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Direwolf Builds

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#1 Rattler85


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Posted 17 July 2014 - 01:39 PM

These are my direwolf Prime and A builds and a possible B build.


A: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...e90322fa5898d93


Comments and suggestions appreciated.

#2 Bad Haircut


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Posted 17 July 2014 - 02:04 PM

Hey Rattler85, did you save your load out in Smurfy?
Just checked your links and there’s not mech selected. Sorry to say but you may have to rebuild and repost them mate.

Edit: Never mind, Prime and B: links working but there's a problem with the A: link.

Edited by Morden Kerensky, 17 July 2014 - 02:40 PM.

#3 Rattler85


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Posted 17 July 2014 - 02:21 PM

For A: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...e90322fa5898d93

#4 DirtyDrifter


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Posted 21 July 2014 - 08:13 AM

I am working on the mastery 3rd moudle slot for my Dwolves. I was having some trouble with the Dire Wolf A so changed it around a bit and added a B torso and it seems a lot better now.

Originally I had 2 ER PPCs in the right arm but they get hot so up close I was overheating or only working with the one AC20. Adding the AC2s and the medium lasers seems to give it more of a balanced punch at all ranges.


Any thoughts on this build are appreciated

Edit: A friend in my World Of Tanks clan suggested this:

1 UAC5
2 LRM15's
1 UAC20

C-U-AC/5 AMMO 270 3 tons
C-U-AC/20 AMMO 140 4 tons
C-LRM AMMO 720 4 tons
C-LRM AMMO (1/2) 90 (1/2 ton)

8 total DHS (36% efficiency, up from 25%)
7.03 sustained DPS (up from 5.9)
73 firepower, down from 74.5
Those small lasers were all but pointless. Adding in the 2nd LRM 15 instead of a 10 and 15 combo will give you more long range punch without as much heat as the 2 ERPPC build. The UAC5 will give you really good /short mid range ability along with the UAC 20. If you lose either torso you'll still be a force to be reckoned with at both long and medium/short ranges.

If you want to make it more laser balanced I would suggest dropping the PPC and some ammo for 2 large lasers.

PS: Anyone else running the Dire wolf prime in the stock (or near stock) configuration? I think that thing is pretty damn perfect. The solo LRM10 might not have enough to get through AMS all the time but other than that I've found it to be a total rockstar.

Edited by DirtyDrifter, 21 July 2014 - 08:32 AM.

#5 Arctcwolf


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 07:57 PM

theres a nice spike damage build floating around, running dual gauss with UAC20 and the rest ER-sml lasers. does 86 spike damage up close...enough to blow thru a right or left torso on most mechs.

theres also dakka wolves running quad or sextuplet UAC2's or 5's with either med or sml lasers.

other than the nova, they are the best beam/ac boats out there.

#6 Fluffy Fox


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Posted 30 July 2014 - 07:07 AM

A personal favorite of mine is the DWF-Boom
Running a LBX50 is just too much fun to pass up.

Edited by Comrade Bob, 30 July 2014 - 07:08 AM.

#7 Xanezz


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Posted 04 August 2014 - 02:53 PM

View PostXanezz, on 04 August 2014 - 02:38 PM, said:

PPC/Gauss is for cowards:


Posted Image

Experimental DWF B:
bit short on ammo, but plenty backup lasers


Wanted to try out LBX20, good fun. Keep it all A-Omnipods for leveling, didnt feel like changing anything.

#8 EAP10


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Posted 27 October 2014 - 07:28 AM

One of my most favorite builds involves the prime arms, the A right side torso omnipod for an ams, the A dual missle hard point omnipod, with the B center torso.

The weapons are two Clan-gauss rifles in the arms for some long range pinpoint action, with two CSSRM6's or CSRM6's for a close range punch to strip armour and defence against lights, and finnaly 6 ERMED lasers to destroy armour and provide a medium range punch.

I find this build great for leveling up, because you usually pump out large amounts of damage and have a pretty high alpha if you manage to hold the lasers on target.

Good luck out there in this lurm-filled galaxy fellow Daishi pilots!

Edited by EAP10, 27 October 2014 - 07:30 AM.

#9 EAP10


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Posted 27 October 2014 - 07:35 AM

View PostComrade Bob, on 30 July 2014 - 07:07 AM, said:

A personal favorite of mine is the DWF-Boom
Running a LBX50 is just too much fun to pass up.

That build seems pretty good, might try it out later :)
The lbx build I use is four CLBX5s, one CLBX10, and three CERMED lasers with the omnipod with the arm actuactor so you get extra mobility.
Hope I was a help!

#10 EAP10


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Posted 27 October 2014 - 07:41 AM

View PostDirtyDrifter, on 21 July 2014 - 08:13 AM, said:

PS: Anyone else running the Dire wolf prime in the stock (or near stock) configuration? I think that thing is pretty damn perfect. The solo LRM10 might not have enough to get through AMS all the time but other than that I've found it to be a total rockstar.

I used to run a build very similar to the stock prime build, what I did change though was drop the pluses down to normal med. Lasers, got rid of the lrm10 and added four machine guns and more ammo and heatsinks for the other weapons.

#11 Valasharia


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Posted 15 January 2015 - 11:10 PM

I freely admit that when it comes to playing MWO I am an inept player. Perhaps it is due to my age (I am 71) or the fact that MWO is the only shooter that I play. But I have loved the game ever since the first version of the game came out in 1989. I have tried a variety of mechs in MWO, and the Dire Wolf is the only mech in which I have more kills than deaths. In fact lately I have been doing quite well with my latest Dire Wolf variant with a top game (for me) of six kills in one game and 1350 damage. My current build has two torso-mounted CLRM 15s with 1440 rounds of ammo. That makes the vehicle an excellent support mech. I have four Clan large pulse lasers (two in each arm) for when I run out of LRM ammo or for brawling. All ammo is also carried in the arms to avoid a torso hit blowing the mech apart. I don't know about the rest of you, but that build works for me. I can even handle small mechs dancing around me by chain-firing the pulse lasers. One or two hits usually discourages them, and I can get off about 12 shots before overheating.

#12 DLFReporter


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Posted 15 January 2015 - 11:41 PM

Good day Valash,
nice to see more 'old' guys playing this game. Out of all games I have played, this one seems to be the one with the maturest guys around, both in terms of age and demeanour. ^^
Anyhow, since I love trying out other people's builds I tried rebuilt your config in Smurfy, mainly using the DWF-A, which lead me to the following question: What else do you field in your mech? I built it with AMS, TAG, Artemis,Target Computer MK2, 608 Armor and still had room for 1800 LRMs.

Edited by DLFReporter, 15 January 2015 - 11:41 PM.

#13 Karl Streiger


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Posted 15 January 2015 - 11:55 PM

Want to have a real challange - my favorite DireWolf Config from TableTop

Edited by Karl Streiger, 15 January 2015 - 11:56 PM.

#14 Axex


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 01:35 PM

I'm using this LB40-X build.
It's based on the B variant.


#15 Rando Slim


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 11:52 PM

So today I just threw together a Dire Wolf Prime with the remaining pods I had leftover after building my Ballistic Spam Wolf (4 UAC/10s and 8 er small lasers) and lo and behold I accidentally created a monster........check this out: Twin Gauss for long rage, 4 medium pulse hurts things pretty bad when followed by gauss......and then 2 streak 6s to defend yourself against fast things with funny ideas. Way better build than I expected and clearly out performs my other Dire Wolf. 5 to 1 k/d ratio with it so far (though still a small sample size, will probably fall to more like 3/1).

EDIT: heres smurfy link, you could switch out a heatsink for another ton of gauss ammo (personally im pretty choosy with my shots). Another thing is that this is a lot of your firepower on the left, but I'm left-handed IRL so it suits me fine. Most people aim for your right torso or ct anyway cause this game is so right-hand oriented.


Edited by Scrotacus 42, 18 January 2015 - 12:19 AM.

#16 Black Ivan


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Posted 01 March 2015 - 10:26 AM

I tested my Direwolf A today, but so far had no good idea on a decent build

Does anybody has a good built/ idea for it?

#17 EAP10


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Posted 01 March 2015 - 11:47 AM

Try two gauss rifles, an lbx20, and three medium lasers. Use the A arms and the B side torsos.

#18 Mad Dog Morgan


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Posted 03 March 2015 - 01:51 AM

I have no idea what I'm doing here. This is wrong. So very wrong.

#19 IlleLorem


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Posted 07 March 2015 - 08:50 PM


No. This is wrong. This is horrifying. This is the stuff of your team's nightmares.

*I have never run this nor do I plan to. Anyone who runs this takes full responsibility for the rage they get.

#20 Valasharia


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Posted 11 March 2015 - 07:42 AM

View PostDLFReporter, on 15 January 2015 - 11:41 PM, said:

Good day Valash,
nice to see more 'old' guys playing this game. Out of all games I have played, this one seems to be the one with the maturest guys around, both in terms of age and demeanour. ^^
Anyhow, since I love trying out other people's builds I tried rebuilt your config in Smurfy, mainly using the DWF-A, which lead me to the following question: What else do you field in your mech? I built it with AMS, TAG, Artemis,Target Computer MK2, 608 Armor and still had room for 1800 LRMs.

Sorry about my late response, I did not know anyone had commented on my post. I use Artemis, the clan active probe, and the rest are heat sinks. If I cut down on the heat sinks I can easily add 360 more ammo, but those 4 large pulse lasers are just too deadly close up to shut down too soon so I have 4 heats sinks instead. I've killed quite a few big mechs in one-on-one duels firing them in chain while also launching multiple missile strikrs. I find I rarely run our of LRM ammo anyway so the heat sinks are more important.

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