 AM
What compounds all of this is that, even if PGI broke down and offered up another hard point, all you'd really get is another version of one of the 8 series. Add another energy, you've got the 8V. Add another missile and you've got the 8R. As it stands, the 9M is just the 8Q with the a missile in the arm (CT can be energy just like the 8Q). They're not going to add ballistics and throwing us a bone and giving it another AMS or even two more AMS won't fix it. In all honesty, what they should have done was:
- remove one of the arm missile and replace with an AMS
- add two energy/missile hard points to the CT
Edited by Trauglodyte, 14 July 2014 - 07:38 AM.
Posted 14 July 2014 - 09:58 AM
Koniving, on 13 July 2014 - 08:31 PM, said:
Got two things..
1) The negative quirks are what makes it a great mech. Think I'm kidding?
Take your Pretty Baby and climb a hill with the zig zag technique.
Now take any Victor with the same size engine and try the same thing.
Want to know what you'll notice? The Pretty Baby's inferior deceleration rate allows it to climb harder, longer, faster. It's the same effect as having a stronger-than-available-hill-climb-module that you can stack with the hill climb module to climb slopes that even light mechs can't climb. Why? Because PGI probably didn't think that through...much like many things.
2) Fixing the PB is all well and good. I've got a simpler fix though. Art overhaul with visual weapons customization + for the love of god fix the overlapping CT hitbox that makes CT easy to hit from the side by intentionally shooting the STs on ALL Awesomes. Perhaps a non-linear CT/ST configuration for the hitbox would help, akin to what was done for the Victor.

Because what we have isn't that different from this...

The should squeeze in the torso mounted weapons closer to the CT. The Victor's lower CT is encroached in on by the sides. So why shouldn't the awesome get the same treatment?
Posted 14 July 2014 - 10:39 AM
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