The first point that I want to address is how community warfare will function. From what I have seen so far, all community warfare is going to be is more dropping into matches with the points a faction earns as a whole, determining how much territory is controlled. This is NOT what we want, I can tell you that from the start. What we want is this:
- We want a full, dynamic, innersphere map that changes as territory is lost and gained. We want individual planets that can be attacked and conquered by other houses. We want these planets to have things like HPGs and mech factories and bases that serve a function in the house they belong too. For example, if a planet with an AS7 factory is captured, the faction it used to belong too should see that the price of buying a AS7 goes up, or become unavailable as there are no more factories.
- Each company/corp/guild/whatever, has its own mech garage, c-bill account, parts garage, jumpships, dropships. In other words, stuff for random drops has no effect on what happens in community warfare and you are limited to the mechs and resources that are available to your company and only your company. If you lose a mech, its gone for good. if your mech is damaged in a fight, in needs repair. Logistics like these are what we want.
- Logistics and planning. We want to be able to plan out our own military campaigns, deciding what planets to attack, what to attack with, when to attack, how long it will take get there, how many dropships to use, who to send, etc, etc.
So far, what you have shown us is nothing like what we want to see. If you do not get Community warfare right, This game will fail. But, if you get it right, you could, COULD have a game that rivals EVE Online for sheer scope and depth.
So the question really is this:
Are the above features going to be a part of Community Warfare? If not, why are simple Java games able to have these features like MekWars...and you are not able to do it? And why was a game like 3025 able to have something close, but you cant?
Id like to know what you all think about the direction that PGI and MWO is taking so feel free to post.
Edited by DeathjesterUK, 15 December 2013 - 12:08 PM.