I wanted to make a painting commemorating the battle, which is actually still ongoing as of this posting, but I ran into the problem of the Ostroc and Orion looking, well, kind of terrible in canon.
What with there being a big deal with updating classic designs in Mechwarrior Online, I got inspired to do the same with some of these other 'Mechs whose art haven't been released. Also got to try my hand at painting in photoshop, something I'm still fairly new at. Over-reliance on local color and relative flatness of composition is a constant bugbear in things I do.
So here it is, my take on the 'mechs of the 1st Regulan Hussars, Rolling Thunder company.
![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/mOIWo.jpg)
Full-size version on my new dA account. It's so new I haven't figured out how to work with half the stuff on it. Social networking was never my strong suit.
I tried to keep the overall silhouettes of the Ostroc OSR-2C and Orion ON1-K intact while trying to make them look less boxy and awkward. Gave them new heads, too. I did take some cues from flyingdebris' work on some details (and I'm a pretty big fan of his!) but the general design sensibilities are my own. Shrank the cockpit canopies on the heavies and the Awesome, too, to give them a feel of greater physical "presence." That is, to say, smaller faces make 'Mechs look bigger.
Also the company insignia is no longer the Meltyface Batmanlogo Vampirella. (Check sarna, you'll see what I'm talking about.) The new insignia I drew is anime as all get-out though, and posting that here would be silly.