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Role-Warfare Module System & Some New Module Ideas

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Poll: Some Suggestions about Modules and the Module System (17 member(s) have cast votes)

Which module system would you like to see implemented? (read below)

  1. 1-3 omni + 1 master omni slot (old system) (3 votes [17.65%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 17.65%

  2. 2 consumable, 1-2 mech & 1-3 weapon + 1 master mech slot (current system) (5 votes [29.41%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 29.41%

  3. 0-2 offensive, 1-2 defensive, 0-2 support slots + 1 master slot violation or 5% CBills (suggested) (5 votes [29.41%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 29.41%

  4. other (explain or link) (2 votes [11.76%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 11.76%

  5. don't care (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  6. abstain (2 votes [11.76%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 11.76%

Would you like HS improvement modules? (read below)

  1. yes (9 votes [52.94%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 52.94%

  2. no (5 votes [29.41%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 29.41%

  3. don't care (1 votes [5.88%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 5.88%

  4. abstain (2 votes [11.76%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 11.76%

Should 'Target Decay' and 'Radar Deprivation' cancel itself out? (read below)

  1. yes (12 votes [70.59%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 70.59%

  2. no (4 votes [23.53%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 23.53%

  3. don't care (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  4. abstain (1 votes [5.88%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 5.88%

Would you like the suggested TAG module? (read below)

  1. yes (11 votes [64.71%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 64.71%

  2. no (2 votes [11.76%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 11.76%

  3. don't care (1 votes [5.88%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 5.88%

  4. abstain (3 votes [17.65%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 17.65%

Would you like the suggested ECM change incl. module? (read below)

  1. yes (7 votes [41.18%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 41.18%

  2. no (7 votes [41.18%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 41.18%

  3. don't care (1 votes [5.88%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 5.88%

  4. abstain (2 votes [11.76%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 11.76%

Would you like an arti/air strike warning module with siren? (read below)

  1. yes (with siren for everyone to hear) (7 votes [41.18%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 41.18%

  2. yes (with siren only for yourself) (2 votes [11.76%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 11.76%

  3. no (5 votes [29.41%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 29.41%

  4. don't care (1 votes [5.88%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 5.88%

  5. abstain (2 votes [11.76%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 11.76%

Do you like the idea of hard-wired modules? (additionally | read below)

  1. yes (7 votes [41.18%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 41.18%

  2. no (8 votes [47.06%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 47.06%

  3. don't care (1 votes [5.88%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 5.88%

  4. abstain (1 votes [5.88%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 5.88%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#1 Myke Pantera


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Posted 31 July 2014 - 12:00 PM

Hi folks, this is yet another poll about the module system along with some suggestions for new modules.

I believe, that splitting the modules into technical categories (consumables, mech module & weapon module) doesn't help role-warfare a single bit. Instead i suggest splitting the modules into 3 simple categories that reflect the purpose of the module: Offensive, Defensive & Support. Each mech comes equipped with 4 (sometimes 3 or 5) predefined module slots. Upon mastery one can violate 1 slot restriction or get 5% CBill bonus for this mech.

Module System

The old omni slot approach

Mechs are delivered with 1-3 omni slots. An omni slot can take each and every kind of module. Upon mastery the mech receives an additional omni slot. While this is a highly flexible system, it doesn't add to role warfare a single bit. Biggest advantage is the high flexibility. Players can choose which modules they wonna take, and have to make a decision whether they want to go with consumables or mech modules.

  • Highest flexibility
  • Doesn't help define a mech's purpose
  • Difference between 2 or 4 slots is a bit harsh
  • Missing auto-refill (could be implemented)

The new type separated approach

Mechs are delivered with 2 consumable slots, 1-2 mech module slots and 1-3 weapon module slots. Upon mastery the mech receives an addition mech module slot. This is the current implementation of the mech module system.

On a positive side, one could say we have gotten more module slots than before. Further the auto-refill functionality is nice to have.

On the other hand it still doesn't help much in differentiating the mechs. Players are forced to either pay 80k for consumables or being at a disadvantage if they choose to leave the consumable slots empty. Weapon modules as of now only trade higher distance for higher heat, which isn't a good deal in most cases. Some mechs like the LCT have more weapon modules available than most builds have weapon systems installed, which makes the slots redundant. And finally i feel that the split into module types is kind of artificial. Modules should be split depending on their purpose and not their technical nature.

I am really trying to see the purpose of this change, but for me this still looks like an intended CBill sink, nothing more, nothing less.

  • High amount of slots
  • Auto-refill for consumables
  • Doesn't help define a mech's purpose
  • Highly inflexible and artificial grouping of modules
  • Either pay 80k for consumables, or be at a disadvantage
  • Some builds can't make use of all weapon module slots
  • CBill sink if you fall for it

Role warfare module system approach

Module slots are split into 3 purpose categories: Offensive, Defensive and Support. The modules are split into the same categories, but may also be omni modules, in which case they fit into any of the 3 module slot categories. Below you will find an ASCII table that assigns each currently existing module to one category. Omni modules are marked with 'O'. For some modules i haven't decided which category they should be in, thats when i marked them with (X) or (x) where the capital X marks the category i'm leaning to.

Looking at the table you will see that the offensive modules not only include the current weapon modules, but also modules like 'Advanced Zoom' or 'Target Info Gathering' which are used to better dish out damage.
The defensive modules include modules that improve AMS, 'Radar Deprivation', 'Seismic' or 'Shock Absorbance' and thus contain some of the best modules at our current disposal.
The support modules include modules that help the team and naturally contain modules like 'UAV', 'Sensor Range' or 'Cap Accelerator' and 'Target Decay'.
Originally i didn't plan for omni modules, but if it's public pug tournament time, people need to be able to use Arti and Air strike not matter what module categories their mechs have, so i thought it best to make these two category independent.
Each module can only be equipped once, naturally limiting arti/airstrike to 2 if used together. It's the players choice if he would rather carry *strikes or other modules.
The auto-refill toggle can still be implemented but would effect all consumables currently equipped.

|| Module                || Offensive || Defensive || Support ||
|  Weapon Range Modules   |     X      |           |           |
|  Enhanced Narc          |            |           |     X     |
|  AMS Range              |    (X)     |    (x)    |           |
|  AMS Rate of Fire       |            |     X     |           |
|  360 Target Retention   |     X      |           |           |
|  (Advanced) UAV         |            |           |     X     |
|  Advanced Zoom          |     X      |           |           |
|  Air Strike Accuracy    |     X      |           |           |
|  Arti Strike Accuracy   |     X      |           |           |
|  Capture Accelerator    |            |           |     X     |
|  Cool Shot 6/9/18       |     X      |           |           |
|  Hill Climb             |     X      |           |           |
|  Improved Gyro          |            |     X     |           |
|  Radar Deprivation      |            |     X     |           |
|  Seismic Sensors        |            |     X     |           |
|  Sensor Range           |            |           |     X     |
|  Shock Absorbance       |            |     X     |           |
|  Speed Retention        |    (x)     |    (X)    |           |
|  Target Decay           |            |           |     X     |
|  Target Info Gathering  |     X      |           |           |
|  (Priority) Arti Strike |                  O                 |
|  (Priority) Air Strike  |                  O                 |

Each mech comes mounted with usually 4, sometimes 3 or 5 of such module slots consisting of 0-2 offensive, 1-2 defensive and 0-2 support modules. Survivability is important for every mech, that's why i thought it best to make 1 defensive slot mandatory.

Let's look at some roles and how i would suggest assigning categories to them. All numbers are subject for discussion and fine tuning of course:

Offensive Slots: 0-1
Defensive Slots: 1-2
Support Slots: 2
Example: RVN-3L, SDR-5D (1/1/2), LCT-3S (0/2/2), SDR-5V, COM-1D (1/2/2)
Explanation: The focus lies on support modules obviously. For non ECM scouts Radar Dep. is mandatory. Shock Absorbance and Seismic are nice to have. UAV or Sensor Range kind of a must. A*Strikes could be of use also

Offensive Slots: 1-2
Defensive Slots: 2
Support Slots: 0-1
Example: FS9-E, JR7-F (2/2/0), SDR-5K, JR7-D (1/2/1)
Explanation: Seismic helps to sneak opon your enemy. Shock Absorbance or Radar Dep. greatly help your survivability. Target Info Gathering is your friend and once we have useful weapon modules you want one as well. With Streaks/BAP you might wonna use Sensor Range.

Sniper/Direct fire support
Offensive Slots: 2
Defensive Slots: 1-2
Support Slots: 0-1
Example: JM6-S (2/2/0), DRG-5N (2/2/1)
Explanation: As sniper you want to use Adv. Zoom and Seismic to avoid being caught with your pants down. A useful weapon mod for your main weapon and Radar Dep. or AMS improvements or Sensor Range won't hurt either.

Indirect fire support
Offensive Slots: 0-1
Defensive Slots: 1-2
Support Slots: 1-2
Examples: CPLT-A1 (1/2/1), CPLT-C1 (0/2/2)
Explanation: You want Seismic for the same reasons as the sniper. You also want Sensor Range or target decay or tag improvements.

Offensive Slots: 1-2
Defensive Slots: 1-2
Support Slots: 0-1
Examples: HBK-4SP (2/2/0), AS7-D-DC (1/2/1)
Explanation: Target Info Gathering and good weapon modules. Hill Climb might be interesting or Improved Gyro.

** MASTERY *****
Since I believe 4 module slots should be enough, I propose something different to the usual additional module slot. Once a pilot has mastered a mech, he is able to use it in a way that differs from it's original purpose, hence he is allowed to violate up to ONE module slot restriction. Meaning you can put one Sensors module into an Offensive module slot.
If the pilot is happy with the module layout of the mech, and chooses not to violate a slot restriction he receives 5% CBill bonus, because he knows how to operate the mech in a cost-efficient way. I don't think 5% CBill gain is in any way game or economy breaking, and won't harm PGIGP's income at all. Alternatively basics could be 2.5x instead of 2x after eliting.

  • Moderate to high flexibility
  • Helps defining the role of a mech
  • All slots are useful
  • IGP has to get the module slot types for each mech right (might need some reassign iterations)

There are many other ideas out there, so if you don't like any of the above 3, this option is for you. But keep in mind that many other approaches just scream for MORE. And others are very complex. If we split the module categories into too many groups and IGP doesn't get the assignment right the mech is screwed. Further there is no player flavour anymore, if you can play a given mech in the one and one role only.

Heat sink improvement modules
Both suggestions would fall into the offensive category from above:

DHS heat sink improvement module
Improves the EXTERNAL DHS dissipation from 0.14 to 0.16 (subject to finetuning)

SHS heat sink improvement module
Improves the ENGINE and EXTERNAL SHS dissipatoin from 0.1 to 0.12 (subject to finetuning)

Target Decay and Radar Deprivation should cancel themselves out
I propose a change to Radar Deprivation so that when the targeting mech has Target Decay installed it behaves like no mech had any of these installed.

Don't vote no if you think Radar Dep. should remain the single most overpowered mech module, because LRMs are currently overpowered. This module shouldn't be misunderstood as LRM balancing tool. Otherwise it's just another 6m tax for each serious build. LRM balancing has to be achieved differently. And let's assume LRMs are balanced again, Radar Dep. would render them kind of useless.

TAG module
I propose a TAG module for the Support category that improves the range of the TAG laser and increases the duration of it's effect.

ECM change and module
Since ECM is still considered overpowered, i propose a change so that ECM only covers the mech that carries the ECM.
Further there needs to be an ECM module that creates the bubble effect ECM currently has. This way ECM snipers can just deliberately flout on their teammates. And those who want to support the team need to "waste" a module slot.

Arti/Ari stike warning module
I propose a module that causes a siren to sound if an arti/air strike was placed n meters around you. This is only checked once the a*strike is launched. It is not checked if the player walks into the area while the strike is underway.

Hardwired modules
I propose a second method to buy modules. For a third of the price of a regular module you can buy a version that can be equipped only once. So for 2m each you can equip all your favourite mechs with a seismic sensor. But if you pull the sensor out, it is lost to you.

This way we would still buy one regular version that we use to test modules on new chassis, but once we like a combination we can hardwire it to the mech without having to pay 18m which noone does. The annoying module swapping process could be limited a little bit by this, and will certainly encourage players to spend MORE on modules to have more mechs readily configured all the time. THIS DOESN'T REPLACE THE SWAPABLE MODULES, it's just a way to get to modules cheaper, but without the possibility to swap them afterwards.

You've made it through the post. Congratulations.

I am not a native English speaker/writer, so please excuse my writing ;)

- Some typos
- Added explanation why Radar Dep. shouldn't be used as LRM balancing tool.

Edited by Myke Pantera, 02 August 2014 - 12:36 AM.

#2 SVK Puskin


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 03:23 AM

Pretty complex post.

#3 Carnelian


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 04:14 AM

As always, I'm in favour ov KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid. (No offence).

Why not limit support, recon and other "role" slots/modules to lights and mediums, as a valid incentive to use them? Or, limit certain modules (and ECM) to mechs equipped with engines below a certain rating, the rationalle being that too big a reactor causes too much interference? That way assaults CAN equip them, but only if they're really slow, while the lights and mediums can use them with impunity, seeing as they need much smaller engines to be effective.

Also, see my post on variable global cooldowns, another attempt to impose KISS to an unnecessarily complex game.

#4 Myke Pantera


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Posted 01 August 2014 - 06:19 AM

Sure it's not as simple as 2-4 omnislots. But it's not that complicated either. 3 types of modules slots (We have that already, just different 3 types). And 4 types of module categories. Allow one slot violation upon mastery. done.

Also while i don't want to make thinks overly complicated, if you look at Dota 2, it's success and all. Is it because Dota 2 is simple? It sure aint! The idea is simple, but the learning curve and all the little details that matter make it one of the hardest games to get into. And still it's one of theeee most successful free-to-play online games ever.

#5 Hyena4


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Posted 09 November 2014 - 11:52 PM


I like your ideas. I think that the modules system could give much more depth to the game....

I still miss some more "tactical" modules to give more "roles" to the pilots. Why not establishing modules like:

"reamoring zone" - can be dropped like artillerie strike and gives internal/armor points in a certain zone (circle) over time (e.g. 30 seconds)
same could work for a "reload zone" (reloading missiles and ballistics)

These "defensive" modules could be limited to drop only in certains areas of the grid (e.g. near the HQ)

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