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#601 Ulric Jorgensson


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 07:47 PM

Just this.

Posted Image

Edited by Ulric Jorgensson, 21 June 2012 - 07:47 PM.

#602 kelmar6821


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 07:48 PM

View PostGarth Erlam, on 21 June 2012 - 01:16 PM, said:

Hey guys,

I have a 'job' for all of you. I need you to reply to this with stuff you'd like to see in your 'Mechs cockpit - as in 'items' like Fuzzy Dice, Hula Girl, etc. I'm collecting these as an informal study.

So please, answer away!

A forever on fire bobble-head brony

#603 Holski77


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 07:58 PM

Seems the picture upload and customize-able sticky notes are really popular.
Any type of customization that you know is truly unique.



#604 TimberJon


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:01 PM

> Chalkboard or dry-erase board to mark special kills on.

> Emergency First Aid kit.

> C-Rations or MRE's.

> Emergency Beer Brewing Kit. (for emergencies...)

> "Ricer" style compact fire extinguisher. (trying to play to the masses here)

> Bottle of NOS or oxy.

> LOL pure oxy bottle for those who love to refer to themselves as old geezers. (or as lolgifts)

> A little shrine, and/or incense holder.

> A pack of cigs with ashtray.

> A cigar with ashtray.

> A tobacco pipe.

> A pinned up image of yourself, which goes through a sepia tone filter provided by the Devs so it looks like an old Military academy photo.

> A nice spot to put a snifter or brandy, catdaddy, scotch, glass of wine, or other REAL alcohol.

> musical instruments, in case of boredom. (your under orders to sit for 8 hours til the enemy shows up...)(hmm.. playable?)

> Gun rack(s) for us gun lovers. Selections: pistols, shotguns, rifles, automatics from the BT era and of course, relics from early 2000's!

> A rubber-banded BTCCG deck, further strapped down with velcro or in an elastic safety net or something.

> Hmm... window decals. (non-obstructing view)

> Lava lamp or 3049 equivalent.

> A night light.

> JPG switching picture frame. So us husbands can show that we love our wives / families even while we play! Honey see! Seeeee!

> Toy mini fusion reactor with transparent housing. OOOOOoooohhhh!! Can we also have this in the MWO store later? like a USB hub with wicked looking high-power or coolant USB cables? I'll buy that for $50.

> Glow in the dark items. (for at night or when you shut down). Glow dice and hula? etc...

> Miniatures of your fav 'Mech to stick on the dash. Duh! (with customizable paint jobs based on the same engine for the real 'Mechs)

> A 'ham' radio, or military version, whatever. For us who like to be prepared.

> A lasso.

> A bull whip.

> Mounted steer/bull horns.

> A lunchbox.

> A cellphone. popular models? look-alikes?

> An xbox, console... etc...

> A CLASSIC BT BOX, with worn edges and slightly tattered corners.

> GPS unit or auxillary screen. (additional tactical data for scouts?)

> Hmmm auxillary screens?

> Colored / patterned / textured skins for the cockpit areas.

> A little fan to keep you cool.

> A wad of c-bills.

> A king-crab / urbanmech / Mackie piggybank.

> Pair / set of dog tags.

> Rings from your EX on a chain. (ppl do this...)

> A resin-cast or crystal: skull.

> An "Idiots" guide to BattleMechs, or equivalent.

> A tiny little bookshelf that can fit a few novels or larger-shaped publications. Hmm what kind of novels or large publications...I wonder...

> A pair of boxing gloves tied together.

> A semi truck horn cord.

> A CB radio! (citizens band)

> Ability to apply a dry-erase marker to the cockpit? To write your own preferred targeting brackets? (I would..)

> A little aerospace fighter on a string that zips around near the top of your peripheral vision.

> Big "Oh-S#$t" bars with knurled grips.

> A Valhalla club pin or other exclusive Solaris club token.

> A... damn im all out...

I apologize for all these concepts. There really isn't a whole lot of the dashboard / instrumentation that is visible. Nothing to really see. Can you turn your head and see the sides of the cockpit area?

Where do you put this stuff?

Edited by TimberJon, 21 June 2012 - 08:35 PM.

#605 Forscythe


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:03 PM

Not sure if it has been mentioned or if this counts as stuff but different computer voices during various stages of mech response would be pretty cool to have.

*I mean who wouldn't want Paul's voice to let you know your mech is online...

Edited by Forscythe, 21 June 2012 - 08:09 PM.

#606 Kordis


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:04 PM

A generic flashing trouble light.

#607 Adora


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:14 PM

Posted Image

Disco Ball XD

also the tons of other stuff that i sorta glanced though, bobble headed mech and miniatures and what not, and the suction cup stuff hehe

Oh yeah and defiantly Duct tape FTW

also sure its been thought of but maybe a key chain of the Founder Metals

Edited by Adora, 21 June 2012 - 08:19 PM.

#608 Warfeli


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:15 PM

Recognizable TROPHIES in the cockpit for prestige. Trophies of the enemies you have SLAIN. Trophies that mean something from your player stats, or game events? Distinguished service badges etc.

In essence something that lets my victims know that I ENJOYED beating them when they watch the kill cam, and that they should flee in terror the next time they see me on the battlefield ;) ... :)

#609 Mal


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:15 PM

Not gonna lie.. didn't read all 31 pages before responding.. so these may have already been mentioned.

Hula Girl.. duh, this is a must.
Pinup Girl poster(posing by a 'Mech of course)
The bobblehead mentioned already would be shiny.
A Book/datapad/etc casually set to the side (hey, you gotta have something to read while strapped in waiting for the drop).
I'll second/third the RL pic, my kids would get a kick out of seeing their picture in game.
Beverage containers (cans/bottles)..full or empty..

I think that's it for now..

#610 LordDeathStrike


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:20 PM

View PostGarth Erlam, on 21 June 2012 - 01:16 PM, said:

Hey guys,

I have a 'job' for all of you. I need you to reply to this with stuff you'd like to see in your 'Mechs cockpit - as in 'items' like Fuzzy Dice, Hula Girl, etc. I'm collecting these as an informal study.

So please, answer away!

fuzzy dice, black with red skulls for dots
urbie bobblehead
hamster on steroids running on a beefy wheel to power my atlas!
J Lo mid 90s model hula girl doll
terra post cards, from stupid places, like canada! and tijauana! maybe one from new jersey.
3049 era sandwich wrappers and empty soda bottles strewn about, maybe they fly around the cockpit when hit hard enough.

#611 Ori Klein


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:21 PM

A mini-kegger on the right wing with a bending straw is mandatory standard in all of the Free Rasalhague Republic cockpits.
As well as the Axe laying on top of dials in the left wing, just in case you need to disembark the 'Mech and get dirty.

Also: a hanging plushies from the top center of known Rasalhague 'Mechs.

#612 Deathwalker


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:21 PM

Dog Tags would be nice for us ex-military the keep em in the car
Baby on Board sign
Garfield suction cup stuffed animal

#613 LordBeer


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:23 PM

-Empty cans littered on dash
-Cigarette butts
-Smoldering ashtray
-little fans
-A box of the orginal TT game
-a box of delivery pizza
-plush mech
-pictures of opposing faction leaders showing some sort of defacement.
-A Zen Tree or some other kind of plant
-various stickers with custom placement
-various themed calendars
-A blacklight

#614 Sigmund Sandoval


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:27 PM

How about a not to FASA and put up a "Nerps for victory" or some kind of Nerps sticker.
How about a deck of playing cards or better yet let us choose a playing card (Ace of Spades, King of Hearts, etc.) to pin up.
Katrina Steiner pinup yeeeeah.
Several kinds of religious symbols including the Unfinished Book.
Pack of cigs.
House symbols and maybe some planetary flags.

#615 Hobgoblin13


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:30 PM

View PostGarth Erlam, on 21 June 2012 - 01:16 PM, said:

Hey guys,

I have a 'job' for all of you. I need you to reply to this with stuff you'd like to see in your 'Mechs cockpit - as in 'items' like Fuzzy Dice, Hula Girl, etc. I'm collecting these as an informal study.

So please, answer away!

photo or a souvenir for a kill.

#616 Aym


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:30 PM

Plastic dinosaurs (Think We shall call this land, this land. From Firefly...?)
Hula girl
Fuzzy dice or other hanger
retro looking pic taped up(pinup girl kinda thing), bonus points if we can upload out own, double bonus points if it automatically applies a retro-black-and-white filter to it
Maybe a "Fragile" sticker? oh should that go on the outside?

#617 WalkingDeathBot


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:34 PM

Cup holder with can of beer in it

#618 Vexgrave Lars

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:37 PM

Ladies of of the Inner Sphere Calendar.. for the guys, I'm sure the ladies will want something similar (or whatever preference one might have).

Tribble Bobble heads.

#619 Xenois Shalashaska


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:42 PM

Newtons cradle
Magic Eight ball ( every time the mech get shocked a new phrase pops up,,, eg, the future is not what is appear to be. ect )
Chest board
ice cream machine
Mech toys
talking parrot
box of fruits
Sound system with subwoofers
wine rack under the console
re-runs of battle tech on a small screen
Tactical manual laying on the dash
laser pointers
christmas lights
different colour variation for the controlls
Davinci painting
Eifel tower small scale model
soccer ball
Boost gauges or monster drag taco meter
big foot pedal
cowboy or cowgirl hat
rusted theme cockpit
gold cockpits
pop plant, like a little Japanese Bonsai
gun rack with guns
beauty make up kit
chippin dale
half eaten burger smeared on the console
sleeping animated kitty kat
narcotics bag with syringes hanging out
toy soldiers
loose wiring around the cockpit theme
expired mech pilot licence card on the console
dvd collection
bug zapper ( does crazy arcs of electricty)
ant farm
Pizza boxs ( half eaten pizza, flaps open when attacked )
mechwarrior 1,2,3,4 laying around
To do list !
christmas tree
Panda teddy bear

think thats about it. oO

i forget about the fish tank or aquarium. (must have )

Edited by Xenois Shalashaska, 21 June 2012 - 09:00 PM.

#620 VK4502B


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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:43 PM

Custom Hullagirl.

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