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Is There Any Logic In What Lance You Get Assigned?

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#1 MadPanda


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 02:41 AM

I've been playing a lot of timber wolf lately for obvious reason so I didn't care what lance I was in (solo queue) because I was fast and could get anywhere. But now that I've switched to playing assault mechs, I'm questoning the logic behind assigned mechs into lances and the lance locations. I am very often assigned to the "suicide lance". It's the name I've given to the lance that is furthest away from the rest of the team, and I guess in some perfect world that lance would go attack the enemy first, but that's not this world.

What ends up happening is that I'm the only assault mech walking there with my 48kph and start taking shots from behind/side from the enemy. Too many games end up me getting ganked by a fast moving enemy lance because I'm simply way too slow to get to my team and they ofc don't give a **** about me (even when asking for help in chat). Solo queue problems I know, nobody helps each other, but why does the game already have to **** me? Can we get a simple logic that no assault mechs into the suicide lance OR put all assaults in same lance so that nobody can just run off and leave each other behind because you should all be about same speed.

#2 Mazzyplz


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 02:49 AM

i believe the logic is that the first lances on each team are first come first serve - then as the game tries to populate all the lances on both teams, the elo range gets wider so people in lance charlie could be in a higher or lower elo bracket, or i guess a mix.

so if you appear on lance charlie you could very well be next to people who are new to the game or in a lower or higher elo bracket

by the way i know exactly what you mean and it happens to me all the time.
you have to get moving FAST, and for the love of god don't play conquest because what you describe is way worse in conquest mode

#3 Fatal25


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 02:52 AM

This topic has been discussed numerous times on the forums. I spawned over 40 times in a row in Charlie Lance while playing solo in an assault over the past month or so. With the last patch I can spawn in lances other than Charlie, but prior to that it was a guarantee that I would be in Charlie when I played solo. I have yet to see an official answer as to what determines the lance you spawn in, but the general consensus is that your lance assignment is based on when the server grabs you and puts you in the game, in other words it is random. Before the last patch they would put 2-4 man groups in Alpha and Bravo so the solo players would almost always get dropped into Charlie. Now it is much more random.

I feel your pain spawning in Charlie in an assault while playing solo. Rarely, if ever, will someone stay as your wingman and you will almost assuredly get pounded on River City south Charlie spawn before getting to the rest of your team.

#4 WintermuteOmega


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 02:53 AM

I know your pain. Had some matches where either our lance materialised by 2 enemy Lances or our Team just stomped on in a circle leaving the slow and heavy mechs in behind to die. Luckly i drive mediums now, so i can usually escape the death by the circle of death.
The proble is, that Lance assignment is not done by Tonnage, but of 2 Things:Are you a premade and what elo do you have.
Premades get assignedto Alpha Lance. If there are more than 1 PM (which souldn't happen, but does quite often), Premades also get Bravo and Charlie Lances.
Otherwise (if no premades arein the game) the Players with higher/better Elos usuall are assigned to Alpha and Players wit a smaller Elo get to be Bravo & Charie

#5 Piney II


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 02:55 AM


There are no premades in the solo queue anymore.

#6 WintermuteOmega


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 03:01 AM

I think that depends, as a solo Player, you can still be in mixed with premades, but you have the Option to go PUG only AFAIK. But true, i have lost oversight since the latest MM-Changes

#7 Mazzyplz


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 03:07 AM

View PostWintermuteOmega, on 25 July 2014 - 03:01 AM, said:

I think that depends, as a solo Player, you can still be in mixed with premades, but you have the Option to go PUG only AFAIK. But true, i have lost oversight since the latest MM-Changes

that is false, you cannot be mixed with premades as solo anymore

since 2 patches ago i think, can't remember too well since when but it hasn't been long

#8 Monkey Lover


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 03:09 AM

I was almost alway charlie but lately for the first time I been getting alpha. Old days alpha was for the premades im guessing this is why it changed.

#9 DaZur


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 03:46 AM


For months when I dropped pug I was always in Alpha (or occasionally in Beta if Alpha was filled with a PM) but never Charlie. Starting just last week, I am now routinely assigned to Charlie with rare slots in Beta and even rarer in Alpha.

In context... My Win / Loss has been steadily increasing and I've only just recently moved past a 1.10+ ratio.

My unscientific conclusion?

Based on the increase in Win/Loss and the caliber of players I am seeing in match in parallel to the routine assignment to Charlie lance, I have concluded that I just recently made a jump from one Elo bracket to a higher one. As such, I am now low-man-on-the-totem-pole...

I could be grasping here but I think it's a sound conclusion.

Edited by DaZur, 25 July 2014 - 03:46 AM.

#10 Tom Sawyer


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 04:23 AM

Spawn in Charlie on Alpine Peaks. In a fatlass or a direwhale.

On the team that is the on the other side of the map from the radio tower.

Team says everyone head to the radio tower!

If you lucky you can make it before the match ends or a couple smart enemy lites come calling.

Edited by Tom Sawyer, 25 July 2014 - 04:24 AM.

#11 mogs01gt


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 05:00 AM

View PostTom Sawyer, on 25 July 2014 - 04:23 AM, said:

Spawn in Charlie on Alpine Peaks. In a fatlass or a direwhale.
On the team that is the on the other side of the map from the radio tower.
Team says everyone head to the radio tower!
If you lucky you can make it before the match ends or a couple smart enemy lites come calling.

Well that is a different issue. If maps didnt force us or lets say the mentality of players didnt force everyone to one area, it wouldnt be so bad.

What if both teams got random spawns!! Now that would be interesting.

#12 9thDeathscream


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Posted 25 July 2014 - 07:04 AM

I have the feeling that the MM is mainly filling tonnages where applicable first and that Elo is a secondary concern now. I have been dropping a few matches on my wife's account to get some Cbills up for her while the cadet bonus was active. I was dropping in Alpha, while some players who I have seen on my account and are good players were dropping in Charlie.

Also to add before the last patch I myself on this account nearly always (90% of the time) would drop in Alpha. Now i get a lot more variation.

Edited by Akulla1980, 25 July 2014 - 07:07 AM.

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