Juvat, on 05 August 2014 - 01:20 PM, said:
Its a matter of faith... which guides the actions of more than just the Seraphim. Call it what you will I say it is a matter of standing for what you believe. Don't belittle them or anyone else who lets their faith (and not just speaking from a Christian perspective in this regard) guide how they conduct themselves. You both have a set of rules that govern your actions theirs is guided but what seems to be a different one as compared to yours.
Jacon Ceronia, on 05 August 2014 - 02:05 PM, said:
I say-- good for them in standing up to aspire to be something more than what is widely accepted as normal.
Beliefs aside, no one can deny that the worlds morals are on a pathetic, downward spiral.
So not only are you two fantastically missing the point, but we've also attached it to moral outrage for the world as a whole that is completely divorced from fact. Wonderful. Here's some perspective. We're not talking about false idols, or something that's going to draw worship from the faith. We're not talking about physical health, emotional health, or spiritual health. We're not talking about something that is going to lead to improper action, even tangentially. We're not talking about something that is going to prevent proper action. We're talking about the PRETENTIONS of such to differentiate oneself from other people. Tribalism at its finest. There is a huge difference between choosing to behave better because it is right and choosing to behave differently because it sets you apart. This is not in the same league as enforcing a no-profanity policy, msuch the less encouraging certain behaviors in forum posts and chat like a no-bullying/insults policy. When you show me something that improves the world by the choice, I'll congratulate. When you laud someone for being nonsenically different for the sake of being different, I'm going to call you on your bull-carp as much as I would a hipster.
Boycotting the changable name based on the metaphorical 'place' on the the recolorable
muder simulator exosuit? Then holding the action as superior, and wondering why everyone else isn't on the same boat. Not just 'no', HELL no. Here's your reality check, made out to Seraphim and anyone else who doesn't get it.
Extra check for Jacon: when you're ready to protest the individuals doing wrong instead of lumping the world into one basket when we can verify that the world is more peaceful than ever, people are less likely to abuse substances, the world is becoming more tolerant, and worldwide poverty is going down (Yes, REALLY, verify the sources cited yourself:
http://www.cracked.c...-reporting.html), THEN you get to have the talking stick again. Until then, you can keep your slanderous, libelous yap shut.
Oh, you wanted me to say something about the mech? I agree with the OCD people, but may still get it. Looks like an interesting las-boat for random drops.
Edited by Karl TenBrew, 05 August 2014 - 06:46 PM.