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#1721 HammerMaster


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 02:03 AM

Liking this. Though on a more serious note... At least 2 monitors with alt views while in cockpit for rear and DFA. Everybody loves pinup girls.

#1722 MrVop


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 02:33 AM

MP3 player... Even if it's only for in game music. Would Be great for personal play lists.
Bobble heads are a hot comodity aperently too...
UI as textures on panels... Letting player chose which "screen" in the mech displays what would make people all sorts of giddy... I bet...

#1723 MorsMortis


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:34 AM

Mini disco ball and surely windscreen wipers are a must! Will settle for airbags and ejector seat ;0)

Edited by MorsMortis, 09 September 2012 - 04:35 AM.

#1724 Levi Porphyrogenitus


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 04:44 AM

I'd like to see an insulated water bottle. After all, in the heat of battle (literally, in a Battlemech) a pilot must stay hydrated.

I'd also like to see the base pilot skin be in a cooling vest and shorts rather than a coolant suit. Make the full body suit an expensive upgrade (a couple million c-bills) that increases your ability to deal with heat or something.

In addition to more amusing cosmetic upgrades (hula girls, fuzzy dice, etc.), it'd also be nice to have some more serious ones. For instance, you could have some religious symbols available (crosses, icons, islamic caligraphic medallions, etc.), as well as political ones (a Black Dragon badge for those hard core DC traditionalists, a Free Skye sticker, a St. Ives Free Capella sticker, and so on).

It'd also be neat if you could figure out a way to track life-time kills in a single chassis. If you can do that, then a persistent kill counter (kind of like notches on a gun) would be neat. It'd be even more interesting if you could do a headshot counter (for headshot kills only).

In the same tradition as that last option, a bobblehead 'Mech that would include an animation and voiceover every time you get a headshot kill. See the "Meet the Sniper" tf2 video for the inspiration.

#1725 The Dirteeone


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 05:05 AM

I would feel at home with a spit bottle.

#1726 Gun Bear


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 05:23 AM

A gigantic insulated soft drink mug with a crazy straw - bonus points if you can click on it and drink soda!

Scratch off lottery tickets that litter the floor and instrument panels.

A grocery shopping list.

Bobbleheads and Hula Girls.

Fuzzy dice.

Window decals.

A mini tv for those long campaigns.

Minor cracks and/or chips on the 'windscreen' of the 'mech or the display on the nuerohelmet.

Strongbad stickers.

A Solaris Arena Ticket Stub autographed by Duncan Fisher.

A plushy Paul toy that sticks to the 'windscreen' via suction cups and has a pull string that makes it speak.
"You're still not getting a Mad Cat!"
"I said no quad 'mechs!"
"General Forum is not for Beta Questions!"
"Pull my string again and just see what happens next!"

Empty Candy Bar/Potato Chip packages.

I could go on....

Edited by Gun Bear, 09 September 2012 - 05:24 AM.

#1727 Nukesnipe


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 05:36 AM

All I really want is a strawberry slushie in a cup holder, and a shotgun holstered next to the seat.
The first for when you get cockpitted, your slushie goes all over the ******* place.
The second for when a Battle Armor tries to jump on your cockpit and break through it, you can tell him exactly how many ***** you give with a pair of 12 gauge.

#1728 Pekiti


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 05:46 AM

Another vote for a picture frame that we can upload our own images into. Make it a clipboard though - some MW pilots are more concerned with checklists than pretty pictures, a clipboard would let you have either. This is something I'd pay real money for.

Having an in game MP3 player (like EVE and so many other MMOs) would be fantastic. Another thing worth real money.

A sidearm, and a bail out bag (survival kit). STandrad gear for any MW operating offworld.

I like the note from maintenance idea, too. "Left arm actuator sticking, be careful.", "Joe says if you break the AMS again, you bought it."

I'd also like something House related, like an ID card, medallion, or dog tags (might be easiest to do dog tags). For a freelancer, you can have something like a Solaris logo or a cred-chip (or a 'past due notice' showing he's hard up for credits).

#1729 Swiftfire


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 05:48 AM

Water dispenser.
Tea dispenser.
Spot to add sexy girl/boy holo.
Joystick/throttle combo.
Spots to add custom graffiti, i.e. scrawl 'Itch' on trigger.
Rearview mirror.
Dogtags hanging on rearview mirror.

#1730 shotokan5


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 05:56 AM

blinking lights and switches that move. On their own. For Females a hula guy its only fair. Eject handles like in fighter jets even if you never use them. But bobble heads go to the 60's. Also remember you can control in the cocpit how much she speaks. low, med, like wife. In hte startup time is when if you have the old tapes she says the auto command start up features not used in MW cheap.

#1731 Razor Kotovsky


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 05:59 AM

AKM on the sidewall please.

#1732 ICUBurn


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 06:40 AM

Uploadable taped up picture/checklist(grocery list would be funny, Wife sais dont forget to buy eggs)
customizable interior colors.
different Hud damage options(like the bar display from mw3 and mw4. i perfer the bars to the mech image)
ability to move the readout displays around. like move the wepons to the upper corner and the enemy mech to the lower corner.

Edited by ICUBurn, 09 September 2012 - 06:42 AM.

#1733 Emery Edge


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 06:50 AM

A drop down oxygen mask would be kinda cool..........................

#1734 valdeslo


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 06:54 AM

Lol! Great suggestions so far!!

How bout Bobble heads bouncing about as you navigate the Mech! Even one of those "apple things" you see on car dash brds with the little leaves flapping about....

#1735 KalystOne


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 07:19 AM

Paul bobblehead that only shakes his head no.

Edited by KalystOne, 09 September 2012 - 07:21 AM.

#1736 Vila deVere


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 07:25 AM

View PostGarth Erlam, on 21 June 2012 - 01:16 PM, said:

Hey guys,

I have a 'job' for all of you. I need you to reply to this with stuff you'd like to see in your 'Mechs cockpit - as in 'items' like Fuzzy Dice, Hula Girl, etc. I'm collecting these as an informal study.

So please, answer away!

"morale" patches and stickers. Things like "funmeters" and the like. propaganda art, Maybe letter to allow 'mech names and the like (you can buy and position individual letters to form names, like "Dragon stomper" and the like.

#1737 Levi Porphyrogenitus


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 12:07 PM

Here are a few more:

O5P book.

Sayings of Jerome Blake (or whatever his book is called).

Unique start-up security phrase(have a text-to-voice synthesizer that reads whatever code phrase you input, with a pilot response that you can record yourself). It was one of the great classic elements of the books that every Mechwarrior had a code phrase he'd use to secure his ride, using voice print data combined with the proper call and response. I'm sure it'd be hard to implement, but it might be something that a good number of people would pay a decent amount for. This should be plugged in prior to powering your 'Mech up at the beginning of a mission (or gaining control of it or whatever).

Comprehensive audio warning package (according to Main Event, many pilots opted for an audio warning suite rather than the standard visual one (or in addition too). This could come in multiple languages (English, German, Japanese, Mandarin, etc.), and have several voice options.

#1738 Bloodshed Romance


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 12:20 PM

custom music integration with a subwoofer when you look down that is actually vibrating lol...

View PostLevi Porphyrogenitus, on 09 September 2012 - 12:07 PM, said:

Here are a few more:

O5P book.

Sayings of Jerome Blake (or whatever his book is called).

Unique start-up security phrase(have a text-to-voice synthesizer that reads whatever code phrase you input, with a pilot response that you can record yourself). It was one of the great classic elements of the books that every Mechwarrior had a code phrase he'd use to secure his ride, using voice print data combined with the proper call and response. I'm sure it'd be hard to implement, but it might be something that a good number of people would pay a decent amount for. This should be plugged in prior to powering your 'Mech up at the beginning of a mission (or gaining control of it or whatever).

Comprehensive audio warning package (according to Main Event, many pilots opted for an audio warning suite rather than the standard visual one (or in addition too). This could come in multiple languages (English, German, Japanese, Mandarin, etc.), and have several voice options.

I like that idea.. record a saying that you would say before the mech would allow you to pilot it as a safety feature..
then when the countdown timer or whatever is going you hear that as its starting..

reminds me of Big O
"Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty."

#1739 Bloodshed Romance


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 12:26 PM

also, custom reticules (sure thats already been mentioned)
you could also do custom targeting (sounds, reticule, )
would be cool to customize your view window but that probably would be to complicated..

I think the computer voice needs to be implemented then you can buy other voice packs or something..
would be cool to see your group logo or something in the cockpit to the side or something..

#1740 Xetherius


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Posted 09 September 2012 - 12:31 PM

Not sure if mentioned, but Mech bumper stickers would be a cool vanity item, something like "My other ride is an Urbie" across an Atlas' rear. Possibly with the user choosing colour, font, and text.

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