Step 1 : take your weight, now divide it by 2 {divide by three if you are over 150 pounds(some posters requested this)} (and round up to the nearest 5 or 10), this equals your tonnage. example : i weigh 80 pounds(not true its just a example) i divide that by 2 to get 40 pounds, now its determined i am a 40 ton battlemech.
Step 2 : determining your mech, go to sarna(link below, as you need to finish reading this) click your tonnage, now, use the first letter of your name to decide the name of your mech(the first letter is the first in the mechs name) now go through the mechs and find out which mech with your letter has the most weapon type you have(different loadouts are fine) and your now a mech!

Example : my name begins with "M" soooooooo i am a(you can choose whichever mech you like if there are multiple ones with your letter) Mercury_II
Edit : divide by three if you are over 150 pounds(some posters requested this)
Another Edit(added from a poster because it was a good idea) : those exceeding 300 is to devided by four and for every multiple of 100 divided by one more.
Here is the sarna page you need.
It goes like this,
15 tons : ultralight
20-35 : light
40-55 : medium
60-75 : heavy
80-100 : assault
Post what mech you are!
Ok i did me, guess what? im one of my favorite mechs! The mad dog!
Edited by Mason West, 06 July 2012 - 02:33 PM.