Wintersdark, on 01 August 2014 - 07:01 PM, said:
Oh, for gods sake. The PPC works by space magic. It only needs to be internally consistent with the battletech universe, it doesn't need any grounding in modern day science whatsoever. I could sit here all day and invent perfectly reasonable explanations consistent with battletech science, but its a pointless waste of time.
The weapon stats are the weapon stats. They are what they are first and foremost for game balance. If you want to argue against a change, you need to be speaking Paul's language and giving game balance reasons why not to lower the speed.
I guarantee neither Paul nor most other players really care what any geek thinks about how a totally fictitious space magic sci fi weapon "actually" works.
And the unobtainium based magnificating array.
Most of the last 40 pages could be ignored and probably will because it's "noise" and not posted in an objective way or how you said "in Pauls language".
Yokaiko, on 01 August 2014 - 07:12 PM, said:
We did, hammering the speed down below that of an AC10 makes the PPC slower than an AC10, hotter, impossible to brawl with and poor to snipe just hammered EVERY other mech that can use it BECAUSE it MIGHT be used in conjunction with a gauss rifle which in my best british pants on head retaded.
That is basically the first ten pages of this thread.
Well, having the speed of a AC10 or AC20 would move us back to the time we had when AC10 and 20 were faster.
BUT it does a lot more heat using an AC than a Gauss together with PPCs.
And for Clans, The ACs are burst or LBX.
Thus further spreading the damage either by burst and splash (AC and PPC) or by the de-sync (PPC/Gauss) of impacts.
The whole "you wont hit anything anymore" sounds flawed. We can hit stuff with PPC and AC5 now and we can hit stuff with AC10s and AC20s.
The 10s are not used often because they are "only" two tons lighter than 20, so you try to put a 20 in, if you want to brawl or take 2x5s for sniping.
I think the speed would not be much of a problem as you just need a handfull of games to get a hang of it.
jeirhart, on 01 August 2014 - 11:36 PM, said:
THE PROBLEM - High pinpoint alpha damage utilized with little risk to the user but devastating to the player hit. Only good counter to this meta is the meta itself.
LRMs? Negated by ECM.
NARC to negate ECM? More ECM or stay in cover and fire between salvos.
Brawl? Take damage while advancing.
Advanced under cover (if possible)? PPCs and Gauss easier to aim at close range.
ERLL? Duration and hit reg.
Full burn on enemy mech? Fired at during the duration.
Gauss+PPC? Exchange fire.
Possible replacements:
2xAC/5 and 2xPPCs
Retains longer distances, losses 5 points off the alpha, no charging, slightly more heat, faster rate of fire.
Gauss Rifle and 2xERLL
Retains long distances, must remain exposed for beam duration, requires charging.
-Is the problem then solved? No. Meta changes to the next best thing. So what solves the problem? Maybe
Homeless Bill's link. Problem with that solution is that such a system as proposed there would not be out for some time, at least not until after Community Warfare anyway and would require another series of tweaks and alterations to work as intended.
Gauss and ERLL has charge and beamtime balancing it out.
The whole beam damage can be spread by just twisting.
You can't spread a PPC/Gauss volley -> it just lands in one spot without the chance to avoid it.
For the IS, the 2PPC/2AC5 will stay strong forever, if there is no change to ACs (burst) or PPCs (splash or speed).
With the desync by PPC speed you will move the PPC/AC combo back to AC10 or 20s which is more short-midrange than AC5s.
With the charge mechanic you would spread out PPC Gauss, but leave the PPC/AC5 combo as the better option again (for IS).
Both of the suggested ideas are affecting Clans more than IS mechs because of their AC burst fire modes leaving Gauss as the primary FLD weapon together with the cERPPC.