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August 8Th Weapon Balance Update And Hotfix - Feedback

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#361 Sandtiger


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Posted 22 August 2014 - 10:42 AM

Thanks for rolling it back! I must admit that I was more than frustrated when I was playing and found the heat ridiculous at best. However, on a more optimistic note. I found a build for my Direwolf that far surpasses what I had before the nerf. =]

P.S. I lost my entire unit thanks to this nerf. Now when the first patch of CW comes out, I will have to find new battle buddies. Please in the future get feedback from a majority of players instead of a select few. They have been giving you terrible advice.

Edited by Sandtiger, 22 August 2014 - 10:45 AM.

#362 bobo03


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Posted 26 August 2014 - 10:47 AM

Seriously....the CERLL burn time sucks. I get that you want things competitive between Clans and I.S. However the fact of the matter IS that Clan weapons and mechs are SUPPOSED to be superior to the I.S. counterparts. Why are we being forced to hang ourselves out to dry to get full damage with an CERLL shot while I.S mechs can shoot an almost comparable weapon with hardly any of the penalties. Meaning they can dictate their engagement type(pop and shoot) and get full value for their weaponry while minimizing the risk. What is the point of that?????

Secondly, the some clan mechs WERE designed to utilize a SNIPING type of piloting. HENCE the equipping of ERPPCs. Yeah, we know most players want that COD feel...but this isnt COD. Stop trying to take a weapon DESIGNED FOR EXTENDED RANGES while having the flexibility to still utilize it at closer range and turning it into a brawler weapon. Stop trying to force folks into a brawling play style. If a person wants to brawl, then there are weapons for that.

#363 DeathlyEyes


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Posted 05 September 2014 - 02:54 AM

Please fix PPCs....
1. Put their Travel speed back up.
2. Increase recycle time to 5 seconds possibly 6.

Fix jump jets while you are at it.

Edited by DeathlyEyes, 05 September 2014 - 02:58 AM.

#364 Reno Blade


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Posted 11 September 2014 - 06:34 AM

View PostReno Blade, on 09 August 2014 - 01:23 AM, said:

I gave you the numbers in the last thread, now lets see the new numbers too. :)

Now after the rollback to >2 the underlined part will fall off and we will have only 19.44 extra heat on the 3rd laser compared to 4.59 before the first hotfix.
Very good numbers.
This will bring the Numbers to this:
1cERLL = 9 heat, 1cERPPC = 15 heat
2cERLL = 18 heat, 2cERPPC = 30 heat
3cERLL = 46.44 heat, 3cERPPC = 57.15 heat

Here is how it looks on a chart compared to before the first patch (orange) and after (light blue) and then now after the rollback (red) and withouth heatscale (dark blue).

Where you could shoot 4 cERLL together for 49 heat you can now only shoot 3 cERLL for 46.44 heat.
Posted Image

Update of the graph for everyone!

Now with the new numbers of the September patch:
Heat multiplier reduced to 4 and base heat increased to 10.

This will bring the Numbers to this:
1cERLL = 10 heat, 1cERPPC = 15 heat
2cERLL = 20 heat, 2cERPPC = 30 heat
3cERLL = 37.20 heat, 3cERPPC = 57.15 heat, 3cLPulse = 33.48 heat

New values is the red line.
Before the patch is the light blue line. (all other lines, see quoted post above).
Posted Image

#365 Drawfire


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Posted 05 December 2014 - 12:11 PM

This is a really old feedback thread, but it seems to be the correct place to post about PPC speed.

I've played for some time with the new PPC speed, as we all have. It had exactly the intended effect: lower the sniping alpha from gauss+PPC assault mechs. The problem is that it heavily hurt many mechs that weren't broken. It hurts any assault that lacks ballistic hardpoints like the Stalker or the Awesome. Worse, it prevents any mech below about 50 tons from sniping at all, as mounting a gauss on a cicada or spider is just about impossible. None of these mech builds were over-powered before the speed changes due to PPC heat.

Since I hate when people don't offer alternatives, here's three:

1. PPCs fired while a gauss is charged, or within 0.5 seconds of a gauss being fired travel at half speed due to "power drain".

2. All mechs that lack ballistic slots get a "PPC/ERPPC travel 1.8 times faster" type quirk.

3. Add dispersion, representing the weapon's "kick". While this is the most complicated, you already have something like it in convergence. To make up some numbers: First shot has "perfect aim". Second shot in 0.5 seconds has a 1 degree (3 sigma) variation. Third shot has a much larger 5 degree variation, etc. Clearly the numbers would need heavy tuning.

I'd start with 1 or 2 personally, though the codeing of (heh) gaussian distributions is quite easy and runs fast.

#366 zudukai


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Posted 22 April 2015 - 03:56 PM

Buff the large lasers! turn that burn time down!

#367 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 22 April 2015 - 04:51 PM

Please increase PPC speed to about 1200m/s, and increase recycle time to 5 seconds.

#368 BigBenn


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 01:15 PM

I agree on the ppc velocity. Crank up the C-ER PPC, IS ER PPC, and slightly increase the IS PPC. Hech, increase all ballistic velocities too!

Edited by BigBenn, 20 May 2015 - 01:16 PM.

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