Can't Enter Battle Since Patch
Posted 29 July 2014 - 05:13 PM
When I click play, it immediately kicks me out to, "Failed to Find a Match."
Tried running the fix tool. No effect.
Posted 29 July 2014 - 08:29 PM
Posted 29 July 2014 - 09:03 PM
It also holds my mech I was trying to use "hostage" for longer than the match is in session. I'm in a smallish group, and they all make it into the match, but I fail. When they get back out of the match, I can't ready up as my mech is still "in a match".
I'll give it a while before submitting a report ticket to support. See if it clears itself out later.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:35 AM
Posted 30 July 2014 - 07:53 AM
Posted 30 July 2014 - 07:53 AM
Posted 01 August 2014 - 02:48 PM
Matthew Craig, on 30 July 2014 - 07:53 AM, said:
It's gotten worse for me. Tonight, I can log into the game, but as soon as I try to launch into a match, I'll search for one and then black screen for eternity. I don't even get shuffled back to mechlab anymore and need to close the game down completely.
So, any news on what's happening to cause this? Partial thoughts? Just wondering if there is an update is all. (Not trying to be rude or pushy, I know it can take time.)
I'll be running the repair tool in a moment, just poking the thread...
Edit: Ran the repair tool. It found nothing. I'm going to presume that it is likely on MWO's end of things and not mine, but I don't completely disclude the chance it is some kind of middleman problem either...
Shall be testing again. (Sometimes it lets me play matches, other times it's a blank screen.)
Edited by Tesunie, 01 August 2014 - 03:14 PM.
Posted 01 August 2014 - 03:09 PM
Are you still consistently experiencing this issue?
Tesunie / SCUD303,
It sounds like your problem is slightly different than Death Mallet and Attackgypsy. "Disconnected from Game Server" indicates a connection problem with the game server, whereas "Failed to Find a Match" indicates there was a problem finding a free game server for you to play on.
If you are getting a constant black screen when trying to enter a match, this is a possible sign that there is a problem with your game data. Normally, this kind of problem would be corrected by the repair tool. If, however, you can get in sometimes but not others, it's more likely a connection related issue.
We are currently aware that the server sends a larger than normal burst of data when first connecting to a match, and it's possible that this could lead to problems with lower bandwidth connections.
We are still investigating, so any more specific details you can provide, including your connection quality, would be helpful.
Posted 01 August 2014 - 03:51 PM
Neema Teymory, on 01 August 2014 - 03:09 PM, said:
It sounds like your problem is slightly different than Death Mallet and Attackgypsy. "Disconnected from Game Server" indicates a connection problem with the game server, whereas "Failed to Find a Match" indicates there was a problem finding a free game server for you to play on.
If you are getting a constant black screen when trying to enter a match, this is a possible sign that there is a problem with your game data. Normally, this kind of problem would be corrected by the repair tool. If, however, you can get in sometimes but not others, it's more likely a connection related issue.
We are currently aware that the server sends a larger than normal burst of data when first connecting to a match, and it's possible that this could lead to problems with lower bandwidth connections.
We are still investigating, so any more specific details you can provide, including your connection quality, would be helpful.
I get the "Disconnected from Game Server" message as well, and most times it does send me back to mechlab with such an error message. Today though, it was just staying on black screen (didn't even get to see what map I was suppose to play on) a couple of times in a row. I will admit, with my report for today, it was probably from low ping connection, as I was updating GW2 on my brother's computer. This probably lagged me out, preventing me from loading in with those couple attempts.
Now that his game is (finally) done updating for him, I have been able to get back into matches, though I did still get the "Disconnected from Game Server" message once since (out of the three launches I tried since). For me, I notice it more when I'm in a group than in solo, but it still happens from time to time, with no known reasons why. (I've never had this problem occur regularly before this patch, but it did happen from time to time, like once every 40 or so matches. Now it's about once every 5 matches or more.) Nothing on my end has changed, as far as I know...

Posted 01 August 2014 - 04:16 PM
Posted 01 August 2014 - 04:44 PM
Whenever I try to play with any Heavy mech, the game immediately stops searching and says "Failed to Find a Match."
When I try to play with any Assault, Medium or Light mechs, the game behaves normally.
The problem started after playing several matches with a Catapult.
Posted 01 August 2014 - 04:51 PM
Neema Teymory, on 01 August 2014 - 04:16 PM, said:
Whenever I have the "Disconnected from Game Server" error, I can never reconnect. If I got "disconnected" before I loaded into the game, I also can not ever reconnect. Only times I can reconnect so far has been when the game suddenly sends me to mechlab in the middle of a match (which it's also done for no explained reason), and even then it's "questionable", as sometimes I'll reconnect only to be sent back to mechlab in a few more moments... (This part is harder to explain...)
I seem to get the "Disconnected from game server" message (with the long black loading screen before hand and never entering into the match) on what I would call an "average" basis. Sometimes I can get several matches in, othertimes my mechs will be locked for several attempts. When this happens, my mech is normally held hostage for longer than the match happens (as this problem occurs more often when I['m grouped than when I'm solo). Seems to happen most often in my Jagermech A, but I don't think there is any connection there and just happenstance that it seems to effect that mech more. (As that is the mech I am currently working on, so I'm playing it more.)
Posted 01 August 2014 - 04:57 PM
SCUD303, on 30 July 2014 - 07:53 AM, said:
Sorry to hear my friend, sad, and i blame myself, i told you to try and play this game when RoS closed...
soon approaching my one year retirement anniversary from this game.
I still read the forums once in a while...
I dont know if PGI still has this one time refund policy, if you can, get your money back, all of it..!
use that money to buy a grenade launcher, bring it to your next golf game, and blow up some endangered species like elephants...!
Or buy a PC from the future and keep paying your government PGI taxes to get screwed over...
sorry, i have nothing good to say, haven't in a long time....
*aggravated ex mwo consumer*
Posted 01 August 2014 - 10:04 PM
Neema Teymory, on 01 August 2014 - 03:09 PM, said:
Are you still consistently experiencing this issue?
Tesunie / SCUD303,
It sounds like your problem is slightly different than Death Mallet and Attackgypsy. "Disconnected from Game Server" indicates a connection problem with the game server, whereas "Failed to Find a Match" indicates there was a problem finding a free game server for you to play on.
If you are getting a constant black screen when trying to enter a match, this is a possible sign that there is a problem with your game data. Normally, this kind of problem would be corrected by the repair tool. If, however, you can get in sometimes but not others, it's more likely a connection related issue.
We are currently aware that the server sends a larger than normal burst of data when first connecting to a match, and it's possible that this could lead to problems with lower bandwidth connections.
We are still investigating, so any more specific details you can provide, including your connection quality, would be helpful.
Yes, still experiencing the problem.
Never had any problems before this. Have a good internet connection. 25MB or so. Cable. Strong signal from the wi-fi.
Again, this issue started only once I D/Led the new patch. Was playing the night before without any issues.
All my other internet devices still work fine. I can also play other internet games, like World of Tanks, without any issues. It's MWO only. I haven't been able to successfully play a game since the patch installed. So its not intermittent.
I've run the repair tool. Done a fresh reinstall, and run the repair tool on the reinstall. Nothing mattered.
I've tried playing during peak hours, and during the middle of the night. It's not a traffic/bandwidth issue.
I tried disabling my firewall. No effect. Still doesn't work.
The "Failed" error occurs immediately after I click the play button. There is no delay at all.
Posted 01 August 2014 - 10:56 PM
Thanks for the additional information.
It's very strange that you get the error instantly upon clicking Play.
This definitely doesn't sound connection related. It seems like there may be a problem when queuing you up with the matchmaker. Have you opened a support ticket regarding this issue? If you do this, and provide your client's log file after experiencing the issue (Omicron.log), it may help me diagnose the issue.
I know not everyone is able to necessarily create private matches, but out of curiosity, is this something you are able to try?
Also, when launching, have you tried using different mechs? Do you launch solo or within a group?
Posted 01 August 2014 - 11:01 PM
Tesunie, on 01 August 2014 - 04:51 PM, said:
Hey Tesunie,
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean that your mech remains locked longer than the mechs of your other group members after the match ends?
Posted 02 August 2014 - 12:09 AM
...as long as it is an IS Mech.
If I select any of the 3 Timber Wolves I purchased, I am also presented with the sour-tasting
Failed to find a match.
So, It looks like this issue is *NOT* resolved yet, and all of this happened post last patch.
Unless there were significant changes to your servers that required this last patch, MWO is CRIPPLED
Posted 02 August 2014 - 07:38 AM
Neema Teymory, on 01 August 2014 - 10:56 PM, said:
Thanks for the additional information.
It's very strange that you get the error instantly upon clicking Play.
This definitely doesn't sound connection related. It seems like there may be a problem when queuing you up with the matchmaker. Have you opened a support ticket regarding this issue? If you do this, and provide your client's log file after experiencing the issue (Omicron.log), it may help me diagnose the issue.
I know not everyone is able to necessarily create private matches, but out of curiosity, is this something you are able to try?
Also, when launching, have you tried using different mechs? Do you launch solo or within a group?
I launch solo. I've tried using my Atlas and my Awesome. My other mechs are not in launch ready status ATM... But I haven't tried them. I did go into the private match set up screen but never went as far as trying to launch. I'll try both theses things today.
Have opened a ticket, but the asked me to run a server trace. I did but I couldn't get a screen cap they wanted because the window closes as soon as it's complete. I will see if I can find the omicron file. Couldn't before the reinstall... But will try now that I have reinstalled everything.
I wonder if this problem is somehow related to the module bug. Maybe mechs are being flagged as not battle legal for some reason by matchmaker... Even though they don't show up that way on the system.
I really wish you guys would roll this patch back until you fix it. How many other people are like me out there who just can't be bothered to let you guys know that your game is non functional? Potential subscribers are being lost daily.
Posted 02 August 2014 - 07:53 AM
Death Mallet, on 02 August 2014 - 07:38 AM, said:
Have opened a ticket, but the asked me to run a server trace. I did but I couldn't get a screen cap they wanted because the window closes as soon as it's complete. I will see if I can find the omicron file. Couldn't before the reinstall... But will try now that I have reinstalled everything.
I wonder if this problem is somehow related to the module bug. Maybe mechs are being flagged as not battle legal for some reason by matchmaker... Even though they don't show up that way on the system.
I really wish you guys would roll this patch back until you fix it. How many other people are like me out there who just can't be bothered to let you guys know that your game is non functional? Potential subscribers are being lost daily.
This might seem like a "D'uh-question" but... have you tried the "DESELECT ALL"- and "SELECT ALL"-buttons that drop down when mousing over the arrow next to the PLAY-button ?
If you have non selected the game should auto-select all, I think, as default when clicking PLAY. You never know, though ...
Posted 02 August 2014 - 08:13 AM
Neema Teymory, on 01 August 2014 - 11:01 PM, said:
Hey Tesunie,
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean that your mech remains locked longer than the mechs of your other group members after the match ends?
Exactly. When I do have this problem when in a group, my mech is "in a match" longer than my lancemates when they return from their matches. They have to wait upwards of a full minute (sometimes, I haven't actually timed it though) before we as a group can launch again, typically only to have them launch without me.
(I've just been blaming my techs for pushing my mech out the mechbay doors without me. They must think it's funny or something.

It does appear my problem is similar to Deathmallet's, but is intermittent. For me, it seems worse when I'm in a group, but still happens "frequently" when I'm solo, but I am at least still able to play matches most times. It might be weight class specific from what I'm reading, as it seems to happen when Death is trying to queue in with a heavy clan mech, and for me mostly when I'm trying to go with my Jagermech A (another heavy mech).
Death Mallet, on 02 August 2014 - 07:38 AM, said:
I wonder if this problem is somehow related to the module bug. Maybe mechs are being flagged as not battle legal for some reason by matchmaker... Even though they don't show up that way on the system.
I'd listen to Ironwithin. Check your match selections. I don't know what happens when you have everything deselected and then try to find a match...

I'd also try to get one of your non-heavy mechs functional and test if it's weight class related. It might be MM messing up finding matches for a heavy mech when the heavy mech queue is larger than anything else. It's worth a try, right?
I'd also suggest going into "customize" with your mechs you are trying to play with, and change something, and resave them. Maybe clear out all modules, save, and replace all your modules? While PGI tries to solve this, doesn't hurt tot try stuff on your end as well, right?

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