Sandpit, on 26 July 2014 - 10:18 AM, said:
So, in the course of another thread this idea was kicked around. I don't take full credit for it as many others have suggested similar over the years and I've just kind of combined them all and refined it a bit.
Let's start with R&R:
Put R&R fees back into the game. I know I know, but sand, we already don't earn much! Well I disagree with that but I understand some feel that way so, in order to counter that, you boost earnings slightly and reduce the R&R fees a bit.
You MUST R&R your mech. I've always thought it was a bit silly that you stomp around, fire of 5 tons of ammo, and don't have to reload that ammo or buy new ammo. Now, stock mechs in stock loadouts wouldn't have to pay for reloads and cadets wouldn't pay for reload and repair. That would prevent new players from getting "hurt" by something digging into their rewards so they can still have all their cash when they "graduate".
Stock mechs don't pay for R&R (if you want fluff for this then explain it as your faction absorbs the cost of that because it's a standard military issue unit, once you start customizing you're paying for it out of pocket, this also helps new players and players trying to save money for new mechs as well as helps justify seeing stock mechs on the field.) Now I realize at the higher Elo brackets that this becomes pretty much a non-factor because they've generally got a stockpile of cash and mechs anyhow, but those players aren't going to be playing against new(er) players still trying to build a hangar.
But why R&R?
Well I'm glad you asked. R&R is essential for adding in an economy that has both rewards and consequences. It has a far reaching implications across other aspects of the game as well. Want to run the LRM boat and spam missiles for 15 minutes burning through 10 tons of ammo? Go for it, but your'e going to have to pay for that ammo.
Want to run that poptart? Hey, that's great too! You're going to have to pay for all that ammo you're shooting downrange though. It doesn't limit what you can take but it does make you think before you just needlessly click that fire button every time you get a 2 second lock or a quick glimpse at a poptart target.
It also adds in something that's sorely needed here. An actual economy. Right now the only thing to spend cbills on are mechs and modules and skills. That means players who have a "set" mech and/or loadout they play almost exclusively, they are not actually spending those cbills which means they're stockpiling.
Now I understand that many are going to say "Stockpiling isn't bad" and I agree to an extent BUT this is where you run into long-term issues. Those players with stockpiles of tens and hundreds of millions of cbills have the ability already (before it's even implemented) to create major imbalances in the economy.
Here's another cost associated with R&R as well as refitting a custom design. Techs would be two-fold. They create another sink but also provide bonuses to R&R and Salvage (which I'll cover here momentarily) bonuses after the initial investment is made. No players would be required to have techs but investing the cash up front for techs would pay out dividends in their bonuses.
Techs would be similar to modules. Except you don't "buy" them, you "hire" them for xx matches. Different levels of techs would offer different levels of bonuses.
Green = 10% bonus to salvage, -10% to R&R fees
Regular = 15% bonus
Advanced = 20% bonus
Elite = 25% bonus
Now all of these numbers are purely for example purposes and I'm sure would need to be adjusted. To further diversify have techs broke down into classes. A "light" tech would be able to keep your hangar running but you wouldn't get the R&R bonuses, although you would still get the salvage bonus.
The initial cost for techs would be cbills & xp although you can offer the option to buy them for MC as well (similar to the way arty and such have an MC version).
Here's where things really get interesting. Instead of the current salvage system we have, we need it to be shifted to an actual salvage system. Instead of receiving cbills for salvage, players have a % chance to actually salvage equipment. Component destruction = more chances to salvage and the techs also add a % to salvage as well. Players could then choose to keep the salvaged item or sell it back for the regular "used" item price.
Everyone would have a salvage chance but the techs, component destruction, and such would increase the chances of getting it.
These 3 things would add a lot of depth and immersion to the game and introduce the start of an actual economy for the game.
Got a like before I got finished with the article, just because I know what's coming on most of it (cause I proposed some of the same things and am a total egomaniac.

100% agree. R&R must return. It also must be part of a dynamic economy that reacts to supply and demand and factor in availability. Much of this should SHOULD
SHOULD be included in CW because otherwise it pretty much makes CW no impact meaningless battles.
The one thing PGI needs to remember is people fight in wars as mercenaries in a large reason to turn a profit if they can. Lots of 'get rich quick' junkies out there who want money money money... and if you're good, you should get rich rich rich, while if you suck, back to the factions as cannon fodder or welcome to becoming dispossessed.
A way to mitigate a lot of R&R hits while still being fair is possible in a unit. If contracts are paid to the individual and shares are divvied up based on performance, then the unit can take care of the R&R fees and deduct it accordingly to individual pilots performance. Yes, they get back in battle at full strength and armament, but they get a smaller share. Sort of the professional driver working with a fleet vehicle. On the other hand, an Owner/Operator could get a higher percentage, but they have to pay all R&R costs (like was previously the case) and can go into battle under armed and under armored or in disrepair. Both worlds can be in existence in this case according to the player/unit's wishes.
As Sand pointed out quite well, this will control ammo based weapons dramatically and the game will start looking more like a TT campaign again. I don't agree about stock mechs being immune from R&R, but I would go with Trial mechs receiving less R&R as they are company vehicles and so you'd get a 'co-pay' style deduction like you would going to the mechanic for an accident. 5,000 Cbill deductable, and all the rest is covered? Works good there for you. Not crippling, but will teach you to play smarter.
Regarding statements on actual economy? :::drools and hearts uncontrollably:::
Regarding Techs: SQUEEEE!!!!! Love it!
Regarding Salvage: MOAR SQUEEE!!!! Although this could be included in the actual R&R portion as a bonus to payouts... I like this methodology too.
So I'm all in on this kinda stuff.